What have you learned from your SO or partner? | INFJ Forum

What have you learned from your SO or partner?


Sep 5, 2009
What have you learned from an SO or romantic partner? How have they positively impacted your life? How did they make you a better person or teach you something about yourself that you never realized? How did this person expand how you saw yourself, who you are or were and what you were capable of?

(Note: All questions don't have to be answered, and they don't have to be answered in order)
My last gf taught me that good company doesn't require much conversation. We used to do everything together, and really enjoyed each others company, and the time we spent together was mostly in silence.

I have a similar situation with a cat that has adopted me. I'll be busy reading, and she'll be busy grooming herself, but we both seem to relish each others company.
I could write a lot of things but the number one thing I've learned from all SO's is how to be a better human being.
From the most significant relationship I've had, I learned that you can't please everyone, and you have to do do what's right for you. You can't make everyone happy, and it's ok. Your life is your own, and your happiness is just as important as your partners'.
Every relationship I’ve been in has taught me a lot about myself.

I’ve learned a lot about what my personal boundaries are and what I need/want in a partner to feel loved, respected, and cared for. I’ve also learned a lot about communication in general, specifically that people aren’t mind readers, and that I get 100% of what I don’t ask for.

I'm not even "officially" a couple with the man I'm dating right now, but we have been friends for years, and even in the short time we've decided to give it ago, he has stretched me in more ways than any other partner has.

I chalk this up to a number of factors like my previous relationship experience, my understanding of what I actually want in a partner or from a relationship, my personal level of growth and maturity as an adult and where I’m at in life at this point in my life, but also, my partner himself.

He grounds me in a way I didn't think I could be grounded. I've always considered myself a mostly well rounded, practical, and down to earth individual, but he shattered that image and taught me a whole new meaning to living in the present, taking things as they come, and what it means to be a straightforward, honest, direct, dedicated, hardworking, and respectful individual.
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I learned from my ex that I would rather be alone than feel alone in a relationship where my mate doesn't really accept, understand or inspire me. Plus I learned that I need to be in a relationship with someone who doesn't have a low libido. Oh, and I learned I don't like kissing smokers. Too bad she can't read this comment.
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