Recent content by juju817 | INFJ Forum

Recent content by juju817

  1. juju817

    Boyfriend is Depressed. Calling for Advice From my Fellow INFJs.

    If he just started seeing a counselor than means he is taking the necessary steps to become better(took him long enough....). Although, he has to become pensive and look inward for the answers. He has to be happy before he can make you happy. Communicate the disintegration of the relationship...
  2. juju817

    Planning, Expectations, Disappointment

    I do the same thing but sometimes you strike gold and find a women who has the same tendency. That's big "but" though.
  3. juju817

    Why did God create stupid people?

    "Blind faith is an ironic gift to return to the Creator of human intelligence" -Anonymous
  4. juju817

    Materialistic mysticism - the science of magic

    Well i stand corrected. I saw mysticism/magic and made an presumptuous interconnection which doesn't exist. And yeah, true that on the efficiency remark.
  5. juju817

    Materialistic mysticism - the science of magic

    The conscious mind tricking the lump of tissue that produces it. Crazy. I'm not very knowledgeable on the subject but i do reckon that everything can and will be explained thru neuroscience. I think this concept has too many metaphysically undertones which can severely stigmatize it's...
  6. juju817

    Lost at this juncture of life. Advice?

    Thank you guys for the amicable input! I think i am going to wait it out another year (/like the idea of not rushing). I'm growing healthy habits of self education. This lovely forum showed me, @ Troisi- It's really hard for me not to get influenced by external...
  7. juju817

    What is the emotion that you understand best?

    When I feel any negative emotion my existence becomes apparent. I reckon contemplation and wander does the same. That's when i feel most alive. For me it's very hard to capture happiness esp. in the moment at least. I guess i'm more aware of negative connotative emotions than positive ones.
  8. juju817

    Lost at this juncture of life. Advice?

    Yeah i think this is what im coming to realize. It's good to hear it, thanks.
  9. juju817

    Ha, thanks for the salutations Sali!

    Ha, thanks for the salutations Sali!
  10. juju817

    Love is complex, lets dissect........

    Love is a biochemical chain of events
  11. juju817

    Lost at this juncture of life. Advice?

    I don't have the slightest of interest in any HR fields. Suggest anything else?
  12. juju817

    Lost at this juncture of life. Advice?

    I don't have any friends or family who are adequately equipped to give me any wise or rational advice. From what I've encounter I see their arbitrary biases seep into any suggestion. A mixture of what i want to hear and what's best for them. I also don't want to be burdensome and make them...