Merkabah | Page 324 | INFJ Forum
I really dislike that I complain about my pain sometimes...I hate that aspect of being ill.
I hate how it forces you to be self-centered sometimes because all you can focus on is the pain.
But I have to seems to thank you for putting up with me and letting me get some things out of my system...I had to get out of bed this morning because I had hot knives stabbing me in the I’m putting on my socks and slippers the pain reached such a point I just burst out in tears...that is no way to wake up...ugh.
I feel really stuck sometimes...meditate, meditate, meditate...the only thing that works also demands my time...which also makes me feel like I am worthless, or a burden on others...
Anyhow...trying not be in negative about it all...that can be quite difficult not to do at times, and I quite often find myself telling someone “I’m fine.” when I’m not...but I don’t know what else to really say to that question anymore without being a Debbie Downer and getting into a huge conversation about it then, making it more about me and self-centered in my eyes.
Thanks for letting me vent and complain. ;)
I am well aware that I am not the only person having a difficult time of it.
Much love to you all, may any pain you feel physically or otherwise be lighter on you today, may your hearts be at peace.
You are all in my thoughts and prayers.


This page wouldn’t let me highlight to copy, so you get screenshots.

Don't even think about it. You're always there to listen and advise, even on the most mundane of problems. As others have said it's beneficial to let off that steam. To let loose those feelings when you need to. So be selfish (we'll just complain about you behind your back :p ).


Yeah, people don't really think when they say things like that. I'm sure I've used condescending and ablist language like that before, without realizing how it comes across. Asking how someone feels is suppose to come from a good place, but it's so often a social nicety. The person asking usually isn't ready for an honest answer, which is ordinarily fine. But if you're asking someone who you know is having a shitty day how they are, you should be ready to deal with the honesty that comes.

Anyway, that was off topic. So...*applies pity face* how you doing kiddo. Really, how do you feel? :p
Don't even think about it. You're always there to listen and advise, even on the most mundane of problems. As others have said it's beneficial to let off that steam. To let loose those feelings when you need to. So be selfish (we'll just complain about you behind your back :p ).

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Yeah, people don't really think when they say things like that. I'm sure I've used condescending and ablist language like that before, without realizing how it comes across. Asking how someone feels is suppose to come from a good place, but it's so often a social nicety. The person asking usually isn't ready for an honest answer, which is ordinarily fine. But if you're asking someone who you know is having a shitty day how they are, you should be ready to deal with the honesty that comes.

Anyway, that was off topic. So...*applies pity face* how you doing kiddo. Really, how do you feel? :p

You are correct as well.
I seriously considered using the fucking electric cart at the grocery story yesterday...I walk with a cane normally now in case people didn’t know, especially if I am going somewhere I will be walking a lot...and I’m having some kind of really good flare up from that morning (still is kinda going on) and I just couldn’t bring myself to ride it around the store...past elderly people who get by just fine...making a wonderful spectacle of myself every INFJs dream.
So I pushed the cart around the store...I felt really....not good, when I got home.
Such a stupid thing really.
I should just drive it...I only drove one once and I had just had a nerve ablation and couldn’t walk cause my leg was asleep from the meds. lol pretty funny to must have looked drunk to people.
I know you don’t like mushy stuff so -

Thanks for letting me vent and complain.
❤ I could go on and on, however, we are all greatful for the love and kindness you sprinkle about for us all. Many of us hold the same prayers & wishes for you ... for pain free time, as well as a place to clear your head and find peace of mind, a tender ear, and above all of that, a ten-fold return on the love you send out. *hugs*
using the fucking electric cart at the grocery story yesterday...I walk with a cane normally

I just couldn’t bring myself to ride it around the store

Please use the electric cart @Skarekrow, let go of having to keep up keeping up. There is nothing to prove to yourself and if not yourself who else? I know this is deeply personal so I hope you'll forgive me saying anything at all. I learnt a lot from a woman I cared for for a short while. She had MS and one of her treats was to go and get a cream cake some days. Along we went to get cream cakes each. She was in a wheel chair at this stage. She had an accident after having the cream cake and I had to hoist her to wash her. I was about 24. I remember how she was embarrassed, (we barely knew each other), and how she had lost control of her body and was in the hands of others/ fate to some extent...but she was able to laugh. In fact the only thing to do was to laugh, and it eased the situation and cemented the bond between us. I was really impressed with the fact that she could laugh.This experience taught me a lot about caring for others and the braveness of people in situations of surrender. Laughter can help a lot, laughter comes with acceptance of ourselves and the situation were in. It doesn't make sense to hurt your back in the supermarket - for whose sake is this? Please don't.
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You are correct as well.
I seriously considered using the fucking electric cart at the grocery story yesterday...I walk with a cane normally now in case people didn’t know, especially if I am going somewhere I will be walking a lot...and I’m having some kind of really good flare up from that morning (still is kinda going on) and I just couldn’t bring myself to ride it around the store...past elderly people who get by just fine...making a wonderful spectacle of myself every INFJs dream.
So I pushed the cart around the store...I felt really....not good, when I got home.
Such a stupid thing really.
I should just drive it...I only drove one once and I had just had a nerve ablation and couldn’t walk cause my leg was asleep from the meds. lol pretty funny to must have looked drunk to people.
I know you don’t like mushy stuff so -


Hm, we all have an image of who we think we are. And we all want to hold onto that. Whether it's a recent disability, chronic pain, or just getting older, it's hard to admit you need help with something that was once a normal part of your day. So shame is going to arise in response of that. And the shame is fighting the part of your brain that knows what you need. It occurs even with the most idiotic of things. I was in the store the other and despite knowing I had a load of stuff to buy, I went with a basket rather than a cart. All because of a stupid outdated concept running around in the back of my head going, "Psh, I'm a man. I don't need a cart to carry around a few groceries." And because of that, of course, I dropped stuff and looked like an idiot for trying to fit so much stuff into a tiny basket.

So while I don't pretend to understand how you feel, I can get the part about shame. I think the only way past it is to do what you're doing now. Talking about it, seeing it for what it is. Not a defect on your part, but a voice in your head that's afraid of being judged, of being rejected. I came across a post about shame in another blog (I know you thought I was a one blog kind of man, but I have needs), which I liked. It doesn't have any hard answers, but I liked its closing point. It's just like what you're doing with these posts.

"Questioning the shame–pulling it out here into the light–is hard, but it feels like a good beginning."

*cough mumble* hugs and stuff *cough*
Please use the electric cart @Skarekrow, let go of having to keep up keeping up. There is nothing to prove to yourself and if not yourself who else? I know this is deeply personal so I hope you'll forgive me saying anything at all. I learnt a lot from a woman I cared for for a short while. She had MS and one of her treats was to go and get a cream cake some days. Along we went to get cream cakes each. She was in a wheel chair at this stage. She had an accident after having the cream cake and I had to hoist her to wash her. I was about 24. I remember how she was embarrassed, (we barely knew each other), and how she had lost control of her body and was in the hands of others/ fate to some extent...but she was able to laugh. In fact the only thing to do was to laugh, and it eased the situation and cemented the bond between us. I was really impressed with the fact that she could laugh.This experience taught me a lot about caring for others and the braveness of people in situations of surrender. Laughter can help a lot, laughter comes with acceptance of ourselves and the situation were in. It doesn't make sense to hurt your back in the supermarket - for whose sake is this? Please don't.

Yes Ma’am!
I am maintaining fairly well mentally, emotionally, spiritually, it’s just the physical part that gives me trouble sometimes...but thank god I have no more big issues with depression or anxiety though they rear their ugly heads from time to time - have to beat them of with a stick.’s me being stubborn...about feeling like things are getting worse as I age, which will probably be the new reality here on out...but maybe not, there are other treatments that I am always trying...sometimes they help and sometimes not...I do have the peace of mind that my step-son is not biologically mine and thusly will not ever have to worry about this having been passed onto him (though he may have other things...idk).
It’s a tough pill to swallow that’s feel like your personal independence is slowly dissipating is something I am trying my best to deal with at the moment...I’ve been pretty successful at not beating myself up too bad most of the time.
It’s just something that I will learn to cope with, I don’t give in that easily...just as stubborn as I can be about not using the electric cart, I can be equally stubborn when it comes to something I put my mind to.
You are right about is good medicine...that too can sometimes be a challenge, but it helps.
What really helps me is music...I can be in a really bad mood and put on my playlist and I begin to feel better, it’s been shown to release Dopamine just as meditation, exercise, sex, some drugs, certain foods, etc. also can help you feel better.
Like a chocolate actually causes your brain to release Dopamine helping you feel better...not to say that you should eat chocolate all day - though that would be nice wouldn’t it? lol
I’m hoping you are doing well yourself?
Thank you for your post and for caring, I appreciate it.
Much love,

Hm, we all have an image of who we think we are. And we all want to hold onto that. Whether it's a recent disability, chronic pain, or just getting older, it's hard to admit you need help with something that was once a normal part of your day. So shame is going to arise in response of that. And the shame is fighting the part of your brain that knows what you need. It occurs even with the most idiotic of things. I was in the store the other and despite knowing I had a load of stuff to buy, I went with a basket rather than a cart. All because of a stupid outdated concept running around in the back of my head going, "Psh, I'm a man. I don't need a cart to carry around a few groceries." And because of that, of course, I dropped stuff and looked like an idiot for trying to fit so much stuff into a tiny basket.

So while I don't pretend to understand how you feel, I can get the part about shame. I think the only way past it is to do what you're doing now. Talking about it, seeing it for what it is. Not a defect on your part, but a voice in your head that's afraid of being judged, of being rejected. I came across a post about shame in another blog (I know you thought I was a one blog kind of man, but I have needs), which I liked. It doesn't have any hard answers, but I liked its closing point. It's just like what you're doing with these posts.

"Questioning the shame–pulling it out here into the light–is hard, but it feels like a good beginning."

*cough mumble* hugs and stuff *cough*

Thank you as well.
Hugs back at you my friend!

Yes, it’s hard to admit.
It’s hard to being someone who used to help others (medically or otherwise), now somewhat being at the mercy of others in certain instances.
I’ve done that with the handcarts too...haha...but just because I have poor impulse control at the grocery store sometimes lololol.
Don’t go when you’re hungry they say.
Probably good advice.
I feel bad for those around me...that makes me feel guilty...I wanna be there for people, my SO, my Son, family, others like on here, etc.
I don’t want people to feel bad for me....I don’t want the sympathy...I don’t want people to make a fuss on my sake I guess is what it boils down to.
It isn’t my choice how others react and feel though...but I never want someone to feel like I am holding them back, cause them to feel bad for me, feel obligated to say something to comfort me...I don’t like that obligation that some feel...I think you get what I mean.
I don’t want anyone’s pity....that’s all.
Cause I fight hard not to feel that way toward myself a good portion of the time dealing with this BS.
Does that make sense?

I DO appreciate everything that people say...there are so many very kind an generous words, many words of encouragement and compassion, many words to help my perspective on the topic..thank you thank you thank you all so very much!
Thank you kind Sir, my friend.
Just part of the up and downs of life...I will adjust.
I will continue on because that is what I do.
There is no other option besides.

I again also appreciate the ability to vent about it without people rolling their eyes thinking I complain too much.
I’m trying not to complain about it now at all, here or otherwise...making a concerted effort.
But I also realize I need to let that shit out of my system too.
Much love,

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I get that. I was sick a lot growing up, and I really hated the sympathy that came with it. Some of it well meaning, some of it condescending. I really hated people seeing me (in my mind) as something lesser, a poor urchin that needed their support. It's part of why I hate asking for help now. It's stupid. When you need help, you need help there's nothing wrong with that. Still, it's easy to say that. More difficult is to put your ego and fears aside and accept where you are.

Even now I get that at times. I...urg, this is the part where I need to be vulnerable...I still get that reaction from time to time. I haven't exactly hit the expected goalmarks of adulthood. And so at family reunions or events, I often get that pitying look. Thankfully I'm not the only dark sheep in the family. Most reunions end up with myself and my cousin extracting ourselves from the group, and then go on to talk about philosophy, science, and weird ideas. They would be a painful ordeal without him

That was a bit off target, but I think you get my point. You're not a burden or a pity case to me. You are one of the reasons I'm actually able to talk about the above stuff. Before your support and friendship, just the idea of being emotionally honest would make me want to tear my skin off. But you've always been so accepting and empathetic in our pms, it's made the fear a bit more manageable. If you need to be selfish or just bitch from time to time, it's a small price to pay for your friendship.

Hows that for mushy stuff? :wyotethumb:


That was a bit off target, but I think you get my point. You're not a burden or a pity case to me. You are one of the reasons I'm actually able to talk about the above stuff. Before your support and friendship, just the idea of being emotionally honest would make me want to tear my skin off. But you've always been so accepting and empathetic in our pms, it's made the fear a bit more manageable. If you need to be selfish or just bitch from time to time, it's a small price to pay for your friendship.

Hows that for mushy stuff? :wyotethumb:

That is most excellent mushy stuff!!!! Heh.


I get that. I was sick a lot growing up, and I really hated the sympathy that came with it. Some of it well meaning, some of it condescending. I really hated people seeing me (in my mind) as something lesser, a poor urchin that needed their support. It's part of why I hate asking for help now. It's stupid. When you need help, you need help there's nothing wrong with that. Still, it's easy to say that. More difficult is to put your ego and fears aside and accept where you are.

Even now I get that at times. I...urg, this is the part where I need to be vulnerable...I still get that reaction from time to time. I haven't exactly hit the expected goalmarks of adulthood. And so at family reunions or events, I often get that pitying look. Thankfully I'm not the only dark sheep in the family. Most reunions end up with myself and my cousin extracting ourselves from the group, and then go on to talk about philosophy, science, and weird ideas. They would be a painful ordeal without him

That was a bit off target, but I think you get my point. You're not a burden or a pity case to me. You are one of the reasons I'm actually able to talk about the above stuff. Before your support and friendship, just the idea of being emotionally honest would make me want to tear my skin off. But you've always been so accepting and empathetic in our pms, it's made the fear a bit more manageable. If you need to be selfish or just bitch from time to time, it's a small price to pay for your friendship.

Hows that for mushy stuff? :wyotethumb:

Thank you for the kind words...I know you can relate through your own experiences.
Most of the time people are not condescending and I have only really run into a handful of people who speak down to you - mostly Doctors.
It’s quite frustrating to be pre-judged based on your chart and not on you as person and what you are there to address.
I have had Doctors assume I have come in to ask for pain meds. when this is the furthest from what I was there for.
I wrote a really nasty review for that guy online...fucking prick.

You would think that prefacing your complaint to the Doctor with “I am not here looking for pain meds, nor do I want any.”, would be enough to dispel any thoughts that I am there seeking narcotic I am here for X reason, and you assumed this is why I am here dick.
Happens almost every time I see a new Doctor because I have been on some pretty heavy pain killers at other times in my life.
It makes them look at you differently even if you are there for another’s demeaning and frustrating especially being on the flip-side and helping those who were sick as I did in my medical career.
I join support groups for my specific type of arthritis and I think I’m going to delete my’s just a very depressing webpage filled with stories of people who are in pain like me, have no real answers as to what will help, and ultimately I come away feeling more frustrated and less certain about what to do in regards to my own treatment.
Then you have the people who “mean well”, and a certain amount of time that is fine...I just gets old with the - “What you need to do is X”, or “If you could just go do this, or go on this diet, or take this supplement, or you know that this or that is inflammatory?” Yes yes yes yes...I know.
What works for some doesn’t for others that what is frustrating about AS in particular.
Okay, bitch-fest 5000 is over.
I know you get it.
Thank you as always for your is important to me.
Thanks you again for the nice words and compliments, I try to “maintain” most of the time, but I have my breaking points too.
Talk to you soon,
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These belong with the comics too...



Oh God, Dungeons & Dragons!!! Straight to HELL with ye!!!
(actually BURNING certain things is a very BAD idea...such as a Ouija board...just FYI these moron don’t know what they think they are talking about.)


Critical thinking is fun. I am more interested in abstract truth than practical. But sometimes my imaginary path crosses that of reality.

Take a look at this:

How Did The Asteroid Belt Form? Was There A Planet There?


Gravity is the support structure for the formation of celestial bodies. Gravity pulls material together so it can form stars, moons, planets, galaxies… Too little or too much and they won’t form; and that area between Mars and Jupiter is the latter. Too much gravitational interference caused it to become a bunch of rocks instead of a pretty little planet. Physics dictates how far away those bodies have to be from each other to maintain stable orbits.

This was discovered in the late 18th century by J.E. Bode, and is called the Titus-Bode Law. Essentially, each planet’s orbital period, is equal to the period of the sun’s rotation and distance of the furthest reaches of their orbit.

According to this mathematical equation, there SHOULD be a planet in between Mars and Jupiter, and a planet TRIED to form but Jupiter’s massive gravity tore it asunder. It just couldn’t do it. Of course, we know that NOW, but from the 18th and into the 19th century, people believed they simply hadn’t spotted the elusive planet yet.

And then in 1801, Giuseppe Piazzi discovered Ceres! He believed Ceres might be a comet, but it didn’t have a ‘coma’ the gas and dust that surrounds a comet. A bit over a year later, a German named Heinrich Olbers discovered another small object on the same orbit he called 2 Pallas.

Eventually, as more of these were discovered astronomers knew there was no planet in this fifth orbit, but instead… what they called asteroids. Despite what conspiracy theorists may say on the internet; these billions of little asteroids never formed into a planet.

Instead, the gravitational forces of our solar system kept it as bit of rock and dust. But, since Shawn Pitts wanted to know how large a PLANET would be if it DID happen to form, I figured we could give a guess.

Today, Ceres, comprises one-third of the mass of the whole asteroid belt. If you were to glomp the mass of the whole belt onto Ceres, you’d STILL have less mass than our moon does — Our moon would still be 26-times more massive than this super-Ceres. More like super tiny.

This assumes that planetary bodies are solid. But according to Hollow Earth theory, the Earth (and other planets) are hollow. Well, the System keeps the lid on the flask to prevent the genie from appearing, using BS to suppress alternative theories. So, we do cannot explore these theories. Channeled sources say that there was a planet called Electra (a dozen other names exist) that was bigger than the Earth once upon a time. According to David Wilcock, it exploded a half million years ago in a galactic war. If Electra exploded, its mass volume was smaller than its spherical volume, because it was hollow. That explains why there total volume of the asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter is so small, and DW's ramblings explain why the asteroid belt exists.

Basically, the Hollow Earth theory is not provable as the theory stands now because nobody has been there (Corey Goode and some other guy are individual witnesses who claim to have been in Hollow Earth, so it is up to each one to explore what you believe). On the other hand, modern science is wrong to claim that all planetary are solid without evidence. No one has drilled through the crust of the Earth yet. It is only an assumption.

No theory is completely satisfactory.

'Jeez!' Why did nobody spot that error before? I am such a 'genius'. I want to go back to my imaginary world now, never to return. :m038:

Oops, I just discovered that DW claimed that Mars was moon of Tiamat (Electra). When Tiamat exploded, Mars changed status from a moon to planet. The number of planets, before and after, is thus the same.

Some folks in my area who follow Astrology claim the theory of 12 original planets, each coinciding with the Zodiac, existed at one time. And, because of catscollismic events, we now only have 9 1/2.

What are your thoughts on that?

That is a good question regarding planets, Sandie. But what is a planet? Some objects are dwarf planets. Let us count Pluto as a planet. Western astrology refers to Pluto as a planet. Including Tiamat, we now have 10 planets.

When it comes to dwarf planets, Eris is located beyond Pluto and has a similar size. I wonder why Eris would not count. It sounds sensible. Now we have 11 planets.

I looked for other articles.

* There is a ninth planet (excluding Pluto) that may exist.

* Planet X has an orbit that is inclined relative to the other planets, thus difficult to detect. (Planet X is not to be mistaken for Nibiru, which is a bogus story.).


Planet X


Just to refresh your memory, here are the characteristics of the real Planet X, given to me by the Pleiadians:


Radius: 7,500 km
Mass: 0.76 Earth masses
Semimajor axis: 70 AU
Inclination: 40 degrees
Eccentricity: 0.25

Planet X has a rocky core, a mantle of water ice and thin surface layer of frozen methane. If a space probe would visit Planet X from a distance, it would find a silvery bluish surface with large sections of smooth terrain and patches of geologically dynamic surface with signs of cryovolcanism. If that probe would come close enough for the resolution of its cameras to exceed 10 meters per pixel, it would discover curious rectangular highly reflective features on some parts of the surface. These are the glass ceilings of the subsurface bases of the Resistance Movement and the Galactic Confederation fleet.

* More planet-sized objects might exist in the Oort Cloud according to Corey Goode.
  • There is a dark star or the nemesis star that is a companion to our star. It does not enter the solar system as has been theorized by Nibiru researchers. It does interact with objects in the Oort Cloud, which periodically enters the solar system as comets and asteroids.
  • There are large numbers of planet-sized objects in the Oort Cloud that have yet to be discovered.

To sum up, more planets might exist. But I will not believe any planet stories until there is solid data.
I just realized that some non-Western zodiacs do not depend on the position of the planets in the solar system. I would like to live in such a culture. Why bother with the little details? :)
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I agree with you.
It is frustrating....but I see the same type of thinking in so many people here on the forum, not to mention my own SO who also shares the sentiment that she doesn’t belong on this planet...same way I feel, and you, and almost everyone on
Not that I’m trying to diminish how you are feeling...only pointing out that it seems to be echoed by the various personalities to varying degrees on the forums. oscillate it up and down from feet to head and back, faster and faster until you raise your is supposed to help keep you chakras clear any remove and energy pollution from your energetic self..supposed to give you better energy control as well as your ability to contain more Qi.
It worked several times now for me...not every time....but that could very well be me.
They purposefully say not to visualize it in your mind but rather try and feel your energy is supposed to give you greater control and if your energy seems to go slow or get hung up somewhere you know that chakra probably needs some I focus on it for a few minute and then it seems to go smoother....also, it takes me about 15 minutes of meditating before I get into a true “trance” and then I can really feel the energy as opposed to when you first sit down and begin.
Let me know if you have any luck?!

Much love to are on my list of meditation prayer

I saw those Qi Gong videos that you posted earlier. I found a video that is really good. (It is the same guy as in the etheric implants thread. I did not pursue the matter, but that is another story.) Unfortunately, this guy was in a hurry and does not speak or show clearly, so you may have to watch a couple of times to understand. But the exercises are f---ing effective compared to many other Qi Gong videos.

Take a look at these intervals:

Old stuff:

00:00-02:00, Breathing exercise
02:30-03:45, Emotional Freedom Technique

New stuff:

04:45-14:00, get the Qi in your lymphatic system moving (might be painful)
15:30-16:00, stretching exercise (easy)
16:00-17:00, stretching exercise (might be painful to your back)

Protection/extraction protocol prep
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Healing With the Power of Meditation: How to Heal Your Body With Your Mind

This woman reduced her cholesterol levels successfully (227 -> 177 after three weeks). This takes 3x3 minutes a day. You may want to try it, Skare.