Recent content by Colt | INFJ Forum

Recent content by Colt

  1. Colt

    Say something nice about people you disagree with politically

    I think that the vast majority of those who are anti-gun truly do believe regulation would lead to less violence. I don't agree, but I think their heart is in the right place.
  2. Colt

    Bump stocks for guns

    People fail to realize how many guns there are in the US. If you could somehow make guns disappear and I mean completely disappear, I believe that the world would be a better, safer place. The reality is that you can’t make that happen, criminals will always get guns just like drug addicts will...
  3. Colt

    Clinton vs Trump, Trump vs Clinton

    I find both abhorrent. I voted Johnson/Weld.
  4. Colt

    Which do you prefer: Noise cancelling or Studio/"Purist" headphones?

    My favorite headphones are Sony MDR-7506 Studio headphones, but they do tend to be flat for general music listening. If you want something where the balance is nice for simple listening I'd personally go with the Audio-Technica ATH-M50x definitely nothing noise canceling though.
  5. Colt

    Beauties talking beauty

    I find raw unrefined coconut oil to be one of the best moisturizers out there. Just don't put it on your face as it can cause breakouts there.
  6. Colt

    Public Executions & The Death Penalty

    I don't know about making it a spectacle per say. But I've watched some documentaries about the horrible things gangs do to innocent people and it makes me wish that a large police or military force would just come into these gang ridden areas, and find the known gang members and put a bullet...
  7. Colt

    best love song . . . ever
  8. Colt

    Post your mood in music format
  9. Colt

    Favorite comfort food?

    Oooooooooo, the chips and salsa for me as well. It sounds weird but I like to mix a little salsa into ranch and eat chips with that as well.
  10. Colt

    flaunt your privilege

    I was born in a first world country. I was born into an upper middle class family. I was born with no mental or physical handicaps. Those are the biggest ones, but for some reason those never come up in conversations about "privilege", /shrug.
  11. Colt

    The Walking Dead

    I liked the episode as a whole, but the ending definitely ruined it. A cliffhanger would have been fine if they hadn't been stringing us a long, but at this point it's just frustrating.
  12. Colt

    Cruz VS Trump

    I can't stand either one of them, I do find Trump to be unintentionally hysterical, but a president is there to be a president, not a comedian. Cruz scares me even more because of his religious fanatical-ism. Either way I think the republican party is in a bad way right now, I had high hopes for...
  13. Colt

    Presidential candidate discussion for 2016

    Because I don't think Sanders will actually have a shot at winning if he's not the democratic nominee, and I'd rather bolster the percentages for the libertarian party in the election if my vote isn't going to contribute towards a possible winner. I'm mainly a libertarian in philosophy...
  14. Colt

    Presidential candidate discussion for 2016

    If Bernie wins the democratic nomination I'm voting for him, if Clinton wins I'm voting for Gary Johnson. I would have voted Rubio over Clinton, but I won't vote for trump or cruz at all.
  15. Colt

    Check Your Privilege

    I don't really understand the point of this whole privilege thing. It just seems like a way to try and make people feel shitty about themselves and diminish their accomplishments in life. What is the end goal of getting people to "acknowledge their privilege"?