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  • Ohhhh... Sorry this comes so late! I am absent-minded at the best of times. That sucks about your classes! :m074: But in a way, it's also kind of wonderful that you are such an independent thinker. That's something you can't learn in any classes. :) I'm curious - are you an autodidactic? I am, and it took me years to find a system that worked. Will you persevere or make late changes to your electives? Sorry for being so curious, study just really interests me.

    My birthday cake... I had a lemon and almond cake. Ironic? :) It was delicious. I didn't get much by way of presents (kind of happens once you get to this age!), but I got a lot of love, so that's even better. :grouphug:
    I'm pretty good, thanks for asking! It was my birthday the other day, and I'm still trying to get over all the cake and other delicious things I overindulged it. :redface:

    How are your classes? Are you enjoying them? :)
    Laughter is good. I'm glad I could assist you in your laughter on this occasion. :m045:

    By the way, I love your wallpapery-background-picture-thingy. It's so dreamy, like some fantasy world made up of sea foam and vanilla skies. :)
    current living situation doesn't allow for one, nor do i have the money to get one and properly care for it ATM
    Sames really (school and work stuffs), day at a time ( =

    Guess there's a bit of uncertainty in my life lately - but overall things are good.
    Oh yes, that was rather brilliant. Zoom zoom zoom! Make my heart go boom boom boom! I had a boyfriend once who had hair like that, no joke. :m077:

    Okay, here is the first song that I ever bought. I can remember getting it on tape and playing it in my mums car repetitively. In hindsight, I'm kind of surprised at my angsty choice of music. Something new to psychoanalyse, perhaps?


    Stay cool, now. :m123:
    I can't see where I made the connection either, haha. It was just something about those words that made me think of David Bowie chasing a girl down a maze with a little army of evil trolls, or something like that. So I guess that really begs the question - were you having a good day or a bay day? :)

    And by the way, thanks for the comment on my dog! He's actually a boy, although most people get him mixed up too. The price of a pretty face, hmm? :)
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