Which Sherlock Are You? | INFJ Forum

Which Sherlock Are You?


You got: Sherlock as portrayed by Johnny Lee Miller in the CBS series Elementary

You work well within the system: Better than you did outside of it. Your brilliance is pronounced, but your celebration of it has been dampened by life experience. Your ego is less evident than it used to be. You're mending old relationships and forming new ones. While you skirt the boundaries of legality, your ethics are in keeping with the mainstream. Your drug use is in the past. You've learned hard lessons, are open to continually learning them, and hope this will make you a better detective.​
You got: Sherlock as portrayed by Basil Rathbone in old movies

Quite akin to the Sherlock in the books, your personality is typified by pronounced rationality and an ego which you bring to attention by drastically understating your accomplishments. You exhibit a desire for companionship, though you'd not admit to affection. You're inclined to adventure even more than your companions are, and often go it on your own to do the dangerous or clandestine work. Your drug use is limited to what is legal and socially acceptable and necessary to ward off boredom.
You got: Sherlock as portrayed by Benedict Cumberbatch in the BBC series Sherlock

Your Sherlock is a self-confessed high-functioning sociopath. Your experience of emotion is detached, and often seems to take you by surprise. You're your own moral compass, and give no deference to mainstream ethics. Similarly, your attempt at empathy for those closest to you is remarkably off-base. This isn't to say you're not close to a few select others: To the contrary, your unfailingly devoted to them, even to your own detriment. At the same time, you're fundamentally self-absorbed. Much to the consternation of those who care about you, your drug use is limitless.