Recent content by Bubs | INFJ Forum

Recent content by Bubs

  1. B

    INTJ with Disconnected INFJ Wife

    Thank you, ALL, for these wonderfully helpful and well-thought out responses. This gives me a lot of hope, and a LOT of different things to work on and try. I appreciate everyone taking the time out to share your insights into this situation. I also appreciate everyone who helped "translate" my...
  2. B

    INTJ with Disconnected INFJ Wife

    Thank you all for the replies. I really appreciate you guys taking the time out to respond in a helpful way. Ya know, i think this is very close to what she means. Thank you for putting it in these words. It still seems very abstract and nebulous to me, but I can least start to wrap my head...
  3. B

    INTJ with Disconnected INFJ Wife

    No, the kids are the one thing she agrees that we do a fine job together on. I think it's more along the "take charge, take control, be a man, save her from herself" emotional train. She does feel like she "has to be in control again" now though. Her prevailing sentiment is that I either can't...
  4. B

    INTJ with Disconnected INFJ Wife

    No, nothing like that. Not a physical gift, like a present. I think this has to do with something emotional. I really don't know. She refuses to go into detail about it anymore. Yes, this is what I'm focusing on now. Her emotional reactions are very strong and intense, and she can swing the...
  5. B

    INTJ with Disconnected INFJ Wife

    BTW, this was one of those things she asked for that she feels I never delivered. She had wanted me to "take charge" and "be a man." She was looking to be more submissive, in general, to help alleviate some of those stresses. It didn't work out, despite my efforts. Seems I did the wrong things...
  6. B

    INTJ with Disconnected INFJ Wife

    Ha ha, no insurance in our family. We do a Medi-Share approach. Looks good, thanks for the rec. Good ideas, but none that will fly. Family is too far. We do have a great network of friends, but we all have kids and equally busy lives. We also live in the country, 45 minutes away from...
  7. B

    INTJ with Disconnected INFJ Wife

    Thanks for the quick replies! Stu -- yes, I am trying to understand her. Very much. I just have so much trouble seeing past the words that are said to what she really means by them. My guess is that is why she says she's never heard. How can I start doing that? Eventhorizon -- yes, she was...
  8. B

    INTJ with Disconnected INFJ Wife

    I am an INTJ male in my 30s, married for over 13 years to an INFJ, also in her 30s. We have 4 kids (just had #4 a few months ago). We’ve been mostly fin our married life, although we overcame a few rough patches in the first 4 years. Things had been fine for a long while. Then, about 18 months...