Recent content by daniel777 | INFJ Forum

Recent content by daniel777

  1. D

    How do you imagine People on this Forum?

    absolutely, you're not alone there..... so, i take it you're not a girl who likes to throw rocks at people?
  2. D

    How do you imagine People on this Forum?

    i haven't been here long enough to know anyone, so i'm going to generalize. :D infj women: you all wear green cassocks with big red belts; red high-heals and have big, fluffy, purple hear.... and you wear glasses. infj men: you all wear black... just black, and a blue ball cap. and you cry a...
  3. D

    Wisdom and Pain

    well, wisdom doesn't have to come from pain. if you're stupid, and you don't want to learn from your pain, then you won't grow in wisdom... you're bound to repeat the same mistake again. so, wisdom doesn't "need" to come from pain.... you're not stupid though, and you chose to grow in wisdom...
  4. D

    The Burden of Proof

    < rationalist
  5. D

    INFJ Plot to Dominate the World.

    we all become psycs and redefine all social norms to fit our agenda. . . . or we all become writers and redefine the world that way. command over words/language = power. ... i'm not feeling very imaginative today. :/
  6. D

    How does your anger feel to you?

    very few things make me angry, but when i do get angry, i become very vengeful and manipulative. that's extremely rare though, and don't mess with my friends. lol
  7. D


    my exact same story actually. 0_o. i'm new to these forums, and i'm used to being the odd man out, but . . . . i kind of like not being the only oddball for a change.
  8. D

    "For every good thing an INFJ can do, s/he can think of seven more reasons to not do it"

    i find this is too true for myself on too many occasions.
  9. D


    what is a stone cold fact? a group of people can believe a certain thing is true, but perceive that one thing in completely different ways. to each person, that one "fact" could mean something completely different. i personally don't have a problem with evolution like some people seem to...
  10. D


    what is a "religion"? do all religious people follow a specific religion? . . . . or do any two followers of a specific religion hold the exact same theology? i tend to view being "religious" as a mindset rather than a set standard for living. It's a mindset that simply says "there's more to...