Scholarship Interview | INFJ Forum

Scholarship Interview


Urban shaman
May 8, 2011
One of the colleges I applied to is considering me for a full-ride scholarship, paying a little over $140,000 for my first four years. The final step for consideration interview. I imagine they simply want to attach a personality to a name, but are there any other things to prepare for? In their shoes, I would test applicants' knowledge and thoughts of current events, motivation and originality, and their approach to learning and why they want to do X. Needless to say because of the thread itself, I've never done this and am rather nervous. The interview is February 3rd and I *think* there are only 12-18 other applicants to compete with. The scholarship is only offered to three people.

Thoughts, anyone? Anything is appreciated.
Wow, congrats on all your hard work! :)

Let's see, the first thing is to dress nice/respectable. Dress pants, dress shirt, perhaps a blazer, tie, or suit. Dress shoes.

The second thing to do is practice. Practice like a mofo, pardon my language.:D Ask yourself questions and practice talking them outloud. Think of as many questions as possible. Some may be like:

Why should we pick you for the scholarship?
What are your hobbies?
Tell us about yourself. This one comes up often.
Where do you see yourself in five years? In ten?
What are your weakness and strengths.
Name a time when you overcame a difficult situation.
What is your goal?
Why do you want this scholarship?
What is your proudest achievement?
If you could talk to any person, dead or alive, who would it be?

And probably more, if anyone could chime in with some extras? :3

Going over in the mirror these questions helps a lot. Before the interview, make sure to practice the day before as a refresher, or even a bit before the interview. Think of your accomplishments and skills, but most importantly, relate them to your overall goal, especially in terms of helping others/bettering society. Good luck!^_^
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