Recent content by ENT8 | INFJ Forum

Recent content by ENT8

  1. E

    There is an Alternative to Capitalism

    Well Muir, we're gonna have to just agree to disagree on this one. First off, I don't believe half of your causality connections... there is no way to empirically prove many of them. It's like listening to republicans tell democrats that it's their fault it's all this bad, and democrats saying...
  2. E

    There is an Alternative to Capitalism

    lol. looks like you answered me as I was responding to you. I'll dig through and give you a more complete response later...but for now, I'll address this last aspect of your post. Man... you seem to be blind to the fact that there are people in the world who are NOT sociopathic or otherwise...
  3. E

    There is an Alternative to Capitalism

    It's a nice thought really really is. I like it on the whole. But either human nature will have to change, or you'll have to exterminate a large percentage of the population. Because frankly, on a core level... I do not, and will not, ever trust others to take care of my needs...
  4. E

    The Higgs boson and God particle

    Well, I'm pretty sure this is the KC in Kansas if I recall correctly... and I hate to put you on the spot CL...but, it would really depend on how old ya are now... since this was big news in...o0h.. i think about 2005. WHOOPS! I was wrong... it was just Kansas state, not kansas city (there is...
  5. E

    misogyny around the US

    Well, I guess that settles it. I'll get the strychnine, you get the Kool-Aid, and we can meet together for cocktails after work! it is too bad that it seems a fight to the bottom... but I still feel that's part of the U.S. culture. It does sensationalize victimization. victimization IS a very...
  6. E

    misogyny around the US

    It's times like this I'm glad I'm a capitalist. I can rest easier at night knowing that such insecurity is likely holding them back from accomplishing more in this world... and I'm doing my part to make this world a more competitive place, so people like this can be breed out as they start to...
  7. E

    misogyny around the US

    Well on this it seems we totally agree. Frankly, for any man reading this... if treating a women as an equal is somehow worries you regarding your place and position in the world. THEN YOUR A FUCKING PUSSY! As a man, but more importantly, as a human being... I tend to treat everyone with...
  8. E

    misogyny around the US

    other than the abortion issue, I guess I assume these are just a given. Though I could make an argument for circumcision, and it's done almost as a matter of policy in the U.S. For some of the more conservative jewish sects, they do it the old fashioned way... as it wait for the bar mitzfa...
  9. E

    The Higgs boson and God particle

    Ah... the heart of the intelligent design debate was fought in some kansas city community or school district.... oh hm... are you not american? if not, you may not be familiar with what "intelligent design" is... here's a wiki link for ya: the...
  10. E

    The Higgs boson and God particle

    Not opposites... by very very distinct and seperate conceptual entities... yes. And in this case, the word phrase "god particle" has absolutely nothing to do with God, or gods, or religion, or faith, or anything. It is a poorly choosen slang terminolgy used to describe a particular concept in...
  11. E

    There is an Alternative to Capitalism

    Well, ok, i'll bite. I won't ignore your post Saru. But for myself, it's by no means enough to convince me that the overall beneifts of such a country would necessarily outweigh the detractors. Restricting one personal liberty, and having a culture that is more narrow minded regarding social...
  12. E

    There is an Alternative to Capitalism

    Central banks absolutely play a role these days, that is true... but with or without central banks, cycles do still happen, as a matter of fact. Otherwise, there would be no such thing as a "golden age" for a civilization. I will say that central banking policies and actions have done little to...
  13. E

    The Higgs boson and God particle

    Well... just don't tell that to the kansas city school board, lest you rock their unintelligent design boat. Oh wait...I think the members responsible for passing that crock of nonsense have been recalled or lost in subsequent elections. As a christian myself, I do thank God for giving...
  14. E

    The Higgs boson and God particle

    Ya. honestly, the term "god particle" was something the mediawhores at your local mediaMachine became orgasmic over because it would increase ratings more than even their smoking-hot-but-totally-fake-and-overly-perky weather girl could. that name and reference should be stricken from use in any...
  15. E

    Where's the "off" switch??

    As someone who has hired and fired folks in the past, when I did call the references they put down ( I didn't always, but for the more important or permanent positions, I usually did)... I sought to look for a common theme. Because I knew they were "former employment" for a reason. I look at it...