Recent content by LazarusHeart | INFJ Forum

Recent content by LazarusHeart

  1. LazarusHeart

    honesty about self

    While I think being honest with yourself is extremely important, and I always try to be as honest with myself as I can, I don't think its always easy - it depends on the situation - sometimes it is so much easy to cope if I am not honest with myself.
  2. LazarusHeart

    Death Penalty.

    What do you mean by I keep answering with something specific from the bible - are you referring to "thou shalt not kill"? You don't have to have read the bible to know the 10 commandments. Yes as I admitted earlier I have limited knowledge of the bible, because of this and the fact that I am not...
  3. LazarusHeart

    Death Penalty.

    Truthfully, I have not read much of the bible. My asking if God exempts some from the commandment of "thou shalt not kill" was framed as a question. I am not a christian and brought up the commentary about God in response to the idea that humans being 'made in God's image' gives some the right...
  4. LazarusHeart

    Death Penalty.

    I don't really understand the argument that people being made in God's image makes the death penalty okay. Does the bible say that some people are exempt from God's commandments if they are punishing someone else for breaking a commandment? Does "thou shalt not kill" apply to the murderer but...
  5. LazarusHeart

    Death Penalty.

    Have you ever heard the saying "an eye for an eye would leave the whole world blind" ? Criminal trials are an interesting thing. I've read quite a disturbing article about juries and how they are bombarded with information during the trial but are not given any of the transcripts to refer back...
  6. LazarusHeart

    Death of Freedom of Speech?

    Maybe you're right, maybe its just that I don't like the outcome that I feel its a violation of freedom of speech. Personally, I would never feel like it is right to try and stop others from reading something just because I consider it objectionable. I also feel that the boycotters have made...
  7. LazarusHeart

    Death Penalty.

    How can we give the message to the younger generations that killing is wrong, if the law deems it okay in certain circumstances? Why do people resort to violent crime? We need to understand why people did what they did in order to prevent them re offending but also to prevent others from taking...
  8. LazarusHeart

    Do you have a mental illness?

    social anxiety, generalised anxiety and depression - under control at present though it wasn't for many years. I haven't had a panic attack or major depressive episode in 3 years yay! I often fear the problems will re-assert themselves, particularly when I am under alot of stress I feel mild...
  9. LazarusHeart

    Death of Freedom of Speech?

    Thank you for reply. You've made some important points. It is important to mention that this book has not been banned, and there are a few retailers that are choosing to stock it. Also the woman whose story is being told is not actually the author of the book and her and the author have stated...
  10. LazarusHeart

    "What other people think doesn't matter."

    I've just finished reading this whole thing and I'm not sure whether you all are talking specifically about whether "what other people think about us" matters or "what other people think in general" Well anyway...I think it most definately does matter, we define ourselves, and our values based...
  11. LazarusHeart

    Death of Freedom of Speech?

    In my country there is a new book coming out. Although not specifically written by the woman involved, its purpose is to share this woman's side of the story, in regards to the violent murder of her twin boys several years ago. Although suspected guilty of the murder she has never been...
  12. LazarusHeart

