Recent content by minkowski thermodynamics | INFJ Forum

Recent content by minkowski thermodynamics

  1. minkowski thermodynamics

    Reflections on Ni

    No comments? Are my posts too confusing? I know that clarity in my writing is something that I need to work on (as my professors at college keep oh so "politely" reminding me... ahem) Does it freak you out? I know. I know. I've always been the "odd man out" (or rather odd boy out), even...
  2. minkowski thermodynamics

    Reflections on Ni

    MORE REFLECTIONS ON Ni This is almost an exact copy of something I posted on another forum: The French mathematician Henri Poincare once said , "It is by logic we prove, it is by intuition that we invent." There is also a famous anecdote about Poincare where a deep, important idea in...
  3. minkowski thermodynamics

    Reflections on Ni

    Yep, between you and Indigo Sensor, I believe I now understand the difference between Ni and Fi. Thank you! Fi has a more active component to it. It involves some user participation, whereas Ni just spontaneously comes up from...well wherever it comes from.
  4. minkowski thermodynamics

    Nature as Individuals

    Ha ha....I'm REALLY glad that someone else started this thread. Now, I will look like less of a weirdo (albeit only slightly less so ... ahem). :ohwell: As a little boy I used to make constant solitary walks and vigils through the forest. I used to get vivid "impressions" of the trees around...
  5. minkowski thermodynamics

    have any of you been drawn to the monastic way of life?

    Oh my goodness, Ria. Your post resonated with me so much. I was just about to post a LONG , emotional rant on this forum, but after reading your post, I'm just smiling inside right now. There are actually other people like me out there ! Goodness !
  6. minkowski thermodynamics

    Which specific song truly reflects you?

    hmmm....a song that reflects me. The first time I heard Danse by Debussy, I heard something in it that was akin to deja vu. This is the song that gave me strange dreams about the geometric worlds of Minkowski. It's as if my feelings and the music share the same resonance frequency, and they...
  7. minkowski thermodynamics

    Do certain MBTI types dress certain ways?

    If we want to make generalizations, then I'll say that sensing women tend to be into the more revealing and "girly girl" types of clothing, while their intuitive counterparts are more into the less revealing and androgynous stuff...unless she's in close quarters with someone she loves :redface...
  8. minkowski thermodynamics

    Personality type Mnemonics

    Cool idea for a thread, Pristinegirl. I N ever X zhibit P ain
  9. minkowski thermodynamics

    Reflections on Ni

    We actually have very similar views.To me, there is a distinction between being religious and being spiritual. Organized religion is permeated with man-made rules. You can go to a big church with a rich pastor on TV talking about "give me your $$$money$$$ for Jesus!" and be "religious," but...
  10. minkowski thermodynamics

    Reflections on Ni

    Hey, I'm very glad you shared that. I understand exactly what you mean. When I was a little boy (I was younger than seven because my little brother wasn't born as yet in 1992), I used to go alone into the forest with my Bible and a hand made cross in my hand and God would communicate with me...
  11. minkowski thermodynamics

    Reflections on Ni

    (Since my previous post is a bit long, I'll start a new one) I should add that my Fe score is admittedly quite low. While I do empathize a great deal with people, I use my intuition to empathize rather than emotions per se. For example, if I see a video of children starving, I don't...
  12. minkowski thermodynamics

    Reflections on Ni

    I've never delved into Socionics but perhaps it would help me to sort my type. I think I break MBTI , and I've reached a point where the theory seems a lot less clear cut than I originally thought. There is overlap between Ne and Ni, as well as overlap between Fi and Ni. Whether this is due to a...
  13. minkowski thermodynamics

    Barack Obama won the Nobel Peace Prize

    I don't usually like to go into politics (too much potential for misunderstanding !!!), but I was really intrigued by some of the responses in this thread and around the internet in general about the Nobel prize issue. I have never seen anything else like this in politics. Why does Obama...
  14. minkowski thermodynamics

    How do you know someone is INFP?

    It's not fully conclusive as yet that I'm an INFP. However, I deliberately wrote my response a certain way to illustrate a point. Some people might interpret Naxx's response as INFJ's once again showing how awesome they are compared to the other unwashed plebian MBTI types. I know that this...