Recent content by Daria88 | INFJ Forum

Recent content by Daria88

  1. D

    Are humans pack animals?

    It's very similar to wolves. We are social and hierarchical creatures. We evolved with a strong need to belong to the pack.
  2. D

    When are you being extroverted and when are you just spoiling others experience?

    I think that two people sitting at a table both looking at their phone is one of the saddest sights. And also alcohol is awesome if used correctly.
  3. D

    Direct democracy - the only true democracy?

    Democracy doesn't work if the majority is dumb. I would make voting a privilege you have to earn by doing an IQ test or some other basic knowledge test.
  4. D

    The, er, bunker in the woods?

    Yugoslavia's Tito had a similar bunker in Bosnia. it looks in much better shape
  5. D

    What's Your Study Style?

    I also got intellectual.
  6. D

    are you a free spirit or have you dated one?

    Yes I'm a free spirit but never dated one. It's hard to find another one like me.
  7. D

    IMO women have some very very big issues

    What do you mean they have issues? It's not her fault.
  8. D

    INFJs and Overanalysis

    Every INxx can fall into that pit of over-analyzing and not acting enough.
  9. D

    Why are so many INFPs delued that they are INFJs?

    maybe some INFPs like to believe their room is tidy even though it's not hehe just kidding :D
  10. D

    What book(s) are you currently reading?

    I'm reading this book pretty fascinating so far. Maybe even life changing.