Recent content by GYX_Kid | INFJ Forum

Recent content by GYX_Kid

  1. GYX_Kid

    The 'Evil' Function

    Ni might be the function most associated with something like "madness" and "delusion" Doesn't it kind of internally draw a very artistic painting of the world, which is by nature creative/subjective/may look similar to what it means to portray but is almost never completely identical? Anyway...
  2. GYX_Kid

    What does introversion feel like?

    When I'm around a crowd, I sometimes feel like I'm expected to do something. Unless I notice a lot of others keeping to themselves. Around close friends, there's probably something engaging to do or talk about. When talking to people, I usually can't go a conversation without looking away...
  3. GYX_Kid

    The Poo Thread

    niffer This better niff AND hoff my ass. I mean your ass better....yeah
  4. GYX_Kid

    The 'Evil' Function

  5. GYX_Kid

    How do you build rapport with an INFJ?

    Same with me too, people sometimes think I'm angry or depressed when I'm not really. The substance-heavy topic is definitely a good suggestion, someone could get me to open up pretty well too, with that. Well in my case there are two INFJs who aren't just friends- one's my brother who I feel...
  6. GYX_Kid

    How do you build rapport with an INFJ?

    Okay, well that's not exactly the question... but it seems like whenever I'm kind of quiet and not really doing much around an INFJ, I almost get a vibe that they assume I'm not interested; in other words, they expect me to "make the first move" if I'm at all interested in spending any time with...
  7. GYX_Kid

    If MBTI types had a country each...

    Japan, Norway INTx USA ESxJ What happens between them?
  8. GYX_Kid

    Personality Matching Dating Sites...

    With the internet, quality seems to come in packs of quantity more than their mechanisms for trying to create quality Like finding one quality person out of 100, on some massive site such as
  9. GYX_Kid

    How do you respond to confrontation?

    Both, for crazy psycho strangers (wait for them to cross the line first, or don't even let them get that far) But it depends where your ground/line to be crossed is, and what type of confrontation it is and everything. If someone's just really bugging you and you want them to leave you alone...
  10. GYX_Kid

    INFJ - Why ENTPs scare me.

    wahaha ENTPs are my cartoon-character friends.
  11. GYX_Kid

    What's a bad person?

    This is a concept to think about Any one of us could have been living in Germany during the second World War, and very likely been manipulated by the values around us. Then by most standards we'd be evil sheep. Killing all or at least most of these people would likely benefit society in a lot...
  12. GYX_Kid

    What's a bad person?

    Well, they're what they are due to their cause/effect relationship with the average of every human's values added up. If neither of them hadn't done what they did, the chain of events leading up to your birth would have been completely different. Then the ideas of good and bad in your head...
  13. GYX_Kid

    "Nice girl" personality or stereotype

    For some reason I was bored the other day and saw that show Everyone Hates Chris, and there was a girl considered really geeky and weird-looking who liked the protagonist. Then people saw her kissing him and he got humiliated, which pissed her off, so she styled her hair and became a hot model...
  14. GYX_Kid

    What's a bad person?

    The anti-Fi :wink: