Recent content by happiholic | INFJ Forum

Recent content by happiholic

  1. happiholic

    The Bem Sex Role Inventory Test

    63% masculinity and 40% femininity
  2. happiholic

    First movie that made you cry?

    "My Best Friend's Wedding" Hahaha! I hated that blonde girl with passion and started crying. I didn't even what the story was about but I just hated her. That was when I was six years old.
  3. happiholic

    Signal Patterns

    You are Passionate, Curious, and Introspective. Passionate Curious Introspective Creative Original Intellectual Sympathetic Assertive Understanding Innovative Oooh! I like this one! :)
  4. happiholic

    Purity of Spirit? Old Soul?

    Yup. Been called an old soul. Unfortunately, I'm stuck in a teenager's body. It's ageism I have to deal with. Geez... I really feel out of place.
  5. happiholic

    What is your creative outlet?

    I used to draw a lot when I was little but I lost interest. I was also into playing the violin and piano but now, I wouldn't consider it as my passion. I compose music once in a while but then, I don't write them down so the next day, I forget. I also created layouts for social websites but I...
  6. happiholic

    Phantom Smells

    Have you ever experienced when you smell something even when that someone or something is not present? Sometimes, I can smell my boyfriend's smell out of nowhere even when he is not present. The phantom smells only happen to his smell, nothing else. My first encounter was when I was about to...
  7. happiholic

    Where are you?

    I'm in FOOD land! Look at all the food to eat!! :m103: So beautiful! (And thus, happiholic eats food like no one is lookin') :m148:
  8. happiholic

    Philosophy at school

    Oh yes. Someone whom I am very close to does not like when I am being philosophical with things. She feels that philosophy is a waste of time because I am not making a good use of myself. We always clash into a heated argument when this is brought up. She is after all an ISFJ. I, too, find it...
  9. happiholic

    Philosophy at school

    Straight memorization is torture. It's useless to learn a subject without comprehending the whole purpose and concept behind it. It's being blind. When I was forced to do so, it only went into my short-term memory. Two weeks later, I forget. As an INFJ, I need connections, purpose. It will then...
  10. happiholic

    How fast are you???

    TheLastMohican, you got some speed. As for me, I can only do 33 at the most.
  11. happiholic

    Family Guy

    Because I don't pay much attention to my unfavorite characters, I don't really analyze their MBTI. But, I am sure that Chris and Peter's friends are S. I agree with Peter being an ESTP. Stewie is definitely an INTJ. Brian is a tough one, perhaps between INTP or INFP.
  12. happiholic


    This one might get on your nerves. l_8yPap-k_s
  13. happiholic

    Songs that are your life

    Evanescence: Bring Me To Life _TILCIRspO0 how can you see into my eyes like open doors leading you down into my core where I’ve become so numb without a soul my spirit sleeping somewhere cold until you find it there and lead it back home (Wake me up) Wake me up inside (I can’t wake up) Wake...
  14. happiholic

    Quotes of the Day

    We are perfect in an imperfect way. - Me :bounce: