Recent content by Harmony | INFJ Forum

Recent content by Harmony

  1. Harmony

    Supernatural Abilities?

    Without going into details I have had many things that others would describe as supernatural. However I would argue that these experiences are totally natural. Abilities that many of us discard as children because adults convince us that they are unreal. Connections that many of us dismiss as...
  2. Harmony

    Thinking you know yourself and finding out you know nothing

    Knowing yourself is I believe an impossible process. But one it is important to undertake anyway. I can know myself as I am or as I was at any particular moment in time. This does not mean that I will know myself tomorrow. Personality development is not something that terminates abruptly at...
  3. Harmony


    I think for me it's not about wether I am the dumper or the dumpee but rather about the intensity of the emotional connection and the situation of the breakup. My last breakup was definately the most painful ever for a number of reasons. 1) I lost two partners not just one. 2) Six months...