Recent content by mastermind | INFJ Forum

Recent content by mastermind

  1. mastermind

    wtf happened to jester

    wtf happened to jester
  2. mastermind

    What is your hell on earth?

    Trying to help people with their relationship problems
  3. mastermind

    Fe Traps.

    You can say no. I would have said well I don't want to. But then again I am an INTJ we tend to be blunt.
  4. mastermind

    What type were you raised to be

    I think to my rents the "ideal me" should have been an ESTJ/ISTJ
  5. mastermind

    whats goin on betch

    whats goin on betch
  6. mastermind

    The Ideal Job for your personality

    Doctor? I dont think so. Mabey a surgeon.
  7. mastermind

    Book on molesting children.

    haha wtf that is wierd
  8. mastermind

    Recognizing Social Dynamics

    Im very good at it and I credit Ni :)
  9. mastermind

    Would you kill a puppy for $1000000?

    $1,000,000? Of course! that much money would help me get through school and buy me a new car! I don't really care if its the "right" thing to do..
  10. mastermind

    hello solongo.

    hello solongo.
  11. mastermind

    Whats the password for chat I forgot its been to long since I last logged in.

    Whats the password for chat I forgot its been to long since I last logged in.
  12. mastermind

    hey sith what you been up to

    hey sith what you been up to
  13. mastermind

    hey morgain hows life

    hey morgain hows life
  14. mastermind

    everytime i see subway comercials i think of you.

    everytime i see subway comercials i think of you.
  15. mastermind

    Sorry it took so long to reply I just got your message lol

    Sorry it took so long to reply I just got your message lol