Recent content by INFJ7 | INFJ Forum

Recent content by INFJ7

  1. I

    You Know You're An INFJ When....

    When you can see right through someone's bull and others don't, and when the person who is full of it seemingly gets away with their crap.
  2. I

    What do you think about jesus

    You got that tight. He fulfilled all of the Old Testament prophecies and mathematically would be impossible by pure chance. He is coming again and very well may be our lifetime...
  3. I

    Soulmates vs. Being in love?

    I love my husband unconditionally, in that when we go through those periods of "for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health" (I promise every one of those eventually comes up), that my love for him doesn't lessen.
  4. I

    Passionate/logical arguments

    Your "rant" cracked me up. I very much understood it. I am an INFJ but act like an INTJ in the workplace. When I finally get emotional it's because I've let my feelings build up (second guessing the rationality). When I finally do blow a lid, I truly have a reason to. Not saying that is the...
  5. I

    Passionate/logical arguments

    I don't like this question either. I usually answer cold, rational because I like the rational part. The best argument is rational AND passionate!
  6. I

    The Best Advice Ever...

    Regarding the material stuff in life- money, houses, cars, etc- "You can't take it with you....."
  7. I

    eye test

    Deep Down You Are Sensitive You're the type of person who notices everything and forgets nothing. You are very in tune with the world. You feel deeply, and sometimes the silliest things can effect you. You are easily brought to laughter or tears. You don't show the world how fragile you are...
  8. I

    3 things you like, 3 things you don't about being an INFJ... GO!

    Like: Deep Can discern people and situations readily Loving parent Dislike: Easily frustrated by idiotic people Too sensitive Having a career has been very hard
  9. I

    Dear INFJs: Where do you hang out, outside of your home?

    Sitting at a bar by yourself? Makes my heart pound just thinking about it. But, after a couple of drinks, I guess everyone gets a little chattier! lol
  10. I

    Dear INFJs: Where do you hang out, outside of your home?

    Where do I hang out outside of my "cave" as my husband calls it? LOL. Lots of family functions that I have to go to at my parents' house. That wipes me out. Occasionally, I'll walk or have breakfast with a certain friend or a bike ride/grocery store with my husband. Hey, I did go to the...
  11. I

    Who is your best friend?

    My INTJ husband. We met in 7th grade, were great buds in high school, then reconnected and married at 40 after we were both divorced. He totally gets me like no other and thinks I'm great. LOL. He is kind and encouraging when I'm feeling so different from everyone else.
  12. I

    Which MBTI type do you butt heads most with?

    Dont know what type, but the type that was head of Sales and Marketing at my last job. Could not stand him or his personality type! Total fake and a manipulative, conniving idiot!!!!
  13. I

    How do you judge people?

    You Judge People Based on Evidence You know better than to judge a book by its cover, and you don't make snap judgements about people either. You look at the facts, and you try to make educated choices. You never mind admitting that you're wrong. It's hard for you to trust people that you've...
  14. I

    How shy are you?

    You Are 28% Shy You are slightly shy, but overall, your reactions to social situations are normal. You dread difficult social situations, but you still handle them with grace. In fact, no one but your closest friends has any idea that you're actually shy. You do your best to break out of your...