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  • Chulo means "handsome boy" in spanish. What crazy things come to your mind? And just FYI this is what a real American wrestler looks like:
    PJs = Pearl Jam? Yeah, they are never very far from the playlist really. I can put Ten on anytime. It's a go-to album.

    I know what you mean but I have found I few bands I like by just going randomly to a show when I didn't know who they were. But I have to be in the mood for heavy music so a whole long weekend and everything that goes with it is pretty unappealing to me right now but I would go to a festival again I think. I would like to go to a reggae one maybe, with camping etc. That would probably be pretty chilled out. There's one called One Love Festival. I don't know where, a secret location for now, but it is down south. The location sucks though because I don't drive so I can't buy tickets if I don't know how awkward it will be. These things are sometimes really in the middle of nowhere and not always with great transport. It looks small though so I doubt it will sell out. I bet the porkers would be sniffing around there the whole time though! :rolleyes:

    If you don't want pain, you don't understaaaaaand
    *tickles* You make sense, and yes I do see the funny in it :p
    btw <3 the Pearl Jam, thank you
    When I grow my mustache out and wear a bandana one of my coworkers calls me Hulk Hogan. It doesn't help that I can do the voice when I am so inclined, misspent youth.
    I kind of go to and from heavy music. It might even be seasonal, I've never thought to keep track of the patterns.

    I'd give up after, like, 3 days and just try to make conclusions anyway though in all likelihood. But they'd be right for sure. :haha:

    But yeah, that's a really good song. I've been listening to Danzig again recently too. I was a big Iron Maiden fan when I was younger too. They're playing in June this year (I think) not too far away at a festival. I've been to the festival before but I don't fancy camping this time, I'd just go to see Maiden and whoever else is on that day. I've seen them once before but the atmosphere was rubbish. It's not really they're fault, the show was good. The crowd at this festival was good when I went before though so I think it could be cool. It's basically the festival that used to be known as 'Monsters of Rock'...but it's called Download Festival now. Still, they get good bands! might take me a little while to reply but I had to say that the phrase "Here we have riddles, don't we?" really made me smile!

    I don't know why, it's just a funny thing.

    It was going a bit slow yesterday. I remember when I was replying but it is there in my sentbox so I can resend it if you didn't actually get it.
    I have one message from you titled 'a song' and I replied to that but then that's all I got or sent.
    By the end of that day I was covered in red clay. That photo I was having to support myself in the hole with my left arm and dig out the runners with my right, all the while my sweat was following gravity... my female coworker was having fun with the camera. :p


    Sorry, I was kind of high last night and this with his voice popped into my head and really made me laugh to myself!

    I remember you had a profile pic of Mickey and Mallory before, right?

    I haven't even seen it in about six months! What a mad thing to just pop into my head! :lol:
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