The power to control and grant immunity to any form or consequence of willed power or influence to whoever or whatever I want.
Would that be freedom or control I wonder? Ha.
Freedom, if it merely comes down to control of one's own life, (with the bounds of what falls into your life's right of possession conveniently veiled, as well as having similar freedoms for others from your influence neglected,) is through method an issue of craving power and controlling relationships. It isn't about equal freedom, and thus not about freedom itself. Thus that argument for freedom as we tend to encounter it usually comes at the cost of truth and truth between people. Power and control in the name of fighting power and control, or self deception and deception of others in the name of enlightened intelligence or furthering freedom to manage ones own life from others ill earned influences.
*Laughs sadly at the horror of if such a person truly was the best humanity has to offer in terms of intelligence, as an agent of freedom or a moral voice*
I suspect true freedom would be something deeper.