Ubble Chance of dying in 5 years | INFJ Forum

Ubble Chance of dying in 5 years


Permanently relocated
May 19, 2013
From the answers you have provided, we have calculated that:

1. Your Ubble age is 43 years (39 to 47 years)

This means that your risk of dying in the next five years is equivalent to the average risk for men aged 43 in the UK.
How is the Ubble age calculated?

2. Your five-year risk of dying is 1.1%

This means that, out of 100 men aged 44 years with similar answers, 99 will survive and 1 will die over the next 5 years.

Population example
This risk calculator gives an estimate of how many people with similar answers will live and die within the next five years. It does not predict the future for any one individual; it cannot identify who will live and who will die (see our disclaimer).
This concept is expressed in the figure above. In white, the number of people with similar answers to yours who will survive over the next five years are shown, and in red, the number of people with similar answers who will die.
How is ‘five-year risk of dying’ estimated?

3. Importance of different measures

The Risk Calculator used your answers to calculate your risk of dying in the next five years. Some answers increased your risk, while others decreased it. To get an idea of which variables increased and which decreased your risk, go to the Association Explorer.

Although most of the variables included in the risk score cannot be altered by changes to an individual’s lifestyle, several can. Repeated studies have shown that increased physical activity, smoking cessation and healthy diet can improve lifespan and reduce risk for and illness from major diseases.

If you have any worries or questions about your health and lifestyle, you can get more information at NHS Choice Live well and questions about your results can be directed to Sense about Science.
So I have that ^ going for me.
I tried to take this test, but you have to be 40 to take it or the results are skewed. Did I get that wrong?