Recent content by mintsoda | INFJ Forum

Recent content by mintsoda

  1. mintsoda

    Need opinions!

    Does he see the problem with the physical nature of his anger? If he does and is willing to seek some professional guidance, I would encourage it. I think you were wise to distance yourself. Even if you are open to possibly getting back together in the future, I wouldn't suggest as much to...
  2. mintsoda

    Do you hug much?

    So strange. Definitely hug my family. All the time (when they're around). I used to be a big hugger-of-friends as well. I was previously in a long-term relationship with someone who was a serious hug monkey, and I kindof destroyed him when I ended that relationship. Since then, I have a...
  3. mintsoda

    Here's a doozie...Cohabit?

    I do appreciate everyone's responses. Though it's likely that we'll be living together anyway. Primarily because it solves both of our needs in a very practical sense, despite the fact that it may cause a fair amount of emotional discomfort for me in the near and/or long term. My hope is that...
  4. mintsoda

    Here's a doozie...Cohabit?

    This is true, and clearly the greatest concern. I'm not trying to get back together, though I would never object. In some ways, because there would be no line of retreat, I think we would be less likely to get together again while living together. Despite my silly girlishness here, I'm fairly...
  5. mintsoda

    Here's a doozie...Cohabit?

    That is all very "logical" and it may even be a good decision to back away slowly and run for the hills. But this person is essentially a part of me. If we do not live together, it will be more difficult for us to spend time together, because it's such a hassle to travel to see each other and...
  6. mintsoda

    Flirting! :D

    Beautifully put. This is absolutely true for me, as well. Generally, if I bother to make small-talk with someone who I have no obvious reason to speak to...that's flirting. Although I have a smile for everyone and will always respond positively to a cheerful greeting, I rarely initiate...
  7. mintsoda

    Here's a doozie...Cohabit?

    I have a fun story. I was recently in a brief relationship with an INTP who I have known for nearly 10 years. The first 2 years, we were intimately involved. The later 6, we occasionally exchanged fantastic emails. This last year, we are in the same locale again and hang out or email...
  8. mintsoda

    do you expect to be abandoned?

    Amazing. Minus the drama, I feel exactly the same way. Very confident, almost too confident, in my status at work. But as soon as we step outside, the egg turns upside down and I feel like the awkward kid in the corner again.