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Your favorite books

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The Dark Elf trilogy (love all the Drizzt series)
The Cleric Quintet
^ R.A. Salvatore

The Awakening - Kate Chopin
Jane Eyre - Charlotte Bronte
The Seer and the Sword - Victoria Hanley (childhood favorite)
Also Biocentrism - Robert Lanza really opened my mind

I like complex characters and I want to get emotionally involved.

Another Jane Eyre fan. Wonderful!
Another Jane Eyre fan. Wonderful!

This book has probably gotten the greatest emotional response from me. Mr. Rochester was so mysterious.. what a tease.

Does anybody consider it a waste of time to read a book more than once?
This book has probably gotten the greatest emotional response from me. Mr. Rochester was so mysterious.. what a tease.

Does anybody consider it a waste of time to read a book more than once?

Depends on the book, to me fiction usually is however some books I can read more than once and get different things out of them.
Bump, I'm looking for some new reading and would love to hear more of peoples favorite books for people who didn't get an opportunity to share there's first time round.
Ordinary People
My favorites tend to be mostly fantasy or sci-fi (and I am trying not to name any of the obvious ones here: HP, LoTR, Narnia, etc):

Riddle-Master (trilogy) - Patricia A. McKillip
- A gorgeous, epic, lyrical fantasy trilogy.... Love her spiritual concept of magic.
Winter Rose - Patricia A. McKillip - Dreamy poetic writing that transports you to the fairy world.

Dandelion Wine - Ray Bradbury - Described as a "love letter to his childhood" this is a semi-autobiographical tall tale about his childhood in the Midwest.

Godbody - Theodore Sturgeon - A non-genre gem by another sci-fi great. The story concerns a small town and a Christlike being called Godbody. And the particular glow of sunlight on tulips.

Ender's Game - Orson Scott Card - Hands-down one of the most gripping, engaging, touching, works of sci-fi I've ever read!

A Wrinkle in Time - Madeleine L'Engle - My husband and I met over liking this book. Seriously. It's just that awesome. "Wild nights are my glory!"

His Dark Materials (trilogy) - Philip Pullman - The books are infinitely better than that so-so first attempt at a movie. I especially loved the atmosphere and world Pullman created in these.

Galactic Milieu (trilogy) - Julian May - Wonderful, vibrant, characters and nicely imagined sci-fi setting. Humans with mind-powers. Check!

Otherland (quartet) - Tad Williams - Starts out in an alternate near-future South Africa and travels, through technology, into the realm of human imagination, mythology, etc... My kind of cyberpunk.

...And many more, but those will do for now ;)
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