Recent content by monsterfeets | INFJ Forum

Recent content by monsterfeets

  1. monsterfeets

    Researching Strange/Morbid Topics

    My pet topics are death rituals/funerary practices and beliefs about death and the afterlife, and I'm really into neurotheology and the cognitive processes behind dreams and NDE's. Liminal folklore will probably be the focus of my graduate studies. Death and ghosts also have a strong influence...
  2. monsterfeets

    Haha well that's a can of worms :) I certainly am also interested in Objective Truth and...

    Haha well that's a can of worms :) I certainly am also interested in Objective Truth and Real/Not Real. Although I think that subjective experience is also really important, and may be the only way we can learn more about certain objective truths. The afterlife is one of my favorite things to...
  3. monsterfeets

    Thanks! So's yours, dreams are awesome ;)

    Thanks! So's yours, dreams are awesome ;)
  4. monsterfeets

    What do you think you were born to be?

    I was born to go on antique store expeditions and battle transdimensional velociraptors.
  5. monsterfeets

    this is an important person for any person i believe

    I believe in small gods, not a creator of the universe God. Having an authoritarian God poses a lot of moral issues and causes a lot of social problems as well. Smaller gods (like patron deities, and even spirits of places and things) may be capricious, but they're fun, useful and much more...