Recent content by Atlas | INFJ Forum

Recent content by Atlas

  1. Atlas

    One Word

  2. Atlas

    Perception is reality: True or False?

    Perception is absolutely not reality, in fact sometimes i feel like all i do is battle against perception being reality. First, most peoples' perception is inaccurate. Second, the facade, which is what average people perceive, hides what's beneath. Third, there are massive, falsifying entities...
  3. Atlas

    Can you force yourself to be attracted to someone?

    No, I can't. Have been with wonderful girls who have had great qualities, with whom i wanted to stay, tried to force attraction, and focus on the good qualities, but couldn't manage to do it. just pushed things past a comfortable leaving place.
  4. Atlas

    the more you know...

    Sorry, I know this question was only asked of infj's, but this topic rings close to me. I'll probably mimic what's already been said. if the core qualities that i desire are there in a person, the more i get to know them, most likely the more i'll like them, and forgive their minor flaws. if...
  5. Atlas

    "True love exists." True or False?

    It know it exists because I've never felt it. Never felt it because I've never been with a truly compatible woman. I know it exists because I can picture my truly compatible woman and I know I would love her unconditionally, and truly.
  6. Atlas

    Am I considered a pervert?

    I find thoughts of forcing anything on anybody disturbing, and hinting at other problems not relating directly to sexuality. If they're really nothing more than thoughts then maybe it doesn't matter and you're free to enjoy the fantasy. If however it has crossed your mind to attempt it...
  7. Atlas

    Detecting and dealing with Fakeness

    I could not have phrased how I feel about fakeness better than your words. Unfortunately I believe it's the norm more than the exception. How do I deal with it? I think that when you react to or mirror something, you only encourage it further. When I'm new to an environment or group of...
  8. Atlas

    Typing USA Network character dramas

    I can only comment on Monk. ISTJ. He's not creative, poetic, or intuitive, but is acutely aware of every detail around him. Only a die-hard sensor has the ability to notice a hair out of place like Monk.
  9. Atlas

    Anybody ever date a INTJ?

    ive never dated an intj girl, but my best friend is an intj and his wife is convinced that we're gay together, does that count? :mjedib:
  10. Atlas

    On your own

    Congratulations, this sounds like the making of a big adventure if you want it to be!
  11. Atlas

    Do you expect too much or too little?

    I've been programmed to believe that I expect too much lately. If you're single and over 30 (not by much dammit!!) you're standards must be unrealistic right? All my ex girlfriends tell me I'll always be single because of this. My friends and even my mom does too. I'm starting to believe this...
  12. Atlas

    How does one ask someone out?

    I don't think you need to stress or over complicate asking this guy out. Let me contrast asking a guy and a girl out. when asking a girl out there's a witch's brew of idiosyncrasies going on inside her head about you. one wrong word or vibe could ruin it, no matter how little sense it makes to...
  13. Atlas

    Court ruled a 14 year old Dutch girl cannot sail around the world solo

    Laws, regulations and rulings hinder practicality 99% of the time to save things 1% of the time. Sailing around the world is inherently dangerous. Should anybody do it at any age? Where should the line be drawn?
  14. Atlas

    What's inside the room of your soul?

    Your Soul is Searching You are a wanderer. You constantly long for a new adventure, challenge, or even a completely different life. You are a very grounded, responsible, and realistic person. People may not want to hear the truth from you, but they're going to get it...
  15. Atlas

    How do you feel about flirting

    :-) I was kidding about the dry humping, but I'll try the "touch her in a few places to gauge how she likes it". What's the worst that could happen, arrest and banishment from the city?