Recent content by Amandapanda801 | INFJ Forum

Recent content by Amandapanda801

  1. A

    Preparation thread for interviews and psychometric tests

    If anyone has a psychometric website they know of that helps people with their careers and can prepare someone for those psychometric test interviews write it down!! More and more companies are now using psychometric tests to evaluate people and I think everyone should be aware and prepared the...
  2. A

    What part of Fall (season) are you?

    My birthday cake.. Cause i'm born in the fall.. Actually fireworks for Guy Fawks day!
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    Personality Disorder Test

    So i'm apparently an anti-social, narcissistic, paranoid, avoidant, obssessive-cumpulsive girl... See I might be a little of those but when I read the descriptions I just seem plainly crazy.
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    The strangely accurate personality Test

    INFP You scored 56Introversion, 55 iNtuitiveness, 71 Feelingnessand 50 Judgingness! INFP's are extremely rare. The reason why it is such a rare type is that Introversion and Perceiving define an INFP but they are two forces that are at odds with each other. INFPs are careful...
  5. A

    Do we relive the first time loves?

    I'm sorry about your first love, my first childhood love died as well at the age of six... Very sad day. Anyways from then on i've been dating blonde hair men even though I find myself attracted to those dark men. Go figure.
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    How Can I Gain Weight?

    Haha I hate people like you... I'm a 5'7 woman at 121lbs and I do my best to keep it that way and my brother, like you, is 5'8 and super skinny and can't seem to gain weight. He's also a vegetarian so eating nothing but tofu and veggies doesn't help but I think you just need to eat FAT FAT FAT...
  7. A

    Does everything happen for a reason?

    My motto is, "if it's meant to be then it's meant to be".. I've been in a serious relationship for the past two and a half years and for about half of the relationship my boyfriend and I have been away from each other in different countries. Whenever this has happened, we have just gone with the...