A.Mirka24 | INFJ Forum


I am an INFJ personality type. Everything that I have read about them in the past 3 hours applies to me. Every detail. I would like to talk to people alike. All my life I have never met anyone like me. Many people have said they have never met anyone like me, I am weird, and even that I am crazy. They simply just do not understand how our minds work. Just how complex we are. We are so complex to even our own selves sometimes we simply rely on our intuition even when our mind is still pondering the thought. We are so complex, yet for us it is just common sense and knowledge. Others have told me I way over think things. I could go on about how I am unable to do that.

I also have OCD. Very much an INFJ. I like things a certain way. However, I my modesty tells me to deal with others differences and I do not battle with that conflict and it certainly is not difficult for me to deal with. I am always right, because I understand everything. Many think that I am naive or arrogant. Honestly, they just do not realize just how honest I am being with them.. I do not hold it against them though and have great patience because no one understands us.

I want to go to school for many things.
I would much rather be great at many things, as opposed to just one things. I want to be great and successful and independent. I don't think I could accept anything less than that of myself.
I just focus on improving every aspect of my life, while serving God, and still being able to manage being friends with almost every type of person there is and get along with them all.

I do not think many people would be able to do manage that much and stay mentally alert and focused like we INFJ's can. It is something that just comes naturally to us. And we speak about what we know not to be cocky or stuck up, no, simply just to help others learn and help other's become better people. It also gives us a time of reflection. So we teach other's little steps because that is all they can handle, while we receive revelation after revelation on ourselves and everyone on our life. In effect, we are able to counsel any and everything with absolute great advice..all while still always bettering and improving ourselves, no one realizes we focus so much on perfection.
Absolutely Not.
In descending order, which 6 things could you never do without?
God.)Order.)Peace.)Great Health.)Showers.)Cell Phone.)

...Off the top of my head.
I feel like I have expressed all these things.
