Recent content by Complicated | INFJ Forum

Recent content by Complicated

  1. Complicated

    I can't dance

    I never thought of trying :m162:
  2. Complicated

    First movie that made you cry?

    Korean Movie Classic didn't know i can felt so strongly. A very good and sad movie nonetheless
  3. Complicated

    You know your close to someone when...

    you know you're close to someone when you realized a part of you will not be complete if she doesn't exist.
  4. Complicated

    how do you feel when someone is mad at you?

    If someone important to me and have deep feelings for are mad at me I will feel really guilty and somehow would try to put the blame on myself even though I am only partly at fault with it. I will dwell on it too and try to make things right again (but honestly its hard to fix something that is...
  5. Complicated

    Attention INFJ Males : [borrowed]

    1) Where are you likely to be found outside of the Internet? My job or probably hanging out with a small group of friends or religious community 2) How does one recognize you in public? I'll probably be the one at the corner away from the spotlight or can be seen chatting with a small group of...