Recent content by Dunechka | INFJ Forum

Recent content by Dunechka

  1. Dunechka

    INTJ girl looking for help regarding INFJ guy

    Yeah, I definitely know what you mean about needing personal time. I'm exactly the same way. I usually need a couple days to figure everything out in my head before I say anything. But that could be a good thing, because as someone who also needs alone time, I understand other introverts need...
  2. Dunechka

    INTJ girl looking for help regarding INFJ guy

    And I'm curious, for anyone who's had a relationship with an INTJ, what kinds of personality difficulties did you have with them? The times that I've seen him have personal issues with someone, he sometimes just avoids them or outwardly ignores them. He doesn't seem to like confrontation all...
  3. Dunechka

    INTJ girl looking for help regarding INFJ guy

    Hahahaa awesome. Most people give me funny looks. In that case, I shall be less hesitant to say my weirdo thoughts. Thanks =D The fact that he seems to actually mean it when he compliments me or shows any amount of admiration is disconcerting, since I'm I bit of a cynic regarding that sort of...
  4. Dunechka

    Musical Imaging

    I wonder if it has anything to do with musical training? I mean, is it more common or pronounced in people who have taken music lessons or actively play and create music? At least more than someone who just listens occasionally for fun. It seems like it would be enhanced by experience in trained...
  5. Dunechka

    INTJ girl looking for help regarding INFJ guy

    Thanks so much, Razare, what you said is really helpful. I have a fair amount of patience and I'm certainly willing to wait and defer to him for leadership. He is rather a good looking fellow, and plenty of other girls have attempted to make him theirs. He told my brother how annoying (though...
  6. Dunechka

    Musical Imaging

    I do this too. I'm pretty sure it's almost impossible to put on paper. It's like having a..visual feeling or something. So weird, I can't explain it. But I know what you mean. I hadn't really thought about it that much until now, but you're right. It does have a lot to do with whether or not I...
  7. Dunechka

    INTJ girl looking for help regarding INFJ guy

    Greetings, INFJs! I come seeking insight. I