dMP2 | INFJ Forum


I'm quiet definitely and INFJ (though I probably come across as an INTJ).
In descending order, which 6 things could you never do without?
My wife and my beliefs.
What would be your epitaph?
In order to prove the principles of logic, you'd have to use the principles of logic. Incidentally, this is a logical fallacy called begging the question... In conclusion faith, being necessary to accept logic, has a very logical place in the world.

I guess you could get technical and start with one principle of logic and from it prove the others... But, still you can't use it to prove itself without being logically fallacious. You have to accept at least that one principle on faith.

So, even the greatest scientists aren't without some faith. It's only logical. The wisest scientists understand this.

Incidentally, faith is probably one of the most misunderstood concepts (by scientists and people in general)... But, that is another discussion that I don't particularly care to have at the moment.
