Recent content by Cosima | INFJ Forum

Recent content by Cosima

  1. Cosima

    What faction do you belong (Divergent)?

    DIVERGENT, Highest Abnegation and Amity and then Erudite. Not very truthful and brave..:D
  2. Cosima

    A question for religious folks

    I don´t think that their existence would be a problem for my religious beliefs but their ideas and concepts could be. Though I believe that human brain and I guess alien brain also is made primarily for survival and not for total understanding of god or everything around us. God is ultimate...
  3. Cosima

    Rich vs Poor: what they read

    I think these types of articles and blogs represent "fast food" for mind just as low quality fiction proving "shocking" correlations and facts, when there is much to discuss.
  4. Cosima

    How do you feel about cat calling?

    I was suprised and shocked when I saw this video. I´ve thought, that catcalling is not an issue but after watching this video I realized I have never experienced it in this scale. This is not cat- calling. This is violiation of privacy and personal space.I come from small country and never...
  5. Cosima

    What does the avatar above you make you want to do?

    Miss my douchebag cat I used to have.
  6. Cosima

    Why don't women make the first move?

    I think I spoiled my man by making first move. :) But I certainly like when someone makes first move.I think, when done right, it can show confidence and positive attitude. It reveals you are not afraid to lose and be rejected and that is sexy.
  7. Cosima

    checking in with friends

    My struggle recently. I tried to be a social engineer and manage my friends so our interaction would make me and them happy. My boyfriend tried to convince me to be more social. Since I am trying to understand myself better I listen to him less. I won´t ever by extroverted like him. In my...
  8. Cosima

    Which type did you lose your virginity to?

    ENFJ and still with me.
  9. Cosima

    must we have a 'passion'?

    If you don´t miss passion and you are satisfied with life in general, there is nothing wrong. Make life that suits you, not one others want for you.
  10. Cosima

    Is the fantasy genre and fantasy gaming racist?

    Just overthinking. I don´t think it is effective to force modern pseudo-multiculturalism opinions into every aspect of life. Races in fantasy works, because they are archetypes of our thinking. We like to identify with hero and his special kind and we want our enemies to be monsters.
  11. Cosima

    People who are only interested in one thing at a time

    Actually, I had an discussion with a friend of mine once and she stated that definition of masculinity in person, is that he/she can focus on a thing at the time and be be good at it. And definition of femininity is that person have lots of interests. I did not agree and but I could not at the...
  12. Cosima

    Dream interpretation

    Thank you for analysis. I thinks it is more psychological and more internal. I am ignoring my gut feeling recently and it is manifesting itself quite harsh in my dreams.
  13. Cosima

    Dream interpretation

    I had I dream last night about me climbing London Eye with person or a friend, I did not recognize him or her. I have never been there. I my dream it was more like a giant ladder. When I was finally up there I suddenly realized I have no permission to be there. When I was looking and a glass...
  14. Cosima


    Homeschooling is not for everyone but it is very good option nowadays. Education should be about choice and of course there should be some standards but not at the expense of variety. I am from Europe,specifically Slovakia and I have some not very nice experiences from standardized schooling. It...
  15. Cosima

    What does the avatar above you make you want to do?

    listen to a murmur of the sea