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Cool gifs...’s difficult to describe if you have not felt it.
Because you literally feel like you are in a different state of being...your energetic self, without the physical self.
Plus, imho, as you are reaching this state you hear all the noises you hear because you are no longer hearing the collective consciousness through the filter of your brain...let open the flood-gates...but then it seems you pass through that and there is some kind of new filter applied, or perhaps it’s the sound of you leaving the receiver of the brain...hearing the bombardment of signals that we normally cannot hear with our ears...then we are out of it and who knows what then acts as your senses?
Anyhow...I wouldn’t give it so much credence if I had not experienced it and continue to experience it...not daily, but frequently enough to have it be a big wtf in my life and pondering.
Some random videos from youtube both explaining theories of the vibrational state and how to induce it.
If not to go out of body, then to clear your energies and chakras.
Most of these are subjective opinions and experiences.

Fear and Astral Noises

Fear - produced by unexpected or heavy exit sensations, by unexplainable astral noises and voices, or simply by exposure to the out-of-body environment - represents a significant barrier to OBE.

Fear is a natural barrier that shields unready projectors from exposure to the out-of-body environment until they are able to cope.
This especially applies to novice projectors who, although they may be keen, have a more delicate emotional disposition than they realize.

Fear stops nervous and unsure projectors cold, as any good fail-safe mechanism should, until they are mentally resilient enough to cope with the pressures and strains involved with out-of-body operations.

An important aspect of learning how to project is to progressively overcome all related fears.
As each level of fear is overcome, the projector conquers a significant natural barrier.

Facing and overcoming each type and level of fear as it appears prepares and conditions the projector for more extensive out-of-body operations - one step at a time.

The Many Colors of Fear
Fear related to the projection exit is a natural gut reaction caused by unusual and often extreme sensations, events, and situations.
It causes would-be projectors to abort their exits time and time again, usually right on the brink of their very first, long-sought conscious-exit projection.

However, most projection-related fears are born of simple ignorance.
Knowledge replaces fear by making the unknown and unexpected the known and expected.

The feelings that can be generated by heavy exit sensations, if not fully prepared for, can cause needless terror and panic.
Bad projection experiences, if left unexamined and uncounseled, can psychologically condition projectors against future OBEs.

This can significantly increase difficulty levels during future attempts, much as a tender tooth will make you flinch as you go to brush it from remembered pain, even long after it has healed.

The physical body/mind remembers pain and unpleasant experiences, and quickly establishes conditioned responses to avoid any recurrences in the future.

Many people have come to me with this problem, although most were thoroughly warned of what they might expect, after reading my on-line (Internet) tutorials.

In the majority of cases, projectors were forced to abort their first successful exit simply because they were unprepared for the enormity of the resulting sensations.

Please do not think I am exaggerating here.
This is a major issue for all new projectors!

I would spare you surprises and give you fair warning in advance, thereby fully preparing you for what you might have to face.

You may face no heavy exit sensations at all, or none you cannot easily deal with.
Some first-projection exits are quite gentle affairs.

Some people just seem to pop or buzz out of their bodies with no problem.

However, be warned that these lucky people are in a fairly small minority.

Heavy Exit Sensations
The presence of the awake mind during the separation phase of projection, even though the full-trance state has been achieved, causes major energetic conflicts between the physical/etheric body and its projecting double.

This is especially true for novice projectors, whose energy bodies have not had time to develop and allow for the conscious-exit projection mechanism. Unwary projectors are usually completely unprepared for the visceral enormity of the final stages of the exit.

They are usually blown away by a massive sensory overload.
Many people honestly and sincerely believe they are dying, which panics them into aborting the exit in any way they can.

Exit sensations are always much heavier during the first few conscious exits.
However, they progressively ease during repeated attempts, as the projection mechanism begins energetically adapting and developing.

This makes early projection attempts, even failed ones, something of a two-edged sword.
They force the energetic development of the projection mechanism and the energy body, thereby making future projection easier.

But, they can also cause intimidating stresses and strains that may create a psychological flinch response if not handled carefully, thereby making projection more difficult during future conscious-exit attempts.

Understanding the mechanics and dynamics of the projection process helps overcome a great many projection exit problems.
"Forewarned is forearmed”.

I intend to make aspiring new projectors fully aware of just what they might have to face.
Hopefully, this hands-on knowledge will help them maintain control so they don't totally freak out and blow their first conscious-exit OBE.

The positive psychological conditioning generated by a first successful conscious-exit projection, even an ultrashort one, is extremely important.
There is nothing like success to empower the learning of any difficult skill.

Because of the above, I advise against attempting a partial conscious exit, "just to see what it feels like", before committing to a full exit.
A partial exit attempt will always generate much heavier than usual energetic conflicts and sensations, which can be heavier and longer lasting than with a full-blown conscious exit.

A bad experience can condition and deter projectors against future exit attempts.
Negative conditioning can increase not only the exit difficulty, but also the severity, of future exit sensations.

Do... or do not!
Project... or do not project!

No in-betweens are advised.

The faster you get through the exit phase of a projection, the sooner heavy exit sensations cease.
When you are ready to try for a full exit, just do it and be ready to put everything you have behind it.

Commit yourself, psych yourself up, and be ready to go through with the exit bravely, come what may.
This attitude will also give you a much higher chance of succeeding with your first conscious-exit attempt.

Be prepared for a fairly rough time during your first exit.
Be prepared to weather an inner earthquake of unbelievable magnitude.

I want you to be ready to handle this storm calmly and stoically if it does happen to you - and calmly is an absolute must!
Be prepared to tough out the exit come what may, calmly and intelligently, knowing that it cannot hurt you and will very soon end.

Heavy exit sensations can last anything from ten seconds to five minutes, depending on the speed and difficulty of the exit.
However, these will always be milder, and end far sooner, if the exit phase is kept short. If you stay calm, balanced, and under control, the exit will become smoother much more quickly.

Heavy exit sensations end the moment separation is complete.

Projections involving the brow and crown centers, where projectors perceive themselves as leaving their body through their head, are generally accompanied by fairly gentle exit sensations.

On that note, according to my research, a far higher percentage of women than men can expect to experience head-or brow-type exits.
However, the majority of projectors should expect strong activity in their heart centers.

Heavy exit sensations will not be experienced by everyone.
Nor will they happen during every type of projection.

It is far better to expect them, though, than to be caught unprepared, as happens so often to so many new projectors.

To illustrate heavy exit sensations, here is a very early experience of mine.
I was teaching myself conscious-exit projection and going through the same exit problems and frustrations many of you may now be experiencing.

This illustrates the strongest exit sensations, I think, that any new projector could be expected to face.

I have been projecting since a very early age, three or four years old, but all my early projections were spontaneous and involved no real technique or conscious effort.

Later, when I became interested in OBE, I had to start at the very beginning. I had to develop all the necessary skills like deep physical relaxation, concentration, and trance.

I then had to learn the conscious exit, just as many of you are learning now.
I knew it was possible, having vivid memories of many childhood OBEs, but that did not make the learning process any easier or shorter.

I had tried many times to project before this, but so far with only one successful exit. (But that experience was so unusual that I cannot reasonably use it here as a fair example.)

I had been lying in bed for more than an hour, relaxing my physical body and trying to induce the trance state.
I finally felt the heaviness of trance spread through my body, then started raising energy and stimulating my primary energy centers.

I was using a fairly obtuse visualization technique here, which was all I knew at this time.

I worked on each of my primary centers until I felt some sign of activity in them, then started using my new projection technique.
I shifted my point of awareness out and tried to feel as if I were floating above my physical body.

I worked hard on being aware of how the room changed and felt from that position, and of staying aware of where my physical body was from this new perspective, which was extremely difficult and required a lot of concentration.

I held my mind clear, and strained to hold my point of whole-body awareness fixed above my physical body.
A bone-deep tickling sensation spread through my body, and a kind of localized dizziness started in my stomach and chest.

My heart, or rather my heart center, began fluttering noticeably; this sensation grew steadily stronger.
The bone-deep tickling, dizzy sensation soon began surging and droning through my body in waves, also growing steadily stronger.

This was especially strong in my stomach and chest.
It soon grew into a much heavier type of whole-body vibrational droning wave.

I started to feel a steadily increasing pressure all over my body.
This was particularly strong around my head.

The dizziness felt like a spinning or falling sensation.
This quickly intensified and it soon felt as if I were caught up in some kind of insane amusement park ride.

These were major weird and incredibly strong sensations.
In the back of my mind, I began to wonder if I might be dying, but was also thrilled by the sensory enormity of it all and of the likelihood of OBE success.

I gritted my mental teeth, determined not to let this get the better of me as it had on previous attempts, and to go through with it come what may.

Strange noises faded in and out around me, like the sounds of furniture being dragged and thrown roughly and loudly about on wooden floors.
I also heard the muttering of voices and occasional laughter.

I ignored all this, knowing (hoping) they were just astral noises like I had read and heard of before. Incredible colors, shapes, patterns of light, and images floated across my vision behind my closed eyes.

The bone-deep buzzing, droning waves and dizziness increased, accompanied by an even heavier falling sensation, as if I were continually falling backward from a great height.

This falling sensation made me feel quite nauseous.

The pressure around my head increased painfully, as if I had an overtight leather belt wrapped around it and an invisible sadist were slowly tightening it.

By this time, my heart felt like it was close to jumping out of my chest.
My body felt incredibly heavy and tight with pressure.

In the back of my mind, I wondered again if I might actually be dying.
The vibrations, pressure, racing heart, and falling sensations all increased until I thought I would either scream or pass out - they were so very, very strong.

Loud noises thundered and crashed in the room around me, now sounding like heavy chains were being noisily dragged over corrugated iron sheeting near my bed.

I ignored everything and stayed focused on keeping myself relaxed and focused on what I was doing, holding my point of whole-body awareness out in front of me.

Steeling my mind, I strained to maintain control.
I could now see details of the room around me through my closed eyelids, as if my eyes had opened.

My whole body surged with massive, droning waves of vibrations and surging energy movement.
My heart center raced like a lawnmower engine and my head felt as if it were going to be crushed under the painful pressure.

Vibrations literally roared throughout my body and my heart center raced impossibly faster and faster, feeling as if my actual heart were racing.

Suddenly, everything changed and I felt myself separating from my physical body.
I began rising upward, buzzing out of a storm of major uncomfortable body sensations.

Rising faster and smoother now, I finally buzzed free of my body.
The really heavy sensations stopped the moment I achieved separation.

They changed to an intense whole-body buzzing as the projection reflex buzzed me out of my body.
The whole-body buzzing stopped as I came to rest near the foot of my bed.

I was out of my body and free at last!

I could see the room around me clearly even though it was fairly dark, with only a little moonlight filtering through the blinds into my room.
It was very quiet; there was no sign of any cause for the strange noises and voices I'd heard on the way out of my body.

I felt marvelous and full of energy, exhilarated by my success but strangely calm inside.
A little nervously, I floated around the semidark room, getting my sea legs.

I wondered what might be lurking in the shadows or waiting for me in the dark night outside.
Probably nothing, but I am by nature fairly cautious.

While this was basically similar to the many spontaneous projections I'd had as a child, it was also strangely different.
It felt much more powerful and real.

I willed myself into motion and floated away from my body and out through the wall.

Outside, the moonlight cast eerie moving shadows through the windswept trees onto the cold, damp pavement.
I floated out onto the road and skimmed along it.

I could feel and smell and taste the dew-laden night air intensely.
The world around me felt very solid and real.

Picking up a little speed, I swooped into the air, flapping my arms and skimming through the tree-tops, just clearing them as I circled my home.
I hovered a while, then it all came back to me, all the OBE skills I'd learned and used as a child.

I spun around a few times, taking everything in before letting myself float gently down through the branches of an ancient pine tree.
I could smell and feel and taste the leaves and all the bitter-dry tastes of sap and living wood and bark as I floated through the twisted trunk to the ground.

Flushed with success, but for some reason feeling a little anxious, I floated back to my house and waiting body.
I had no idea why I felt so anxious, especially after all the time I'd spent fearlessly out of body as a child.

Maybe it was just because it was dark and creepy out here in the dead of night.

I returned to my room, entering through the roof and moving down to my body.
As I got closer I felt something almost like gravity pulling me toward it.

As I reentered, I felt a tingling, buzzing, whole-body rush.
I felt myself being sucked upward through my stomach and chest - but I felt this from my physical body's perspective, as if something were entering me.

My eyes opened and I came wide awake... immensely pleased with my new success.
Next time I vowed I'd stay out longer and do some exploring!

Later, over a respectable snack of cheese-and-pickle sandwiches and a jug of ice-cold milk, I began filling out the second entry in my new OBE journal.

Excitement and Anxiety
Excitement and anxiety, combined with the flush of imminent success, can generate an adrenaline-type body rush that can ruin an exit attempt in moments.

This may appear to have similarities with the torso energetic surge, dealt with earlier, but has a quite different cause.

A combination of trepidation, anxiety, and sheer excitement causes a surge of adrenaline through the physical body.
This instantly breaks the delicately balanced state required for projection, usually just as the projection reflex starts to cut in and the projector suddenly realizes he or she is about to have a fully conscious OBE.

A great many projectors have problems with this.
They work hard and do everything right and then, just as the vibrations start and the projection reflex starts to kick in, it happens again.

Suddenly, they realize what is about to happen and get overexcited, thereby losing focus and control over the experience.
As quickly as it began it stops right there, leaving them wide awake and cursing themselves, knowing it was their fault.

Many people have the impression that once they manage to trigger the projection reflex and are about to exit their body, they have succeeded.
They think they can just sit back and enjoy the experience from there on in.

This is definitely not the case... so be warned.
The requirements for holding a deeply relaxed physical body and a clear, focused mind do not suddenly end the moment a projector starts to exit the body.

It is necessary to continue holding the delicately balanced state at all times, not only before and all through the exit, but for the entire projection.
Any surge of excitement or strong emotion can abort a projection before, during, or after the exit.

Uncontrollable excitement during the exit shows a lack of mental and emotional control in any would-be projector.
This also has, apart from the above, the potential to cause a great many problems in the out-of-body environment.

This is another aspect of the natural barrier that fear forms, which like all natural barriers has a certain fail-safe beauty to it.
These safeguard unready projectors (no matter how keen) from exposure to the sensitive out-of-body environment where emotions are not quite so private, internal, and harmless.

An overly excitable projector could easily run into trouble during a projection through a simple lack of self-control.
The out-of-body environment is fluid and easily affected by thought and imagination, most especially by those of the subconscious mind.

A slight tingle of fear, caused perhaps by a glimpse of something imagined moving among the shadows, combined with a slight fear of the dark, could easily escalate into a major fear episode.

This could result in trauma and negative psychological conditioning against further OBEs.

There is another, more subtle, aspect to consider, concerning the mind-split effect.
Often a projection can be successful but the physical/etheric mind is so excited by the exit sensations that strong memories form in the physical brain.

In this case, awareness remains firmly centered in the physical/etheric body.
This can make it difficult for the projected double to download its shadow memories into accessible levels of the physical brain during reintegration.

The projection side of an experience can thus be lost.
This can be a major problem with new projectors who have little experience with shadow memory recall.

The solution to all these above problems is to stay calm, focused, and relaxed.
Keep a firm grip on emotions before, during, and after the exit and throughout the whole course of the projection.

If projectors can ignore heavy exit sensations and overcome fear, anxiety, and excitement during the exit, they can also refuse to feel these after the exit.

They can jump up and down and celebrate and release all their emotions once they return to their physical body!
They can, in fact, use this emotional release to empower shadow memories, and make them literally more memorable during the reentry phase.

It is therefore permissible, even advisable, to mentally jump up and down and shout out success - only during the reentry phase.
This will help overwrite existing physical/etheric body memories for the same time period, and will cement shadow memories into the physical brain for easy recall.

Once projectors have successfully passed through the conscious-exit barrier, managed to maintain self-control, and have returned for controlled reentry, they have passed an important test.

They are now ready to begin learning how to operate in the out-of-body environment and to travel and explore farther afield.

The Unknown and the Darkness
Fear of the unknown out-of-body environment is another natural barrier all new projectors face.
This is an experientially unknown environment.

It is quite natural to feel some measure of trepidation, even a little healthy fear.
New projectors may have read many stories about what this is like, but they have never truly experienced it for themselves.

Many children are afraid of the dark.
Their parents tell them there's nothing to be scared of.

They open the wardrobe doors and prove there is nothing lurking there or under the bed.
After all that, children still fear the unknown and all-encompassing darkness and demand a nightlight.

This is natural caution turned into fear by imagination, simply because they cannot see in the dark and hence don't know what's really there.

This is very much like what can happen in the back of new projectors' minds, fed by imagination, when they first get out of body.
The unknown qualities and changed aspects of the once-familiar environment, plus the rumors, horror stories, and movies can scare them witless.

This can easily break their nerve and ruin their focus, time and time again ruining otherwise successful projections, driving them back into the perceived safety of their physical bodies.

Some courage is definitely required during an OBE, especially when sojourning into the real-time environment at night.
These fears must be quashed before they can take root and start interfering with the OBE.

Always remember that the sensitive out-of-body environment is greatly affected by emotion, and like attracts like in a big way.
If fear is allowed to grow, then a more fearful or even sinister aspect can be added to the out-of-body environment, manifested around projectors by the creative ability of their own subconscious mind.

Even if deep inside some genuine fear is felt, it is strongly advisable not to allow it to surface in the conscious mind.
Be positive and brave and act as if you are totally fearless.

Face the unknown out-of-body environment bravely!
If you cannot do this, you really should not be projecting.

Always remember that nothing can hurt you while you are out of your body.
The projected double is an energetic being and therefore virtually invulnerable.

It can swim in molten lava or fly through the middle of a supernova without getting a scratch.

Cultivate becoming a calm and dispassionate observer at all times, fearless in mind and spirit, and you will soon become unafraid of the out-of-body environment.

This attitude will help you progressively overcome any genuine fears you may have, even little ones, through the accumulation of personal out-of-body experience.

This turns the unknown into the known and familiar, which progressively reduces fear levels.

Mind-Split-Generated Fear
In the real-time zone, especially, fear can cause compounding and tangible feelings of presence, dread, and mindless terror to be generated and compounded between the physical/etheric body and its projected double.

This is an emotional energetic interaction related to waking paralysis and astral feedback.
It is not caused by an independent source.

This feedback will progressively intensify and compound if nothing is done about it.
The stronger the emotion, the stronger the feedback, especially if the projector is operating close to the physical body in the real-time zone.

This effect pretty much disappears if you put some distance between yourself and your physical body.
Leave the house and keep on moving until the feeling subsides.

Mental focus and control, plus a calm and dispassionate observer attitude, stop emotional feedback from starting and reduce the likelihood of other potentially negative problems manifesting.

Primal Gut Reaction
Probably the most difficult type of fear for any new projector to overcome is the primal gut reaction caused by energies generated by the physical/etheric body during the projection process.

During the conscious exit, or the spontaneous exit in which the projector becomes aware during the exit, the body and mind of the projector experience strong, full-body sensations caused by energies normally only generated during the sleep state.

The presence of waking consciousness magnifies these energetic sensations greatly; the conscious mind has no experience with these energies and therefore has nothing to fall back on as it tries to get used to them.

Projectors experience a fearful gut reaction, a strong sense of wrongness and great danger all around.

I believe this is caused by the primal fight or flight response.
Projectors sense danger, but as no source of danger is apparent, they intuitively sense flight as being the only option for survival.

This primal survival instinct floods the projector's mind with overpowering primal fear.

Most new projectors will have to deal with some level of primal fear during early OBEs.
This fear progressively eases as they gain experience, but some level of fear is usually always present.

This fear forms a strong natural barrier to OBE.

Your ability to master your fears and plow through this barrier shows you have passed a significant test and are ready for OBE.

Dweller on the Threshold
The infamous dweller on the threshold type of experience, plus astral noises and voices, are probably the most well-known manifestations faced by some new projectors.

The dweller phenomenon is, I believe, another aspect of the natural barrier that fear creates.
This must be faced and dealt with bravely before new projectors affected by this problem can operate freely out of their bodies.

The dweller type of manifestation, while well known, is definitely not a universal OBE-related problem that everyone has to face.
Far from it.

My research shows that a dweller-type manifestation will trouble less than one in twenty new projectors, and then only during their first few OBEs.
Astral noises and voices, however, will intermittently bother most new projectors.

Please do not expect this to happen when you first get out of your body.
Worrying about this could easily cause your own subconscious mind to manifest it.

I think this is what happens in most cases, considering the sensitive out-of-body environment and the effect that fear can have on it.
The dweller can happen in a great many variations, but is usually a combination or variation of the following: Immediately after exit, you find a shadowy, menacing humanoid shape, usually all featureless black with burning red eyes.

It may just stand there motionless, or it may take a few steps forward and make threatening gestures.
It may be silent or may breathe heavily and loudly.

It may snarl, growl, giggle, or laugh.
It may even speak and order you back into your body, often by name.

It may threaten you with doom and gloom if you continue with your projection.
The classic dweller monster never attacks or harms a projector.

I have not had a single report of a dweller so much as touching a projector.
It is an illusion.

It should be confronted and ordered away, or totally ignored, or both.

My best advice is to be brave, march right up to it, glare at it, and as loudly as you can order it to (#*&) off!
Then, turn around and leave the area, totally ignoring it from then on.

It will not be there waiting for you on your return.

I have given here what may appear to be some fairly extreme examples of the dweller type of experience.
These examples are pretty standard, though, and are not exaggerated in the slightest.

I much prefer to prepare new projectors for what they might have to face, rather than to play all this down and have them taken by surprise in the middle of the exit.

The dweller on the threshold is a bully!
Like all bullies, when bravely confronted, the wind is taken from its sails, and it either runs or is reduced to harmless ranting and raving.

Logic suggests that if the dweller were indeed a genuine threat capable of causing actual harm, it would not just stand and threaten.
It would attack immediately, making use of the element of surprise and of the fearful state of the projector.

Dwellers would most certainly not consistently warn and scare projectors back into their bodies before the exit with astral noises and voices, not if they were genuinely interested in harming them, or if they were capable of doing so.

All this indicates that they are probably afraid of projectors and have no real power with which they could harm them.

I believe that some dweller types of experiences can be considered manifestations of a projector's own subconscious fears.
At other times, interfering low-order astral wildlife appear to be responsible, possibly attracted by the projector's own fears and by the energetic vibrations these produce and broadcast before and during early projections.

I have not come across any evidence or experience, mine or anyone else's, to support the idea that the dweller is any type of personal watcher or guardian angel of projection.

I have never experienced any type of being that fits this bill.
The watcher being or guardian idea, I think, stems from the widespread belief that the physical body is left empty and vulnerable during projection.

I have never faced a true dweller type of experience.
My mother, though, had dweller experiences during her first few conscious-exit projections, many years ago when I was still in my teens.

Being a spiritualist, my mother actively ignored these beings when they appeared, and kept repeating the Twenty-third Psalm until they left her alone, as she had been instructed to do by her church.

For her, the dweller manifestation appeared as many small, ugly, monkey-sized beings that growled and sniggered and clutched at her as she was leaving her body.

When this happened she repeated her prayer and actively ignored them while continuing along her way, soon leaving the area and the elementals far behind.

They were not there when she returned to her body some time later.

I have heard the same story from many other spiritualists and found they were all in some way instructed that this was to be considered normal.
They were told to expect these elementals to be there when they first got out of body.

This brings me to consider that psychological conditioning may be partly responsible here, and that the dweller will sometimes manifest as a form the projector either consciously or subconsciously expects.

The projected double is an extremely powerful being, even if a projector does not know this and has no idea how to use its defensive or offensive capabilities.

The projected double of a living human being, with all its enormous resources, is definitely not to be trifled with.
Negative entities can sense this potential and are naturally wary of all projectors and most especially of strong real-time projectors.

I think the above provides some very real clues as to why these negative types go to all this trouble to inhibit novice projectors in the first place.
I think that any new projector about to consciously project into the real-time zone causes negative entities in the local area to panic.

They then do everything in their power to stop them from projecting, simply because they fear the potential consequences.

I consider all elemental and dweller-type manifestations to be illusions.
The sources of these illusions may vary, but if generated by an independent source there must, logic suggests, be a reason for it. In the case of negative entities, everything points to this being a widespread push against projectors that appears to have been going on for a very long time.

Knowing this, I suggest that all new projectors do not give these negative types the pleasure.
A little competition is said to be healthy, and every new projector let loose in the real-time zone adds one more potential soldier to the ranks of the good guys.

Always keep in mind, no matter what happens during a projection, that projectors never leave their physical body empty and exposed during any type of OBE.

The physical body always safely contains the original copy of mind and memory.
The physical/etheric body is never, ever, left empty, exposed, unguarded, or vulnerable.

Having an OBE does not expose you in any way, shape, or form, to any kind of interference you would not otherwise be vulnerable to during your normal waking and sleeping states.

Astral noises and Other Things That Go Bump in the Plight
Astral noises may be heard during the exit, with scary voices and things going bump in the night, like chains dragging, sinister giggling and muttering, evil laughter, and nasty growling and snarling.

These intimidating sounds are a type of audio illusion; they have no substance and are therefore no threat.
They are a big distraction, though, and must be totally ignored before and during the exit.

Astral noises are quite common during the exit, but always cease the moment the exit is complete.
It is much more common for new projectors to hear astral noises and voices than for more seasoned projectors.

I rarely hear them these days, but used to hear them regularly during my early years of conscious projection, about every fifth projection.

Strange noises are often heard as a prelude to OBE, usually right on the verge of the exit, conscious or spontaneous, just as the projection reflex is about to kick in and buzz the projector out of body.

Be ready to deal with these when they happen.
This may appear to contradict what I said earlier, but I have found astral noises so prevalent that their likelihood does not seem to be affected by suggestion.

A great many people who have approached me with astral noise problems had never previously heard about astral noises.

They did not expect them, but they happened anyway.

I have already mentioned some of the scarier types of astral noises, but think they deserve more thorough mention.
The types of noises vary enormously.

They can be very loud and incredibly real.
You may hear bells ringing, sirens wailing, heavy chains dragging and rattling across corrugated iron sheeting, the sounds of someone smashing their way into your house with sledge-hammer blows, the sound of many people talking noisily, racing engine noises, chain saws, knocking and banging on your bedroom door, even the sounds of children playing and laughing or crying or pleading for help.

You may hear your name being called loudly and clearly, sometimes by a voice you know well.
This voice will usually report some kind of an emergency in your house, or simply demand you get up as there is something important you need to attend to right there and then.

They are so real you may decide (if not prepared) to abort your projection and find out just what the heck is going on in your house.

"What timing", you'll think, "just when I am right on the verge of my very first OBE".

These noises will usually appear to be from fairly close by, often from just outside your window or bedroom door, or even from inside your room.
You may think your locality has gone completely nuts and decided to do some late-night road repairs just outside your door, with jackhammers and chain saws going full bore; they can be that loud and that real.

I have been tricked out of the conscious exit many, many times, especially during my first few years of conscious-exit projection.

Astral Voices
A loud and aggressive astral voice may order you (often by name) to stop what you are doing and return to your body immediately, or face a terrible doom.

The dialogue and timing of this voice(s) will vary greatly from experience to experience, but the main thrust will always be the same: to intimidate you into aborting your projection.

You may also hear a voice talking to another voice about you, loudly discussing and criticizing you for your stupidity for trying to leave the body, intimating strongly that this is a very dangerous thing to do, or that this is a very dangerous time for it.

"Look at him! Doesn't he know anything? What the hell is he up to now? Look at what he's doing... oh no... how stupid can he be!”
Et cetera.

This onslaught of negative input causes projectors to begin seriously doubting themselves.
They begin to worry that they might indeed be doing something foolish or dangerous.

But these distracting and intimidating voices never harm projectors and should be totally ignored.

Once the exit has been made, these voices will stop immediately and no cause for them will ever be found.

Two Possible Causes for Astral Noises
I believe there are two possible causes for astral noises:
  • Accidental: It is possible that natural sounds and voices are picked up by the heightened senses of the projecting double, as it tunes into parts of the local real-time or astral environment during the prelude to the exit. The random nature of these noises suggests they may only be heard when there is activity in the local real-time or astral area to cause them. The state of your energy body, specifically your active configuration of primary centers at the time of projection, may also play a part. It is possible that some projectors sporadically develop a type of clairaudience, the ability to hear into the real-time zone and astral dimension and to hear spirit voices and sounds, as well as the voices of other projectors. Where simple astral noises and voices are heard, and the projector is neither directly nor indirectly referred to, this is the most likely scenario.
  • Deliberate: Another possibility is that some astral noises are deliberately produced and telepathically aimed at projectors by low-order astral wildlife. These noises appear to be a very cleverly designed audio illusion, a sneaky distraction designed to worry or trick a projector into aborting an imminent exit. This trickery and deceit is well in theme with the whole apparent purpose of elemental and dweller-type manifestations.
If this is indeed the real source of astral noises, then they are simply an audio scare alternative to the more visual dweller-type manifestations.
Where the projector is addressed or called by name, or indirectly referred to in any other way, this is the most likely scenario.

Dealing with Astral Noises
Any and all astral noises must be totally ignored during the exit stage of an OBE.
These harmless sound effects will distract and disrupt your balance and keep you from projecting if you pay any attention to them.

This is especially so when it comes to being pestered or called by someone inside your own house.
No matter what you hear and no matter what is said, totally ignore it!

The chances of any real emergency happening right at that particular moment, when you are on the threshold of an OBE exit, is remote in the extreme. Think about it.

If there were a real emergency, someone in your house would surely enter your room and wake you up.
They would physically shake you awake if you were really and truly urgently needed.

On top of this, if someone were actually banging on your door, the real noise from this would instantly shock you out of the trance state.

Friends and family members also will not usually just stand on the other side of a closed door, pounding and shouting through it, especially late at night or in the early hours of the morning.

If you continue with your projection, you can go and check to see if there is a real emergency in your house, as your projected double.
If anything is really happening and you are truly needed, you can then simply return to your body, reenter it, and deal with the situation moments later.

I have projected countless times while ignoring astral noises and voices.
Everything is always dead quiet when I finally get out of my body.

There is never anything there waiting for me that could have caused all the earlier noise and kafuffle.
This shows that astral noises and voices are not directly related to the more visual elemental and dweller-type scare manifestations.

Just because you hear astral noises and voices, it does not mean any kind of visual scare manifestation will follow this if you continue with the exit.

I have been caught out by astral noises many times over the years.
It is absolutely infuriating!

I've learned to ignore most astral noises when they happen, but they still catch me out occasionally; they can be that convincing.

Clutching Hands and Other Annoyances
Before or during the exit, you may feel cold and clammy hands grabbing and clutching at your body.
You may even see fleeting images of monstrous faces leering and snarling at you.

You may hear these shadowy beings apparently scuttling about the room.
These hands never hurt projectors; they can only scare them.

They are a type of sensory illusion and should be ignored.

No cause for them will ever be apparent once the exit is completed.

Before or during the exit, you may feel, see, or hear an annoyance; a small animal, often a dog or a cat, may jump onto your bed and start washing your face, or start scratching and snarling, or annoying and distracting you in some other way.

A variation is a friend or relative coming into the room, or trying to get into the room.
This person promptly begins distracting or annoying you in some way: demanding you get up immediately or entering the room and touching or even tickling you.

This is an illusion, and should be ignored, as hard as this might be at the time.

OBE Hitchhikers
A rare type of OBE problem that affects approximately one in two hundred projectors at some time in their life - a real-time or low-astral problem - is an OBE hitchhiker, which can happen to seasoned projectors as well as novices.

After the exit, you become aware that some being is holding on to you from behind.
You often see a pair of arms encircling and holding on to you.

This being may be silent or may speak and make threats or threatening sounds.
It will often answer if spoken to.

You may feel you are being carried around by it, or you may feel you are carrying it yourself.

If it answers at all, this being will usually give short, cryptic, negative, or nonsense replies, which may or may not contain threats.
It may even state it is there to help you in some way-do not believe this.

You will usually be able to turn around and see your hitchhiker.
You will often see a rough-looking male face with glaring eyes.

When looked at, it may abuse you loudly or scare you in some other way.
Alternatively, it may do and say nothing at all.

It may even appear to be asleep or unconscious when looked at.

In case you are concerned about missing a chance of beneficial spirit contact: a simple way to test a spirit (to tell a good spirit from a bad spirit) is to politely but firmly ask it to leave and return another time when called on.

A good spirit will understand and leave immediately, and will return another time when called on.
A bad spirit will either point-blank refuse or will make up some excuse, e.g., that they know what's best for you.

The consensus among projectors is that these hitchhikers are attracted to fear.
They are most likely to appear at times when projectors become fearful or anxious during an OBE.

In some cases, you have only to think of the hitchhiker briefly and it will appear.
The wisest preventative measure is to control fear and not think about the hitchhiker in any way, not even for a moment.

Drive all thoughts of it out of mind and focus on the OBE at all times.

Providing you are courageous enough, a good way of dealing with this situation is to bravely confront or attack it.
Do not listen to it no matter what it says.

Demand it leave immediately and threaten dire consequences if it does not obey.
If this does not work, create a baseball bat or other weapon of choice and use it to beat the manifestation until it leaves.

The created weapon should be held firmly in mind so it does not melt away while being used.
This procedure should be repeated during any future OBEs if it reappears.

Chapter 35, "Astral Self-Defense", provides details on the creation and use of astral weaponry.

If the above does not work, or if you are too timid for a confrontation, or if the manifestation repeats, denying its existence will sometimes work, although this generally takes longer.

Totally ignore it and deny its existence.
Actively disbelieve in it and unmake it with creative ability.

Imagine and see its arms fading away and feel the rest of it fading out of existence behind you.
An alternative is to make it burst into flames with creative ability and try to burn it away.

Shape-shifting can also be used and the shape of the projector changed to unhorse or better deal with the manifestation.
Small is usually more effective than big here, but both should be tried.

If you can hold the shape of a bee or wasp, you will often lose the hitchhiker in the process.
The use of any level of creative ability is often enough to drive off a hitchhiker, as this seems to intimidate astral wildlife.

Passing slowly through walls and other solid objects can also help.
Look at this as scraping off the hitchhiker onto the wall as it is penetrated.

Another idea is to project into the nearest church or house of worship.
As this type of manifestation is a real-time or low-astral problem, projecting directly into higher levels of the astral planes will lose the hitchhiker in the dimensional shift.

If all these methods fail, I advise that you seek out the services of a good practicing shaman (see bibliography).

I have referred projectors with this type of problem to shamans many times, and the results have always been positive.

Overcoming Fear
Fear is a natural defense mechanism.
True bravery is the ability to control fear while continuing to function in a reasonably normal fashion.

Bravery is not the ability to feel no fear at all.

One of the greatest causes of out-of-body fear is the tendency most projectors have to project late at night before sleeping.
An OBE can definitely be a bit on the creepy side during the dead of night.

But some people find themselves surrounded during an OBE with at least enough light to see by, even on the darkest of nights.
This light, generally localized to the projector's immediate area, is called astral light, and is generated by the projector's subconscious mind.

It can usually be brightened simply by willing it to brighten.

The out-of-body environment is sensitive to the mind of a projector.
Feel the light brightening and will it to happen.

Look for this brightening and expect the area around you to brighten.
See the shadows fading and everything becoming clearer and more distinct.

The area around you will soon become much brighter; this brightness will follow you wherever you go.
Expect it to follow you and it will.

Everything will then be much less gloomy and intimidating.

The simplest and most effective way to reduce fear is to project during daylight hours.
Instead of taking an afternoon power nap, you could have an afternoon OBE.

You'll get the same amount of rest, but will have a great deal more fun.
There is nothing at all creepy about projecting in daylight, and there is a great deal more to do and see during daylight hours.

If you do not have the opportunity to project in daylight hours, I suggest an immediate shift into the astral planes shortly after the exit.
The astral planes are very interesting places to be and are generally well lit.

There is nothing at all creepy about the astral planes; often you will find yourself in full sunlight once you arrive there.

Some type or level of fear usually will continue to plague new projectors until their self-control is better suited to OBE.
In time, repeated exposure to the out-of-body environment removes its unknown qualities, causing fear levels to drop significantly.

Out-of-body endurance and functionality will also steadily improve as personal experience is gained.
This gives projectors progressively more and more freedom.

There is nothing wrong with having some fear when you project.
Fear is healthy and forces you to be cautious.

A little fear and caution will keep you alive and kicking much longer than foolhardy bravery will.
As long as you can control your fear and don't let it consume you, it will serve you well.

I still feel a little trepidation and anxiety whenever I leave my body.
I never really know what I'll find each time I go out.

I will probably always feel this healthy respect, even though I have projected countless times and can control myself extremely well.

I know what to do and what to expect, but when it comes right down to it there is always a little anxiety at the back of my mind.
This is especially so with an exit in the dead of night, when the real-time world is always a little on the creepy side.

Control yourself and be as brave as you can and just do your level best, no matter how scared you really feel inside.

No one can do any better than that, my friends.

Religion and OBE
Many people worry that they are violating some religious law if they project out of their bodies.
They worry there might be a line of text in the Bible or some other holy book that forbids it, and that they might thus be doing something detrimental to their soul.

As far as I am aware, there are no direct warnings given in the Bible or any other holy book, anywhere, which clearly prohibit or warn against projection.

I do not intend to get into a religious debate over this.
I am sure that many good people in the world would delight in correcting me on this matter, and cite biblical text that could be construed into meaning projection and OBE are bad things.

But religious opinion against OBE comes not from personal experience and an investigation of the evidence, but from what I believe to be unrelated textual interpretations.

This type of argument is therefore best considered as being uninformed conjecture.

Everyone in the world projects in some way or other whenever they sleep.
There are no exceptions to this rule.

This includes all the people who decry the practice of projection on religious grounds.
The vast majority of people simply do not remember it, or as sleep projectors have nothing to really remember apart from an occasional dream.

There is nothing occult or mysterious about OBE.
It is a completely natural function.

And, as everyone does this unconsciously anyway, what logical reasoning could there possibly be showing this perfectly natural activity should not also be done consciously?

I sincerely apologize if I have upset anyone here.
No offense is intended.

I believe our Creator designed and made us exactly as we are, with a bioenergetic body that naturally generates the energies required to project during sleep.

We are all inherently capable, with a little practice, of deliberately stimulating the generation of these same energies.

And, we can also learn how to simulate the natural sleep state by entering the trance state (body asleep + mind awake) so we can leave our bodies consciously.

If we were not all meant to have the ability to function out of body, then why were we all born with the innate ability to do just that?
Did God make a mistake when God gave us, one and all, our bioenergetic and pure-energetic aspects, along with our inherent projection capabilities?

I do not happen to think so.

I believe God is perfect, as are all God's creations, and that God is incapable of error.
The Elephant and the Fly

A disciple and his teacher were walking through the forest. The disciple was disturbed by the fact that his mind was in constant unrest.

He asked his teacher: “Why most people’s minds are restless, and only a few possess a calm mind? What can one do to still the mind?”

The teacher looked at the disciple, smiled and said:

“I will tell you a story. An elephant was standing and picking leaves from a tree. A small fly came, flying and buzzing near his ear. The elephant waved it away with his long ears. Then the fly came again, and the elephant waved it away once more.”

This was repeated several times. Then the elephant asked the fly:

“Why are you so restless and noisy? Why can’t you stay for a while in one place?”

The fly answered: “I am attracted to whatever I see, hear or smell. My five senses, and everything that happens around me, pull me constantly in all directions, and I cannot resist them. What is your secret? How can you stay so calm and still?”

The elephant stopped eating and said:

“My five senses do not rule my attention. I am in control of my attention, and I can direct it wherever I want. This helps me to get immersed in whatever I do, and therefore, keep my mind focused and calm. Now that I am eating, I am completely immersed in eating. In this way, I can enjoy my food and chew it better. I control my attention, and not the other way around, and this helps me stay peaceful.”

Upon hearing these words, the disciple’s eyes opened wide, and a smile appeared on his face. He looked at his teacher and said:

“I understand! My mind will be in constant unrest, if my five senses, and whatever is happening in the world around me are in control of it. On the other hand, if I am in command of my five senses, able to disregard sense impressions, my mind would become calm, and I will be able to disregard its restlessness.”

“Yes, that’s right,” answered the teacher,” The mind is restless and goes wherever the attention is. Control your attention, and you control your mind.”

~ Remez Sasson

Some random videos from youtube both explaining theories of the vibrational state and how to induce it.
If not to go out of body, then to clear your energies and chakras.
Most of these are subjective opinions and experiences.


Shake it!
What say you?
(Maybe this is what’s up with my strange Deja Vu dream memory thing that keeps happening?)

Behind The Veil
~ A Look at the Phenomenon of Channeling ~


Interview with Lyssa Royal
This interview was conducted by Lyssa's Japanese interpreter, Ms. Kazumi Hosanna in Tokyo, Japan, July 3, 1995

Channeling is the process of receiving information or inspiration from realms beyond our physical reality.

There are many forms of channeling such as vocal trance channeling and divination (using tools such as tarot or runes).
Even the simplest form of creativity can be considered channeling such as music composition, dance and movement, and artistic endeavors.

The specific source of channeled inspiration is not nearly as significant as the essence of the gift brought through to this reality.

From where does channeling come?

Most people have heard of the process of channeling spirit guides, angels, extraterrestrials and ascended masters.
But perhaps the most important aspect of channeling is each person's ability to connect with his or her own unique spiritual energy - that of the Higher Self.

Without that ability, the process of connecting with spirit guides may seem two-dimensional or shallow.
As we develop our relationship with our own Higher Selves (thus committing to the process of our personal growth) the universe comes alive with consciousness that helps us learn about the wonders of God's universe.

This article is taken from an interview with Lyssa Royal on the subject of channeling and its connection with the Higher Self.
Many subjects are discussed but an overall theme is explored - that the channeling process can only be as clear as the channel.

To achieve clarity a channel must commit herself to a journey of intense personal growth and discovery.

It is important to remember that each channel is unique.
Just like musical styles, a channel and his/her guide learn to create a symphony of ideas and experiences for the listener.

Every channel has his or her own style.
If you are seeking a channel, it is suggested that you participate in several styles of channeling until you find one that inspires joy and awakening in your heart.

The following interview was conducted by Lyssa's Japanese interpreter, Ms. Kazumi Hoshina.

Q: How did you become a channel, and what kind of training did you go through?
Please be specific about your training.

It seems like the circumstances in my life guided me to learn the skills that I needed to learn to become a channel long before I even knew what channeling was.

In 1979 I had a UFO sighting with my family in New Hampshire.
Though I had been interested in psychic phenomenon before that experience, the UFO sighting really accelerated my interest in paranormal subjects.

I was in college at the time.
Shortly after that I was studying hypnosis in college and learned to place myself in an altered state of consciousness, mostly for stress management.

Those early situations (the UFO sighting and learning to put myself in an altered state of consciousness) helped to lay the foundation for what happened later.

In 1984 I began to see a channel named Darryl Anka who channels Bashar.
The channelings by Bashar had a very profound impact in my life.

During that time I had a dream in which an entity materialized and touched all of my chakras.
The entity said to me, "You will be a channel.”

That experience both scared and excited me.
I immediately went to Bashar and asked him what this was all about and what I could do to develop my channeling.

Bashar actually recommended a channeling class that he knew of in Los Angeles that was just beginning.
I called the teacher and it turned out that there was only one opening left.

The class began a month or two after my initial phone call.
During the interim I felt like I wanted to continue to learn about channeling before the class began.

An exciting process began happening.
I began to feel the presence of other entities and a lot of energy around me.

I would go into that self-hypnotic state that I had taught myself years before and the spirit guides began teaching me the early stages of channeling.
They would blend their energy with mine, move my hands and head, and they would exercise my vocal chords so I could feel what it was like to speak with a new energy in my vocal chords.

That really got me ready for the class.

Q: So the channeling began even before you took the class?

That is true, yes.
I was channeling already before I began the class, but I felt that I needed some type of formal guidance.

It is a very frightening experience to be opening to something like channeling without assistance.

I entered the class in January 1985 and I studied with five other individuals once a week with the teacher for about 4-5 hours.
Then we met independently without the teacher once or twice per week for about 4 hours.

The class itself taught a wide range of approaches to channeling - all of which are very important aspects of the channeling experience.

One area that was stressed was the area of Personal Growth, which is what I focus on now when I teach channeling.
This aspect is important because it is what allows a channel to be clear.

If a channel processes his/her own fears, issues, and blockages, then they become clear as a person and thus will become clear as a channel.
(A channel who is not clear, loving, and nonjudgmental in life will not be a clear, loving, and nonjudgmental channel.)

We also did a lot of work having to do with the subconscious.
There were a lot of guided meditations that were for the purpose of releasing blocked energy that resides in the subconscious.

This energy is expressed through an archetypal language understood mostly by the subconscious and unconscious aspects of ourselves.
This includes the areas of fear, love, judgment, and the integration of polarity (whether it be male/female or dark/light).

There were many lessons having to do with the blending of spiritual energy with ourselves in human form and the expression of that energy through speech, movement, or music (depending upon the individual channel's talents).

A lot of focus was placed on the Higher Self and how everything we need can be accessed within us without even having to work with entities outside of ourselves.

We also did basic work having to do with the development of our psychic abilities and the stimulation of our chakra (energy center) energy.
We worked on divination using tools such as tarot cards, runes, etc.

Our lessons were comprised of a whole mixture of teachings designed to shape us into flexible and clear channels.


Q: So this was some serious study.

Even late in the year we accelerated our class time and spent even more time practicing.

We were very dedicated.

Q: Eventually you began to work with the entities Germane and Sasha.
Before they appeared, what other entities were guiding you?
Were they with you only to help you learn to channel?

The very first entities I began channeling (who came through before the class began) were a mixture.
The first one I remember was a Chinese philosopher named Kwan.

The entity Ra came through also.
There were quite a few.

I don't remember them all.
The first entity that stayed with me and helped me develop as a channel called herself Raydia.

I channeled her for three years.
She was the entity that my Los Angeles clientele knew the most.

I became known first for channeling Raydia.
The whole time I lived in Los Angeles and I was channeling publicly, I was channeling Raydia, along with several others.

Q: What was Raydia like?

She is a female version of the guide I work with now named Germane.
Just before I left Los Angeles [in 1988] and moved to Arizona she did her last channeling.

She said to the group, "You will never see me in this form again.”
I had no idea what that meant.

Eventually she integrated herself into Germane.
Like Germane, she was a collective consciousness, but had a strong affiliation with the star Arcturus.

Germane has many different aspects to him, but Raydia was very heart-centered and strongly affiliated with Arcturus.

I also channeled an entity called "the One" at that time, who had a strong connection to the energy being worshipped by Ahkenaton in his attempt to introduce monotheism in Egypt.

Q: You mentioned an entity named "Ra”.
Was that the same entity mentioned by the Egyptians?

It is not the same entity as the one discussed in the later dynasties of Egypt.
The original Ra evolved into something else later in the mind of the later Egyptians.

was another collective.

Once I moved to Arizona, everything changed.
Surprisingly, I began to channel Merlin.

He was very enigmatic and kept telling us that he was just a temporary guide and that he was getting me prepared for a new frequency.
About six months later, Germane appeared.

He was very hard to channel at first, and had a bothersome accent.
I begged him to work with me so that the accent could be dropped.

He said the accent had something to do with the way his energy interfaced with my speech centers.
It took a few years, but eventually the accent was lessened.

Now it is just slightly perceptible.
For people who have listened to my tapes since 1989, they will notice that the accent diminishes after about 4 years.

This is indeed a long process!

Q: Could you tell us how contemporary channeling developed in America?

In the late 1800s the spiritualist movement in both Europe and America increased.
The interest in mediumship strengthened. Back then, it mostly focused on channeling the entities who had died - deceased spirits who return to give information.

In the 1950s there was a surge of channeling from supposed extraterrestrial sources.
One channel named George Van Tassel was a real pioneer in terms of ET channeling.

At that time, it was very simplistic channeling but quite profound for the listeners.

I would say that the main influence for many of today's contemporary channels would have to be Jane Roberts who channeled Seth.
She began channeling in the 1960s but her material wasn't well known until the 70s and then it experienced another surge in the 1980s.

Her material is very intellectual and deals with the nature of reality as well as our connection with God, reincarnation, etc.
It comes from a very well-balanced and well-rounded perspective.

I feel she is the pioneer of modern day channeling in America.

Edgar Cayce influenced American channeling a bit, but he is extremely unique.
His material could be corroborated and often was validated, whether it was prophecy or medical remedies.

His channeling wasn't known necessarily for philosophy and spirituality as it was for practical, down-to-earth information.
He has done a wonderful service for channeling.

Q: Is there a hierarchy among the entities who are channeled?

You will get a different answer to this question depending upon who you ask.

I will preface this by saying that this is my opinion, but I do believe it is true.
For those of us in the physical plane, reality is linear.

We always need to put things in a hierarchy in order to understand them.
This is even reflected in our corporate structure.

From the spiritual realms, the entities tell me that there is no hierarchy.
The entities all view each other as equal, but perhaps with different areas of expertise.

So the most common labels for the different types of entities channeled in America would be the following:
  • Extraterrestrials
  • Angels
  • Ascended Masters
  • Spirit Guides who have lived lives on Earth and who have passed on
  • Collective Group Consciousness
  • Light Beings
  • Nature Spirits
  • etc...
I have found that channels who are very good and clear do not channel about the concept of hierarchy.
Some channels who are not as clear or developed might tend to focus on the idea of a hierarchy or on forms of separation.

Each entity has their area of expertise that is reflected in the type of information that they bring through.

Q: Channeling has existed for centuries but has taken on different styles.
Why do you think that the popularity of channeling has risen in conjunction with the growth of the New Age movement?

I think there are several reasons.

One has to do with species evolution.
If you look at human history there is always a resurgence of paranormal interest at the end of a millennium.

This is both positive and negative.
The negative is that there is a resurgence in apocalyptic prophecy.

The positive is that there is a spiritual revival in one way or another.
The boom of the New Age movement at the end of the 20th century falls in line with historical trends.

Also, we are living in an increasingly technological world that is leading us away from nature and our connection to the universe.
I think people are trying to fill a need to feel connected again.

Connection is our natural state of existence! People are looking for any activity or philosophy that can make them feel that connection.

Channeling is providing a service, but it is certainly not the only way for people to make that connection.

Q: Do you think also that this resurgence in channeling is connected to the transition that many people feel we are now experiencing?

I think it is connected with the transition.
If what is being channeled is true - that the vibration or energy of the planet is accelerating and that we are transforming ourselves in response to this acceleration - then it seems only natural that we will make use of the brain's capacity more than we have in the past.

There is now some research about what happens in the brain to one who is channeling.
However, this research is not complete.

Channeling is indeed connected to this transformation because the transformation is causing us to want to reach out and expand our potential, especially in the areas of thought and consciousness.

Channeling is one way to do that.

Q: It is amazing that no one is doing serious research into channeling.

I think there has been some research done, especially at UCLA.
The research that I am familiar with was done by Ph.D.s. One doctor studied the psychological changes in those who are developing as channels.

She wrote a dissertation on her findings. [The late Dr. Margo Chandley.]
There are also brain wave studies in which channels have been hooked up to EEG machines.
[These are not released to the public yet.]

When channels go into the channeling state and begin channeling an entity, all the brain waves peak.
For instance, when we are awake in normal life, only the beta brain waves peak.

It seems that channeling uses more of the brain because all the brain waves peak.
The brain becomes more active.

This is exciting because it may confirm the idea that, in fact, channeling is expanding the human potential.

Does this mean that everyone needs to learn to channel to expand their brain capacity?
No, I don't think so.

If the theories about the morphogenetic field are correct, there will only need to be a certain number of channels to reach critical mass.
At critical mass, the brain evolution will be passed to the majority of the species, thus creating an evolutionary leap.

Q: From your experience as a channel since 1985, do you find any similarity in the messages that are being channeled?

There is definitely a similarity in the messages.
It seems like each channel has their own area of expertise, but the overall message is the same.

These basic messages include the following ideas:
  1. We are all the creators of our own realities, and reality is created through our thoughts and emotions
  2. We are part of a galactic family of which we are not yet totally conscious. Beings of immense diversity have visited and
    continue to visit us whether in physical form (such as UFOs) or on the spiritual levels (such as angels)
  3. There is a transformation happening that called different names by different teachers. This is a real, tangible event
  4. We all have our connection to God within us and need not worship something external to us. We are all a part of God and
    need no one outside of ourselves to serve as a "cosmic messenger" - no priest, no church, no guru, and certainly no trance

Q: You often mention that channeling is a process of cooperation between the spirit guides and the channel.
What do you mean by that?
What determines the quality of a channel?

In old school mediumship, the mediums were just vehicles for the spirit's messages.
Often the medium would enter a sleep state and not be present for the relaying of the message.

When the entity would leave, the channel would collapse from exhaustion.
They would then have to recharge themselves.

It was a process of separation between a channel's life and their spiritual work.

In present day, channeling is much more a cooperative effort between the channels and the entities.
Ultimately, I think this is healthier and a lot better for the growth of the channel.

Most channels now enter a semiconscious state and don't surrender control to the entity.
The entity can't do anything that is against the moral code of the channel.

The channel enters a receptive state and allows the entity to do the work.
While the channeling happens, the channel benefits also.

They don't just go to sleep.
They benefit and grow and the energy channeled through somehow also transforms the channel on very deep levels.

The channel is in partnership with the entity, so we as channels can say,

"Your energy is too strong. Can you please give me less?"

The channel can make requests of the entity and the entity is more than willing to comply.
This is also extremely important because as we see ourselves as equals to the channeled entities and work in partnership with them, the idea of separation is decreased.

Now for the second part of your question.
The aspects that determine the quality of a channel might be surprising to some people.

One of the incorrect belief systems out there is that all "good" channels must be unconscious while channeling so the mind does not get in the way. However, I see far too many unconscious channels who are unclear and their channeled information is judgmental and, in some ways, hateful.

What seems to determine the quality of a channel is how much personal processing they have done in their life.
Have they worked on their fear and resistance, and their fear of victimization?

Have they learned to relinquish judgment?
If they have done work to become self-empowered, can become humble, and are committed to their personal growth (even if they have to see parts of themselves that they don't want to see) then they can make very good, clear channels.

It doesn't matter whether a channel is unconscious, semiconscious, or conscious.
The state of the channel's heart, mind, and emotions is of utmost importance.

Q: So a channeled entity must use the vocabulary of the channel and is limited by their humanness?

That is correct.
Whatever belief systems or discriminations that we as humans have, they are encoded in our very cells.

If a human leaves his/her body and lets the entity fully merge into this reality, the entity still has to use the channel's brain and use the coding that is in the channel's cells in order to speak and express.

It is a biochemical process as much as it is a spiritual one.
The coding can act like a distortion mechanism.

If you wear glasses that are coated red, then everything you see will be tinted red.
The coding within us always "tints" or distorts the energy coming from a spiritual source.

Unless we learn to lessen at distortion, it will always be distorted no matter whether we are conscious or unconscious as channels.

Q: So that can only be cleansed through the personal work?

For the most part.
In the research I've done during the last decade the answer would have to be yes.

The channel must be willing to commit to their growth and work through their most challenging issues in order to become clear.

Q: Some people have the conception that once one learns to channel and can access wisdom from other dimensions, all of one's problems will be solved.
They won't have to do anything except listen to the advice.
This belief isn't really correct, is it?

Believe it or not, many of my students have had that assumption!
Some have believed that if they became channels that they would never, ever have another problem in their lives!

The entities are not here to stop us from learning and growing.
They are actually here to stimulate our growth.

They will always tell a channel that they are here to be of service but that they are not here to take away our problems.

We must learn and grow, thus strengthening ourselves as humans.
These human challenges make us clearer channels.

If a student wishes to learn channeling because of that expectation, they will find the process very difficult indeed.

Q: As a very public channel since 1985, what do you feel are the biggest misconceptions about channeling?

There is a lot of discrimination that goes on regarding channeled material.
One of the biggest challenges has to do with general society.

Most of society understands what channeling is only through how it is portrayed in the media.
The media portrays it in an extremely distorted way.

Because the media likes to promote sensationalism and tabloid journalism, they focus on the dramatics rather than the actual information and the beautiful experiences that people have had.

The biggest distortion portrayed by the media is that channels are in it for the money.
I can tell you that I have not gotten rich off of this, and I could be making more money as a secretary, which is what I was doing before I was channeling!

Many people also believe that the people who channel are simply crazy or have personality imbalances.
The exact opposite is true!

I've been fortunate to have been very close to the research of a Ph.D. who studied channels and found that, for the most part, the healthy ones are very balanced people.

These people usually have higher education and are emotionally stable as well as having a good relationship with physical reality.

I would say that if people would just take the time to do the research about what channeling is before they make a judgment, they would come to understand that it is something very different from their preconceived notions.

Of course, there are some unhealthy channels out there which, unfortunately, makes it harder for other channels who are committed to their personal growth and clarity.

Q: How has channeling changed your life?
How has it enriched your life?

That is a difficult question because since 1984 channeling has been such an integral part of my life that I don't know what my life would be like without it.
I would say that when I started to channel, I began to feel more in control of my life.

I began to feel that I created my reality and I had the power to create a positive reality that I preferred.

Any challenge that comes up, I have the power to walk through it and learn from it.
Channeling has encouraged me to always learn from everything that I experience and it has made me a lot more optimistic -- probably more than I ever could have been in this life if I wasn't a channel.

Q: Do you get to benefit from channeling?
How do you ask the entities questions?

There are several different ways.
The easiest is for me to write the question down and have someone else ask while I am channeling.

The area that I would like to improve in my own channeling is in answering my own questions.

Sometimes I put the question out there to the universe and usually very shortly after that I get the answer either through inspiration or through a life circumstance that shows me the answer.

At other times, the guidance comes very clearly in the form of a "thought ball" that seems to drop into my consciousness.
Once I unravel this (like a ball of yarn) the answer presents itself.

I enjoy the process of learning the answer rather than being told.
Several times I have gotten answers to questions easily, but if I wasn't ready to hear the answer, it usually made no sense anyway.

When you learn for yourself (rather than being told), it is a lot more profound.

Q: Channels have often said that they made an agreement to work with their spirit guides before they incarnated in their current life.
Is this true for you?

I don't know if I've made an agreement to do it so publicly, but I do feel I've made an agreement to channel.
One of the entities that I work with now (Sasha) says she is a physical extraterrestrial from the Pleiadian star system.

When I was a child, my cousin and I used to make a lot of jokes about being ETs.
We used to say we were from both the Pleiades and Orion.

Even as a child I had this connection and fascination with the stars -- especially the Pleiades.

I had an experience when I first started to channel even before I joined the class.
I was in a sauna and I was relaxing.

I heard communication that said to me,

"Are you ready?”
It startled me and I said, "Ready for what?”

The voice said, "Are you ready to do what you've agreed to do?"

I don't know who sent this communication.
It was very clear that they were "calling my number" and it was time for me to begin the work.

It was frightening because it put a lot of pressure on me!

So yes, I do think I made an agreement before I was born, but I don't know any of the specifics.

Q: Could you describe the UFO experience you had in 1979 that was your turning point?

My father's house was in a rural area of New Hampshire.
It was the first snowfall of the season and I looked outside to see how much snow had fallen.

It was dark and I saw a very large ball of light that looked like a miniature sun.
I would say it was about 500 yards away in the forest across the street.

Perhaps it was closer.
It was hovering.

Every once in a while it would make some angular movements that no aircraft can make.
It was very overcast because it was snowing, so it had to be something very close.

When I called my family to the window, they witnessed it as well.
By the time they got to the window it began to release something that looked like a teardrop of fire from it.

It fell toward the ground.
When I opened the door I heard a very unusual sound like a whine that started low in pitch and then went higher in pitch and intensity until it disappeared.

I was only 18 at the time and I desperately wanted to go out into the forest to see it.
I had no fear at all.

I was so excited.
My father would not let me go to investigate.

There was no noise that would even come close to a conventional aircraft.
The area in which I grew up, in New Hampshire, was known for its UFO activity.

This really left an impact on me.

Q: Do you have any advice for anyone who wishes to develop their channeling abilities?

The number one thing that channeling will do for you is accelerate your personal growth.
So, be prepared!

If you choose to develop yourself as a channel, you will be transformed and you will become a different person.
The best possible reason to choose to be a channel is to become a better person.

If you choose that goal and pursue it while using channeling as a tool, you will become a very clear and good channel.

I would not recommend that people choose channeling in order to become a professional or to solve all of life's problems, or for any other reason that is not one of humble service.

It must be a path of the heart.
The path becomes difficult for those whose main focus in not on their own growth.

This is because in order to become a good channel you must be willing to look into the mirror of your soul and embrace even the most horrific aspects of self.

Not everyone is willing to do this.

Finally, at the risk of sounding like a school teacher... if you are going to do it, you must practice, practice, practice!
That is the way you become clear.

When you practice, you will have periods of doubt.
Continue to practice during those periods of doubt because the doubt eventually fades.

But you have to have the will to get through those challenging periods.

Q: People also have a misconception that channeling is just a process of connection with entities and spirit guides.
You have emphasized often however that channeling spirit guides is actually a byproduct of learning to connect with the Higher Self, which is actually much more important.
Could you elaborate on this idea?

When you focus on your personal growth and clear your blockages the natural result is to make a connection with the Higher Self.
Once you make that connection with the Higher Self many doors will open.

The door to your creativity opens along with the door to many hidden talents that you might not know you had.
One of these talents might be the talent to channel spirit guides.

If you choose to learn to channel spirit guides and focus only on that and do not focus on your personal growth, it will be a difficult road.
If you choose the path of your Higher Self, then the door to the universe opens widely before you.

The Higher Self is, simply, the part of us that we all have that connects with God.
It is our own individual Christ/Buddha consciousness that we possess within us.

It also represents the pinnacle of human potential.
That Higher Self exists for all of us and is the higher point of view of life on Earth.

From the point of view of the Higher Self, our confusing world makes sense.
When you make your own intimate connection with the Higher Self, your life begins to make sense.

Q: What role does the Higher Self play when you channel other entities?

Higher Self is like a gatekeeper or a big cosmic switchboard.
The HS knows your path in any given life even when you don't know it consciously.

HS always guides and protects you and makes sure that you move in the direction you need to move for your own growth.

When you are channeling another entity, the HS will be the switchboard that brings in the entity or gives permission to the entity to come through and communicate.

Q: Is the Higher Self energy then blended with the spirit guide who is speaking through you?

The entity's energy is funneled through the Higher Self.

I describe the process as follows: I go into the altered state.
The personality I know of as Lyssa goes to sleep in the back sleep.

My HS is the driver of the car.
The entity is a passenger in the front seat.

The HS drives the car and guides the channeling experience.
The entity is the navigator.

It is a cooperative process between the Higher Self and the entity.
So, when the entity comes through, it is blending of both.

Q: What if two different channels channel the same energy?
Will the channeled entity have the same personality?

Yes, but there may be subtle differences.
I've channeled Bashar (who is primarily channeled by Darryl Anka).

The Bashar that comes through me and the Bashar that comes through Darryl are noticeably the same entity.
However, the subtle aspects of the entity are colored by either my Higher Self or Darryl's.

There have been interesting things that have happened.
Darryl and I have both channeled Bashar and channeled the same information within the span of a couple of days, not knowing what came through the other channel.

There is indeed a sense of continuity between us.

Q: Could you describe your unique form of channeling?

I do a form of channeling that I call semiconscious channeling.
This means that I do go into an altered state, but I do not leave my body.

It feels like I am asleep and dreaming.
My eyes are usually closed, and my speech patterns slightly change.

When I awaken, I may or may not remember what was said.

Sometimes I have my own experiences or teachings given to me while the guides are speaking to the audience.
I usually only remember about 50% of the material.

If I do not discuss it after the session, it fades from my memory much a like a dream would fade as we busy ourselves with our daily lives.

Before we close the interview I would like to stress again that it doesn't matter whether a channel chooses to do conscious, semiconscious, or unconscious channeling.

All forms can produce clear and profound channeling.
The most important key is the quality of the channel as a person and as a vehicle.

In choosing a channel, you must ask yourself questions such as the following:
  1. What is the channel's personal life like? Does the channel walk his talk?
  2. How clear is the channel in his/her waking state? Does he/she create a lot of chaos in life or is the channel a relatively balanced individual?
  3. Does the channel deal with the basics of 3D life on Earth easily or is he/she seeking to escape from this reality?
  4. Is the channel or channeled entity subtly or blatantly telling you that he/she has the only truth and that you must follow it in order to be "saved"?
These questions and more will open a window into the quality of the channel and the channeling.
Do not be afraid to use discernment (rather than judgment) when looking for a channel who gives clear and useful information.

There are different styles for everyone.
Keep looking until you find the right channel for you.

If you approach channeling with an open heart and mind it can be amazingly rewarding.
Keep in mind that most channels are not providing this service to prove anything.

Since channeling cannot be "proven" it is ridiculous to try to use it as a method of validation. Instead, it is meant to be a spiritual service that leads an individual back to the God within.

In our distant past, channeling in its many forms was a natural part of life practiced not only by shamans and spiritual teachers but by anyone with a sincere desire to connect with the greater part of themselves.

Today's western world has rigid and dogmatic scientific perspectives that leaves many people feeling the void of spirituality within them.
People in increasing numbers are turning to their inner selves for guidance.

This quest will serve to strengthen the individual as a spiritual being and, when practiced with humility and an open heart, will always lead the seeker back Home.
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August 3, 2017 by Colaborama

It is time to take action again! It is time to take the destiny of our world in our own hands! We all agree that the process of planetary liberation is taking too long. Here is our chance to collectively speed up the process. Therefore we are using the opportunity of the Solar eclipse on August 21st to create a portal through which we will unify our consciousness and enlighten the energy field around the planet.

Make this viral! Share it worldwide! Please post it on your websites and blogs. Invite spiritual groups to join us. If you know an alternative media outlet, you can send it to them. You can create a Facebook group for your local group of people doing this in your part of the world. We also need one main Facebook group for this event. You can create a video about this and post it on Youtube.

Scientific studies have confirmed positive effects of mass meditations on human society, so each of you that will participate in this meditation can actually help bringing the Event and Full Disclosure closer to us:

This meditation helps the Light forces to ground the energy of Light on the surface of the planet to strengthen the Light grid which is needed to speed up the process of Full Disclosure and Ascension. Number of people doing that meditation is the single most influential factor within the power of the surface human population for speeding up the process.

We can reach the critical mass of 144,000 people doing this meditation! This will create a massive healing chain reaction in the energy field worldwide. The focus will be on the United States, where much healing is needed.

Astrological chart for our meditation shows a powerful grand trine between Galactic center / Saturn / Lilith in Sagittarius, Eris / Uranus in Aries and Mars / Lunar Node / Sun / Moon in Leo. The core of this grand trine is exact grand trine of Galactic Center at 28 degrees Sagittarius, Uranus at 28 degrees Aries and Sun / Moon eclipse at 28 degrees Leo. At the eclipse, the energy of electric fire of liberation will flow from the Galactic Center (the Pleroma) throughout the Solar System and will be channeled through Uranus and through the Sun / Moon eclipse, all of them located in fire zodiacal signs. Therefore our meditation at the moment of the eclipse has a potential for a huge breakthrough on the planetary surface, as it is a moment of the most direct connection with the Galactic Center.


This will be the first eclipse since 1918 with the path of totality going through the continental US. This eclipse is a great opportunity for us to make a decision to create unity. Unity of awakened individuals is the most powerful catalyst for the planetary liberation. For this reason me, Corey Goode and many other people are joining forces to gather the critical mass of at least 144,000 people doing this exact meditation.

A joint Cobra / Corey interview has been recorded especially for this occasion and will be released in a few days.


The path of totality will touch the ground near Salem, OR at 10:18 am PDT and will exit near Charleston, SC at 2:47 pm EDT. For people in the western part of the US the total phase of the eclipse will be already over when the meditation starts. The meditation will start right before the moment of maximum point of the eclipse and people in the central US will be meditating right through the totality. People in the eastern part of the US will be able to watch the total eclipse after the meditation.

Map of cloud cover shows that people in the western part of the US have the highest probability to actually see the eclipse:


We will be doing this meditation at the moment of the maximum of the Solar eclipse on Monday, August 21th at 11:11 am PDT in Los Angeles. This equals 8:11 pm EET in Cairo, 8:11 pm CEST in Paris, 7:11 pm BST in London, 2:11 pm EDT in New York, 1:11 pm CDT in Chicago, 12:11 pm MDT in Denver and 2:11 am CST on Tuesday, August 22nd in Taipei.

You can check the time of the meditation for your time zone here:


  1. Use your own technique to bring you to a relaxed state of consciousness.
  2. State your intent to use this meditation as a tool to speed up the process of bringing harmony and unity for planet Earth and its inhabitants.
  3. Visualize a pillar of Light emanating from the Galactic Central Sun, then going through all beings of Light inside our Solar System, through the eclipsed Sun and the Moon and then through your body to the center of the Earth. Visualize another pillar of Light rising from the center of the Earth, then up through your body and upwards into the sky towards all beings of Light in our Solar System and our galaxy. You are now sitting in two pillars of Light, the Light flowing both upwards and downwards simultaneously. Keep these pillars of Light active for a few minutes.
  4. Now visualize a soft pink healing divine feminine energy, healing all people of the planet of their past traumas, bringing peace, harmony, understanding, abundance and unity. Visualize this soft pink light healing the minds and hearts of all people worldwide. See all Lightworkers, Lightwarriors and Truthers working in unity for the creation of the New Earth. See the people of Earth celebrating and joyfully participating in the creation of our new reality where everyone can obtain what they need and freely choose to live as they desire.

Suggested time for meditation is 15 minutes.

Goddess wants unity and unity it will be!

Updates about the Unity Meditation:

Check this page for updates and videos with audio in multiple languages.

This meditation sounds important. It is interesting for another reason too: It is the first eclipse covering the entire continental US since 1918.

Cobra and Corey Goode in a joint interview. This will be interesting to see.

Now Is the Time to Meditate ~ There Is Nothing More Important + Instruction Videos in Many Languages
August 17, 2017 by Therese Zumi Sumner
If there ever was a perfect moment in time to take part in a Unity Meditation


for Peace on Earth / Gaia it is that time NOW: All around this beautiful planet many of us have been taking part in regular Sunday meditations for years now to support the arrival of a time of when the real truth – a full disclosure of the truth – is exposed. We have envisioned the beginning of a new time on Gaia when all wars have ceased and we find ourselves in a time of peace and harmony when a new golden age on Gaia begins. We have seen many times in the past few years how chaos and very dangerous wars have been averted with the power of our unified consciousness efforts in the form of many special meditations.

Right now, many websites and blogs worldwide with a common desire of the truth being revealed, have decided to spread information about a unity meditation for peace at the time of the solar eclipse on August 21st 2017.

The instructions for how to take part in this meditation are so simple that a small child could learn them by heart if he/she heard them a couple of times.

I would suggest that if you are thinking about taking part in this wonderful 15-minute event that you too can learn the instructions now just in case servers break down when too many try to access information simultaneously. This happened at the time of an important meditation at the end of February when 150 – 200,000 people participated. Way over 1 million tried to access information at the time.

This time we believe that we can reach many more and YOUR effort to spread this information any way that you know is extremely valuable. No attempt to do this is too little.

Here are the instructions for the meditation: followed by instruction videos in most languages – more may be added as they come in. The last video here is music only for those that might prefer that.

We will be doing this meditation at the moment of the maximum of the Solar eclipse on Monday, August 21th at 11:11 am PDT in Los Angeles. This equals 8:11 pm EET in Cairo, 8:11 pm CEST in Paris, 7:11 pm BST in London, 2:11 pm EDT in New York, 1:11 pm CDT in Chicago, 12:11 pm MDT in Denver and 2:11 am CST on Tuesday, August 22nd in Taipei.

You can check the time of the meditation for your time zone here:



  1. Use your own technique to bring you to a relaxed state of consciousness
  2. State your intent to use this meditation as a tool to speed up the process of bringing harmony and unity for planet Earth and its inhabitants.
  3. Visualize a pillar of Light emanating from the Galactic Central Sun, then going through all beings of Light inside our Solar System, through the eclipsed Sun and the Moon and then through your body to the center of the Earth. Visualize another pillar of Light rising from the center of the Earth, then up through your body and upwards into the sky towards all beings of Light in our Solar System and our galaxy. You are now sitting in two pillars of Light, the Light flowing both upwards and downwards simultaneously. Keep these pillars of Light active for a few minutes.
  4. Now visualize a soft pink healing divine feminine energy, healing all people of the planet of their past traumas, bringing peace, harmony, understanding, abundance and unity. Visualize this soft pink light healing the minds and hearts of all people worldwide. See all Lightworkers, Lightwarriors and Truthers working in unity for the creation of the New Earth. See the people of Earth celebrating and joyfully participating in the creation of our new reality where everyone can obtain what they need and freely choose to live as they desire.
Suggested time for meditation is 15 minutes.

Here you can find audio videos with these instructions in most languages. The instructions are read at a slow pace to cover the 15 minutes suggested time with music in the background. More videos will be added as they are completed.

August 21st Unity Meditation at the Solar Eclipse – English

August 21st Unity Meditation at the Solar Eclipse – Cantonese – 8月21日日蝕團結冥想

August 7th Lunar Eclipse Meditation – Love Signal (Chinese) – 2017年8月7日月食冥想 傳遞宇宙大愛的訊號

August 21st Unity Meditation at the Solar Eclipse – Czech

August 7th Lunar Eclipse Meditation – Love Signal (Italian)

August 21st Unity Meditation at the Solar Eclipse – French

August 21st Unity Meditation at the Solar Eclipse – German

August 21st Unity Meditation at the Solar Eclipse – Greek

August 21st Unity Meditation at the Solar Eclipse – Portuguese

August 21st Unity Meditation at the Solar Eclipse – Russian

August 21st Unity Meditation at the Solar Eclipse – Spanish

August 21st Unity Meditation at the Solar Eclipse – Swedish

August 21st Unity Meditation at the Solar Eclipse – Turkish


August 21st Unity Meditation at the Solar Eclipse – Music Only

I just want to show everyone the info about the solar eclipse meditation that is going to happen on Monday 21/8 next week.

YouTube videos can be coped to a video or a sound file using an add-on in Mozilla Firefox and copied to a mobile phone. Not everyone has Internet access on a mobile phone. Using a video is not 100% necessary but is recommended for maximizing the effect of the meditation.
The Elephant and the Fly

A disciple and his teacher were walking through the forest. The disciple was disturbed by the fact that his mind was in constant unrest.

He asked his teacher: “Why most people’s minds are restless, and only a few possess a calm mind? What can one do to still the mind?”

The teacher looked at the disciple, smiled and said:

“I will tell you a story. An elephant was standing and picking leaves from a tree. A small fly came, flying and buzzing near his ear. The elephant waved it away with his long ears. Then the fly came again, and the elephant waved it away once more.”

This was repeated several times. Then the elephant asked the fly:

“Why are you so restless and noisy? Why can’t you stay for a while in one place?”

The fly answered: “I am attracted to whatever I see, hear or smell. My five senses, and everything that happens around me, pull me constantly in all directions, and I cannot resist them. What is your secret? How can you stay so calm and still?”

The elephant stopped eating and said:

“My five senses do not rule my attention. I am in control of my attention, and I can direct it wherever I want. This helps me to get immersed in whatever I do, and therefore, keep my mind focused and calm. Now that I am eating, I am completely immersed in eating. In this way, I can enjoy my food and chew it better. I control my attention, and not the other way around, and this helps me stay peaceful.”

Upon hearing these words, the disciple’s eyes opened wide, and a smile appeared on his face. He looked at his teacher and said:

“I understand! My mind will be in constant unrest, if my five senses, and whatever is happening in the world around me are in control of it. On the other hand, if I am in command of my five senses, able to disregard sense impressions, my mind would become calm, and I will be able to disregard its restlessness.”

“Yes, that’s right,” answered the teacher,” The mind is restless and goes wherever the attention is. Control your attention, and you control your mind.”

~ Remez Sasson


But wasn't the elephant also restless. If they were at peace, would the fly have bothered them so much. Or was that the master's point? That unrest is a natural feeling. That focusing too much on control will only cause you to lost touch with the here and now. That you need to come to peace with the restless part of your mind. And the student was too stupid to understand this. So the master was like "Sigh, yeah sure. Why not?"
@Skarekrow Have you ever tried testing your OOB experiences. Just out of curiosity, have sensiko move something in the room, and then see if you noticed the change when out of body. I've never had directly controllable OOB experiences, but if I could consistently control them, I'd try it. Currently the scientific explanation for these experiences is that of a specific type of hallucination. But if you could empirically prove you were projecting outside your body, it could open up whole new avenues of research into it.
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@Skarekrow Have you ever tried testing your OOB experiences. Just out of curiosity, have sensiko move something in the room, and then see if you noticed the change when out of body. I've never had directly controllable OOB experiences, but if I could consistently control them, I'd try it. Currently the scientific explanation for these experiences is that of a specific type of hallucination. But if you could empirically prove you were projecting outside your body, it could open up whole new avenues of research into it.
It’s not like a’s not like waking reality as we know it either.
Which is why it is so shocking to most people when they reach that wholly a new existence in a the very least a new never felt experience and sensations.
Even reaching the vibrational stage is not so easy to do, and very hard to maintain in order to actually attempt a non-spontaneous OOBE.
The OOBEs that have been self-induced are quite often quick and (non-spontaneously) it seems harder to move from jumping out of my body to actually flying around and doing things...I’m still working on stabilizing that state unfortunately.
Now when I have one spontaneously, where I have woken into one, or moved spontaneously from meditation to going OOB.
It seems to happen quite often when something is negative in my home and some kind of internal alarm kicks me out to that state from whatever dream I was currently enjoying.
If you look through the links (sorry some are messy due to the forum switching formats a while back), you will see many veridical or verifiable OOBEs.

Possibly one of the best papers written on the subject and a very good read, this is a fascinating account -

NDE Implications from a Group of Spontaneous Long-Distance Veridical OBEs
Andrew Paquette Scientific Exploration_2012-26-791-824-1.pdf

Here are other various articles in my thread that can give you more insight:
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It’s not like a’s not like waking reality as we know it either.
Which is why it is so shocking to most people when they reach that wholly a new existence in a the very least a new never felt experience and sensations.
Even reaching the vibrational stage is not so easy to do, and very hard to maintain in order to actually attempt a non-spontaneous OOBE.
The OOBEs that have been self-induced are quite often quick and (non-spontaneously) it seems harder to move from jumping out of my body to actually flying around and doing things...I’m still working on stabilizing that state unfortunately.
Now when I have one spontaneously, where I have woken into one, or moved spontaneously from meditation to going OOB.
It seems to happen quite often when something is negative in my home and some kind of internal alarm kicks me out to that state from whatever dream I was currently enjoying.
If you look through the links (sorry some are messy due to the forum switching formats a while back), you will see many veridical or verifiable OOBEs.

Possibly one of the best papers written on the subject and a very good read, this is a fascinating account -

NDE Implications from a Group of Spontaneous Long-Distance Veridical OBEs
Andrew Paquette of Scientific Exploration_2012-26-791-824-1.pdf

Here are other various articles in my thread that can give you more insight:

Thanks for all the links. The Journal of Scientific exploration study looks interesting. Haven't had a chance to read it yet. It's a shame that the majority of these are documented by fringe science journals though. Not that I'm discounting their studies. There's definitely a strong attempt to verify NDEs and OOBEs in a scientific environment. At the same time, there tends to be a bias in such communities. Where they would accept evidence that clearly doesn't stand up to investigation. Of course there's plenty of bias in the larger scientific community as well. It quickly discounts out of body experiences with little examination into it.

It's sad really. Think of the numerous discoveries to be uncovered if there was a bit more open mindedness on both sides. There's so much were still in the dark about. More research grants into these subjects could change the way we see reality.
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The not wanting to be here might be an INFJ condition across the literally feels like my whole body is buzzing, vibrating, the weightlessness I get too...seriously though...try to oscillate your energy up and down as VELO describes...totally shifted my vibrational state way feels like you are literally vibrating out of your skin....except it’s

Hope you are well!

Oscillate the energy up and down the spine? I'll try that this evening.

You know something? I've been thinking about INFJs in that way for a couple of years now. I always thought since I was an Earth sign I and loved the rural countryside that I was completely grounded.
But now....I have learned I never really totally embraced my Human human life.... like probably never.
...and we - the team and me - are now working almost the entire day on me being grounded in this body feeling gratitude and joy IN This Body....
...and some days it's a struggle and I walk around telling them "This is a crock of Sh*t!".... you know....when children are being abused and no one does anything about it. It's on THOSE days I want to grab a knife and go cut some tender skin.
Heh heh....

But getting back to the INFJs not wanting to BE here I agree with you. I'd include the INTx's as well. I really do believe we are different for a reason and that reason is happening Now.
It will be interesting to watch this forum come around to that idea. :D
Thanks for all the links. The Journal of Scientific exploration study looks interesting. Haven't had a chance to read it yet. It's a shame that the majority of these are documented by fringe science journals though. Not that I'm discounting their studies. There's definitely a strong attempt to verify NDEs and OOBEs in a scientific environment. At the same time, there tends to be a bias in such communities. Where they would accept evidence that clearly doesn't stand up to investigation. Of course there's plenty of bias in the larger scientific community as well. It quickly discounts out of body experiences with little examination into it.

It's sad really. Think of the numerous discoveries to be uncovered if there was a bit more open mindedness on both sides. There's so much were still in the dark about. More research grants into these subjects could change the way we see reality.

Yes...I think we are moving in that direction hopefully.
I do think there will come a time when someone can unequivocally say in a very public manner than these types of phenomena do exist.
Every major military has funded PSI projects for decades in most cases...before they went out of the public eye.
Take the Princeton PEAR labs, they had huge results with showing that their RNGs were being somehow effected by human intention.
They have data that shows statistics in the trillion to 1 category showing that something they don’t know what is
But it is happening...the problem is the how.
Just about every type of strange phenomena gets dismissed because there is no working model and/or a real time way of monitoring it into something that is usable data...for instance, they got large correlations in the data on the morning of 9/11, even 5 hours leading up to it the RNGs were showing major changes that then peaked during the crashes and buildings coming down and tapered off over the next two days.
But how?
It’s not easily detected as most things are very small and subtle phenomena occurring, probably most of the time without us noticing...we only notice when something has a very big effect in our environment...and we don’t know how these effects happen, so they are difficult to predict to study larger size phenomena.
It’s like wearing a monitor your whole life just in case you have a near death experience, it’s just not feasible.
As for what should be simple verifications such as numbers on a card...I am just now beginning to see that I need to work on my recall when such things do occur.
I can say for sure, if the vibrations and jumping out of my body are all in my head....kudos to it for creating such a fucking wild experience by will!
Imho, it happens a lot, but most of the time we are asleep...many theories believe every time we dream we are out of our body to some degree.
I would have definitely lost interest in the idea of it being possible by now if I had not experienced it and felt it and can say that it was way more than a dream....but that’s just the thing...the harder you try, the less it seems to happen....which again, makes verifiable things difficult.
The study I linked you sets out to do just that is subjective, but supposedly verified by other people that information was known that couldn’t have been collected any other way.
It’s a really interesting read anyhow.
Hope you are good!
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Oscillate the energy up and down the spine? I'll try that this evening.

You know something? I've been thinking about INFJs in that way for a couple of years now. I always thought since I was an Earth sign I and loved the rural countryside that I was completely grounded.
But now....I have learned I never really totally embraced my Human human life.... like probably never.
...and we - the team and me - are now working almost the entire day on me being grounded in this body feeling gratitude and joy IN This Body....
...and some days it's a struggle and I walk around telling them "This is a crock of Sh*t!".... you know....when children are being abused and no one does anything about it. It's on THOSE days I want to grab a knife and go cut some tender skin.
Heh heh....

But getting back to the INFJs not wanting to BE here I agree with you. I'd include the INTx's as well. I really do believe we are different for a reason and that reason is happening Now.
It will be interesting to watch this forum come around to that idea. :D

I agree with you.
It is frustrating....but I see the same type of thinking in so many people here on the forum, not to mention my own SO who also shares the sentiment that she doesn’t belong on this planet...same way I feel, and you, and almost everyone on
Not that I’m trying to diminish how you are feeling...only pointing out that it seems to be echoed by the various personalities to varying degrees on the forums. oscillate it up and down from feet to head and back, faster and faster until you raise your is supposed to help keep you chakras clear any remove and energy pollution from your energetic self..supposed to give you better energy control as well as your ability to contain more Qi.
It worked several times now for me...not every time....but that could very well be me.
They purposefully say not to visualize it in your mind but rather try and feel your energy is supposed to give you greater control and if your energy seems to go slow or get hung up somewhere you know that chakra probably needs some I focus on it for a few minute and then it seems to go smoother....also, it takes me about 15 minutes of meditating before I get into a true “trance” and then I can really feel the energy as opposed to when you first sit down and begin.
Let me know if you have any luck?!

Much love to are on my list of meditation prayer
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A brilliant and beautiful interview.

Joseph Chilton Pearce - The Crack in the Cosmic Egg


We interviewed Joseph Chilton Pearce at The Monroe Institute in Favor, Virginia as part of the 40 Days and 40 Nights Video Tour in October 2011.
For nearly half a century, Joe has been probing the mysteries of the human mind.

Author of The Crack in the Cosmic Egg, Exploring the Crack in the Cosmic Egg, Magical Child, Magical Child Matures, Bond of Power, and Evolution's End, one of his overriding passions remains the study of what he calls the "unfolding" of intelligence in children.

He is a self-avowed iconoclast, unafraid to speak out against the myriad ways in which contemporary American culture fails to nurture the intellectual, emotional, and spiritual needs and yearnings of our young people.

Part scholar, part scientist, part mystic, part itinerant teacher, Pearce keeps in close touch with the most brilliant men and women in each field.
He creates a unique synthesis of their work and translates the results into a common language.

His most recent book, Death of Religion and the Rebirth of Spirit: A Return to the Intelligence of the Heart (2007),
is critically important for where we are now.

Our organized religions are stuck in centuries of a particular way of thinking that makes it
very difficult to address the changes going on the world of thought today.

Over and over on this tour we met brilliant thinkers and scientists who are making the
journey from the intellect to the heart along an unchartered and unmapped path.

In our interview, Joe shows us the importance of living from the heart, regardless of what the mind says.