Recent content by MBTI Addict | INFJ Forum

Recent content by MBTI Addict

  1. MBTI Addict

    choosing a longterm partner

    I've really enjoyed this thread. I agree about the "being together and not getting sick of each other thing." Long term can be a tricky thing, only because individual needs and desires seem to change so much. So I guess I would look for someone who will go through all of these changes with me...
  2. MBTI Addict

    Boyfriend is Depressed. Calling for Advice From my Fellow INFJs.

    Out of curiosity, have anyone here been the depressed person in a relationship before? What did your SO do in these situations? How did you feel about them before and after the depression?
  3. MBTI Addict

    Boyfriend is Depressed. Calling for Advice From my Fellow INFJs.

    An update. Well, shit. So two weeks went by and he finally emailed me, asking if i wanted to see a movie with him. I agreed and we went and hung out as per usual, but it was so strange. It was like I was seeing him as a regular person. Someone with faults that I wasn't seeing before. The...
  4. MBTI Addict

    INFJ Females: How do you show interest

    Hey Bill Cosby, I think she likes you. That's a big deal when you make advances (albeit incremental) and she doesn't cringe or move away. Keep it simple. There are all kinds of things that could be going through her mind. You can wait until you think you can figure it out or you can just ask...
  5. MBTI Addict

    What Are Your Needs in a Relationship?

    I see people talking about "needs getting met," all the time in the context of relationships. Can we get concrete for a second? What exactly are these specific needs?
  6. MBTI Addict

    What's it like to be you?

    Like chrysanthemums and hot buttered biscuits until I get hurt, then it feels shark week.
  7. MBTI Addict

    Boyfriend is Depressed. Calling for Advice From my Fellow INFJs.

    They say that we ask for advice already knowing what we want to hear. Thanks, everyone. It's very helpful to hear such a wide range of opinions. I definitely need to take better care of myself in relationships. After sleeping on it, I got a text from him this morning saying that he had...
  8. MBTI Addict

    Boyfriend is Depressed. Calling for Advice From my Fellow INFJs.

    Hi everyone, I have a very very lovely INTJ friend who recently became my boyfriend a couple of months ago. Everything was fantastic in the beginning (as per usual for new relationships), but then he got a sports injury. He's had low-lying depression for a couple of years now, but exercising...
  9. MBTI Addict

    INTJs Expressing Feelings/Emotions

    I tested as an INTJ for years, but after some very careful analysis, I have come to the safe conclusion that I am an INFJ. I'm just too damn emotional. My best friend and boyfriend is an INTJ and he is very spare in his verbal affections. They occur only when elicited by me and even then, I am...
  10. MBTI Addict

    Commitment and INFJs. What Gives?

    Sriracha, You hit the nail on the head about the stability thing. My relationships in the past were never stable (I always had one foot out the door even as I went in), but they were definitely passionate and romantic. This relationship now feels so stable that I can still imagine us together...
  11. MBTI Addict

    Commitment and INFJs. What Gives?

    Hi all, Another relationship story here. Hope you don't find it redundant and/or boring, but I guess I'm looking for some empathy from my fellow INFJs. I met my current boyfriend in a class a year and half ago. I had this moment, during our last class where I thought, "I have to have him." I...
  12. MBTI Addict

    INFJs and borderline personality disorder

    BPD in recovery here. I want people know that BPD is not permanent. It takes a lot of work and a lot of patience with oneself, but the hypersensitivity, splitting, avoidance, and anger can all be mediated. I started with DBT and medication 6 years ago and I'm happy to report that I'm finally...