Recent content by lucence | INFJ Forum

Recent content by lucence

  1. lucence

    mixed signals from this INFJ guy?

    Well i meant i was Rulesy about the expectation that if someone wanted to meet up with you, they'd ask you to do so. And if they wanted to date you, they'd be the driving force toward that. A la the Victim-Aggressor dating style (me being the former). But I'm starting to accept that I need to be...
  2. lucence

    Married people or Engaged people only: What MBTI did YOU pick?

    i'm an INFP who was married to an ISFP. The N/F gap meant that i never felt understood, or companioned. so I won't do that again. for future partners, I'm flexible on everything else, but the N is essential.
  3. lucence

    Romance style and MBTI types

    i'm INFP, and identify far more with the victim description than the child.. it seems like not many INFJs are refuting the victim label?
  4. lucence

    mixed signals from this INFJ guy?

    ^good advice, thanks. i took it, despite feeling like a bit of a shmuck, and sent him a 'hope you're feeling better" text. i agree with your assessment of my infp tendencies. however, it still seems to me like a reasonable expectation, no? that if he was interested, he'd ask me out? although i...
  5. lucence

    mixed signals from this INFJ guy?

    huh. he cancelled by text at the literally last minute, saying he wasn't feeling well and we'd have to postpone. sheesh. i'm stepping away from this entirely and leaving it to him to make any further contact (unless anyone advises otherwise)
  6. lucence

    mixed signals from this INFJ guy?

    hm! thanks for that perspective! i did just tonight line up a hangout tomorrow by asking him to invite me over, during a flirt-texting session. he said "you have an invite whenever you want. all i do is work anyway". then i suggested a time, and it's on. he even suggested that i could tag...
  7. lucence

    mixed signals from this INFJ guy?

    Help working out what he wants here, please! ie, why isn't he asking me out again, but texts daily?? Background info - Casual off/on hookup relationship few yrs ago. Me recently single, we flirt online, then meet for a hot hookup (at my prompting). During which we also talk a lot and in...