Recent content by ixi | INFJ Forum

Recent content by ixi

  1. ixi

    The MOTIV

    Tried it - pretty accurate I'd say. Apparently I'm |M|oEIV. Would have to research a bit more to understand it properly, but fits with what I know of myself. Thanks for posting this :) Your results: Materialistic 86% 54% Offbeat 63% 48% Thinking 20% 51% Intimate 80% 56% Vital 76% 54%
  2. ixi

    The experience of having a rare personality type

    I really envy all you INFJs who live in biiig countries! I live on a tiny island, population less than a million. In my entire life, I've come across one - just one - INFJ. Actually, I've known him for years - he married my ENTP mother, whom I adore - without knowing he was an INFJ. And despite...
  3. ixi

    Is there benefit in taking a child to church?

    Having lived in many different countries as a child, I went to churches all over with my Mum (my Dad is pretty anti-religion). She never forced me to go, and if I didn't want to I was never pressured, and there was no guilt laid on me for not attending. In my teens and twenties I never felt I...
  4. ixi

    What would you like to tell the child you once were?

    yup, totally agree with that one!
  5. ixi

    INFJ Enneagram type 1

    Hooray! I thought I was alone in being INFJ 3w2! Great to know there's others out there! Up till about 5 years ago I would constantly type as a 1 (and when I got very stressed, as a type 6). Then it changed to a 3w2 and I've stayed that way for a good few years. Can't remember my variant though.
  6. ixi

    What kind of Thinker are you?

    Linguistic thinker. As a language teacher who does freelance journalism, copywriting and proofreading, this did not come as a shock!
  7. ixi

    INTJ and INFJ friends or foes?

    How does this quote thing work - hope I did it right! Anyway, I was with an INTJ for 3 years. AAAAGGGHHHH! He was everything I wanted and everything I hated. When it was good it was very, very good, but when it was bad it was soul-destroying! I so totally agree with your quote! When he was in...
  8. ixi


    Hi, I'm new here, so just came across this thread, but it's totally fascinating. Am I allowed to reply? Sorry if I'm way out of date. I have synesthesia very strongly. I only discovered it when my psychology professor covered it. I sat in the back of the class thinking: Doesn't EVERYONE do...
  9. ixi

    What would you like to tell the child you once were?

    "It's going to be okay. It won't be easy, but it's going to be okay." If I had more time, I'd go on and say: "You are important. People love you, even though they don't always show it. Failure isn't the end of the world. Those apocalyptic dreams will continue for the rest of your life, so learn...
  10. ixi

    Which MBTI type are you drawn to?

    Actualized type: INFJ Preferred type: INTJ Attraction type: ESTJ I find it interesting that I'm attracted to ESTJs; my other half is an ISTJ and having read a lot about INTJ and ISTJ interactions, I was despairing (it never seems to work)! So it's good to know I'm attracted to something...
  11. ixi

    You Know You're An INFJ When.... see the new moon, and exclaim to the person next to you: "Wow, look at the moon, it's so beautiful." And they glance at it and say: "Oh yeah, it is." And you reply: "No! LOOK at it, really look!" And they say: "I already did!"... And you can't understand why they aren't completely...
  12. ixi

    What's Your Enneagram Type?

    3w2 Hi, I'm new to the whole forum thing, so I apologise if I get anything wrong! I'm a 3w2, and have never come across an INFJ with such an enneagram type. Just wondering if there's anyone out there... :)
  13. ixi

    Thank you :)

    Thank you :)