Recent content by Drone | INFJ Forum

Recent content by Drone

  1. Drone

    What's the reason for non-INFJ's being part of this website?

    I found this place by chance and I have come to enjoy it. While I think the site should be a majority INFJ's it helps conversation to have people coming from radically different view points. While some of you drive me up the wall I would not change for a second who drives me up the wall :D...
  2. Drone

    Men's Fashion.

    Its a good deal. For young guys looking to get suit that fit them. Looking good is important. Another small thing that makes a difference is buy a moisturizer and put it on before bed. Help to keep wrinkles down and dry skin to a minimum.
  3. Drone

    Men's Fashion.

    I agree with pin. Notice to young guys. Mens warehouse has a great deal where you can get two completely custom suits for $800. You choose everything.
  4. Drone


    Topics like this are great. I have such a hard time understanding y'all. I am an uncaring guy with this whole gender politics. It all just seems like artificial upset.
  5. Drone

    President Donald Trump

    Oh heck yes.. I love political wrestling. Lets get some suplex's going!! Forget the issues and lets yell at each other!
  6. Drone

    Reading "Mythology" By Edith Hamilton.

    Reading "Mythology" By Edith Hamilton.
  7. Drone

    Some member's odd habit of posting right wing propaganda and his nonstop cultivation of it.

    It is not so much they effect the decisions but they elect the people who sit on the US senate committee on Armed Services. People who directly influence the military and the polices they enact. Yes and those are good people at heart and it is a patriotic duty. The whole point of being a...
  8. Drone

    Some member's odd habit of posting right wing propaganda and his nonstop cultivation of it.

    My hot take on politics.. Change who gets the vote. 1 vote PER family. If you live with your parents you don't get a vote. If you live on your own with a wife or husband. You get one vote between the both of you. The the goal being. A family with children will think more about the longevity...
  9. Drone

    Living the Single life.

    Living the Single life.
  10. Drone

    Why do we become what we hate?

    I really love the two wolf's story however I feel rather then a battle its an attempt to keep both well fed and in harmony. Yes they disagree but without one of them you lack key emotions or over representing of certain ones. If you starve the "angry" wolf then you would begin to erode your...
  11. Drone

    What kind of philosophy do you enjoy the most?

    Not easy to understand but easy to define as a subject or school of thought. In fact I would argue most of philosophy is in favor of "divine" or raging against it. It is quite difficult to understand the many approaches different races and cultures have toward the same topics. Not only that but...
  12. Drone

    What kind of philosophy do you enjoy the most?

    Happy phantom I would disagree with that picture on all accounts. Philosophy is the love of wisdom. It is a field and a way of life always asking questions on the topics of life and existence. Its like being in a room of cats and trying to find the one that you like the most and playing with...
  13. Drone

    What kind of philosophy do you enjoy the most?

    Why not both? :)