Recent content by Arg | INFJ Forum

Recent content by Arg

  1. Arg

    Why don't INFJs fit into society

    Is sitting in the tub in a drunken stupor count as ennui? Every time I do something something bourgeois I feel embarrassed. Like some fucking Frenchman is in the bathroom nonchalantly watching me pee while Salvador Dali is riding a fucking tricycle on the ceiling.
  2. Arg

    Life in the Middle Ages

    We still have cock fights where we live, and not the gay kind.
  3. Arg

    Psychic Abilities Anyone?

    I think walking around the dark could develop them or if your just to damn bored to do anything else. Cool shit goes on in dark rooms.
  4. Arg

    Historic Monuments/Sites You'd Like To Visit

    I'm thinking about going back to Scotland to see Skara Brae.
  5. Arg

    Which Ancient Religion Does Your Spirit Belong To?

    Egyptian Exotic and Bold, your spiritual connection to patterns aligns you most with the Egyptian ways of religion. With a spiritual mindset that wavers between monotheistic and polytheistic, your spirituality is more about grasping the...
  6. Arg

    Why don't INFJs fit into society

    They do fit into society. It's kinda like, because they're already in it.
  7. Arg

    Opinions of Ayn Rand's Philosophy

    I make so much money I'm astounding.
  8. Arg

    cause I is bored

    For a hundred years or more the world, our world, has been dying. And not one man, in these last hundred years or so, has been crazy enough to put a bomb up the asshole of creation and set it off. The world is rotting away, dying piecemeal. But it needs the coup de grace, it needs to be...
  9. Arg


    Excellent, I'm way too stoned/drunk to monitor myself right now. I feel bubbly, this is Arg at his most bubbly!:mhula:
  10. Arg


    No it doesn't. It's my personality and I usually come across as an asshole when it wasn't intended. I'll have to be more careful.
  11. Arg


    Dead pan humor isn't you peoples thing. Is it?
  12. Arg


    Uzi totting insane. Don't mind me my Prozac hasn't kicked in yet.
  13. Arg


    Yes they are, they perpetuate the world's affairs and keep human rights intact so slackers like me can get stoned and watch cartoons...God bless them.
  14. Arg


    Do ENFJs even get shitfaced? I suppose they could, nothing would prevent them from doing so. But I can't see them lamenting the end of a glass of beer. They're moderate careful folk, like squirrels packing away nuts for the winter.
  15. Arg


    Bubbliness is overrated anyhow, it's indicative of a depraved culture. Let's all just gaze cynically at the bottom of an empty beerstein.