Recent content by LoganMay | INFJ Forum

Recent content by LoganMay

  1. LoganMay

    Post your Enneagram

    2w1 it seems
  2. LoganMay

    INFJ and number of sex partners.

    It's called pennisilin. Clears up most boils and sores.
  3. LoganMay

    INFJ and number of sex partners.

    4 for me and all were in long term relationships. I can't imagine myself having a one night stand although there have been lonely nights I would have killed for one. I wish that I could be a virgin for the person I will be with for the rest of my life. At the same time I enjoyed most of the sex...
  4. LoganMay

    What are your turn-offs?

    Close mindedness Low Intellect Addiction Consumerism Lack of Originality Lack of Personal Drive Lack of affection of emotionally devoid Permiscuity Selfishness Lack of compassion Christians Scientologists
  5. LoganMay

    Which fictional character would you want to date?

    I think they are. I would have to say Rachal Summers of the X-Men I would love to love. Otherwise I'm a sucker for nerds. Felicia Day, Willow from Buffy are good examples. Oh Maid Marryian from the BBC's Robin Hood.
  6. LoganMay

    Emotional intensity

    This is why most of my closest friends have been women but those same women I never date despite the fact that I would have loved to. I expressed my emotions to them because I could not do the same with men and if I made a move to date them they turned me away because I was not manly enough...
  7. LoganMay

    Do you want more from friendship than people can actually give?

    I am going through a transition period where I have no close friends. It sucks because I've tried to reach out to my friends who I once was inseperable from. I know it has to do in part with the pressure I place on them. I expect them to be like a brother or a sister. I've often compared them to...