Which Lost Character Are You? | INFJ Forum

Which Lost Character Are You?

You got: Ben Linus


You’re very intelligent and calculating, but also very insecure and overly willing to hold grudges. You’re very skilled in many areas, but don’t advertise it, since you’d prefer people to underestimate you.

You got: Jack Shephard


You’re very intelligent and responsible, but put far too much pressure on yourself to succeed. You can be self-destructive, but also very heroic.
You got: John Locke


You’re a good person, but worry too much about not living up to your potential. You have a strong will and believe in yourself, and refuse to give up when life gives you obstacles.
You got: Desmond Hume


You are a hopeless romantic, and are willing to do anything for the one you love. You’re very brave, but also a little nuts.
You got: Kate Austen

You’re very clever and have a lot of useful skills. You are terrified of commitment, and tend to run away from your problems.
You got: Hugo “Hurley” Reyes


You have a lot of insecurities, but you’re a lovely person with a great sense of humor. People appreciate your generosity and eagerness to make them feel comfortable.
You got: John Locke

You’re a good person, but worry too much about not living up to your potential. You have a strong will and believe in yourself, and refuse to give up when life gives you obstacles.

John Locke