Recent content by astrelune | INFJ Forum

Recent content by astrelune

  1. astrelune

    In the office

    I worked in a restaurant, so I was required to be neurotically happy all the time, ready to greet the customers... I admit that it did help me to become better at talking to people in general, since I was forced to do it. Without that job, I might have never built up enough confidence to be ok...
  2. astrelune

    difficulty finding a practical career??

    My family owns a business, and it's not nearly as easy as you make it sound. It's a huge responsibility and source of stress, I know from seeing how it effects them and from working in it myself. But they're also in a tough industry- maybe another type of business could be good for me. I also...
  3. astrelune

    Do You Practice Chinese Martial Arts?

    I've always wanted to learn martial arts, but I don't have access to a teacher. Are there any good DVDs out there to learn from that really teach (not those videos of masters doing it really fast without explaining), and are also a fun workout?
  4. astrelune

    difficulty finding a practical career??

    That's true- there have been quite a few things where other people seemed to think I was much more competent at something than I felt. I've been trying to figure out why I lack confidence even when I have high standards and pay attention to detail, when other people have all this confidence...
  5. astrelune

    You Know You're An INFJ When....

    Even if any objective source would agree that they fully deserved it. OR Even if they've probably already forgotten about it.
  6. astrelune

    difficulty finding a practical career??

    That's very true. I've been meaning to get back into the arts for many years now, but never seemed to get around to it- probably some resistance there, but now that I'm aware I can work self-expression into my life, even if it is slowly. As far as being an expert goes, I'm very much aware of...
  7. astrelune

    difficulty finding a practical career??

    Apone - that's rough having a job you don't like. I was in the hospitality industry for over 3 years after college because I didn't know what to do with my degree (and summers before graduation)- I hated it so much. Some days I could feel my energy draining out of me, like I was dying inside...
  8. astrelune

    [quiz] Pick a watercolor

    You Are Highly Colorful You are intensely alive and very passionate. You are optimistic about the world and about people. You feel very connected to others, and you tend to be a harmonizing force. You are vibrant and receptive. You are ready for whatever the world has to offer you.
  9. astrelune

    difficulty finding a practical career??

    Has anyone else had difficulty identifying practical interests and strengths that could lead to a successful career? And has anyone had this problem and gotten over it?? I want to go back to school, and although I have no problem identifying the many things I would love to study...
  10. astrelune

    What religion do your personal beliefs resemble?

    1. New Age (100%) 2. Taoism (88%) 3. Neo-Pagan (83%) 4. Unitarian Universalism (83%) 5. New Thought (81%) 6. Liberal Quakers - Religious Society of Friends (63%) 7. Mahayana Buddhism (62%) 8. Secular Humanism (58%) 9...
  11. astrelune

    What Chess Piece Are You?

    The Queen's Rook Congrats! Only 5-6% of the population score this!
  12. astrelune

    You Know You're An INFJ When....

    And when you finally find other black sheep, you realize that you're something else entirely
  13. astrelune

    What office supply are you?

    You Are a Calculator No matter what someone tells you, you're likely to focus on facts and data. You're a highly analytic person. You are only concerned with what you can know for sure. You look at situations objectively, and you have no problem approaching problems from multiple angles. You...
  14. astrelune

    Videos on common INFJ mistypes.

    I can totally relate to the Ti description, in that I can logically analyze any situation, regardless of if that situation could have ever even occurred in the first place, and regardless of if I actually believe in it myself. I tend to look at everything as if it could be true, because...
  15. astrelune

    Conflicts Make You Explode?

    I'm awful with conflicts. I have no idea how to handle them. I think a lot of my problem is the fact that I would never intentionally do anything mean or disrespectful to anyone, so I've started expecting other people to act the same towards me- and then when they become hostile or make...