No CISPA / CISA thread yet? | INFJ Forum

No CISPA / CISA thread yet?


Community Member
Aug 30, 2012
4w5 sp/sx
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Its always a relief to find other people who can see these things emerging in our world!

If we as a species are to protect ourselves from this stuff we have to get to grips with whatever this thing is that is shaping our world in such a negative way

Is it 'psychopathy'?

Can it be described in terms of MBTI?

Is it something from the dark recesses of the human psyche?

Is it something alien or demonic as some would have us believe?

Whatever this thing is its behaviours follow the same patterns to such a clear extent that the existence of a current there that is driving us in a certain direction cannot be denied except by the most delusional or ignorant among us

Whatever this thing is its hatred for humanity seems bottomless and its vampiric thirst for death and destruction seems to be unquenchable
[...]Can it be described in terms of MBTI?[...]


Is it something from the dark recesses of the human psyche?

Is it something alien or demonic as some would have us believe?

These two things do not seem mutually exclusive; I think you're looking in the right direction. Angels and demons; archetypes and collective unconscious; (more words)...

Ah yes, I so want to understand. As I try to adapt, to become comfortable with the idea of not knowing, trying to know, acceptance of being unable to know, I sometimes find myself pinned to the ground in humble awe at it all. It really is one big, crazy circus, and as meaningless as it may be it all matters so much.

Ah, there I go with my feelings again. :)
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These two things do not seem mutually exclusive; I think you're looking in the right direction. Angels and demons; archetypes and collective unconscious; (more words)...

Ah yes, I so want to understand. As I try to adapt, to become comfortable with the idea of not knowing, trying to know, acceptance of being unable to know, I sometimes find myself pinned to the ground in humble awe at it all. It really is one big, crazy circus, and as meaningless as it may be it all matters so much.

Ah, there I go with my feelings again. :)

Well said!

Maybe we do know when we don't try to use words
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[MENTION=6014]dudemanbro[/MENTION] dude... its beautiful, this life. Dont be afraid to feel it bro! We get to be here! Loving life, loving people that don't even know how to love... It's beautiful and meaningful whether people realize it or not.

You know, I think these people giving the orders at the top might actually feel like they are doing some great service to humanity.

Perhaps they believe absolute mass control is inevitable, and perhaps they see a methodical depopulation/extermination as an evolutionary necessity.
Have they been groomed to think and act this way? Has their connection with humanity been perverted so much that they cannot love?

What a sad state they must be in, I dont want to think of what kind of sick abuse happens to inspire such behavior.

I'm coming to believe that it's vital to view the perpetrators and those who blindly follow orders with compassion.
We can show the world a better way, right?

Lets fight for human rights and for a free world but lets do it with compassion, with forgiveness for those impoverished souls creating hell on earth.

I don't think we can succeed in proceeding beyond these tyrants without developing this sense of compassion for a suffering humanity. Remember that those who are hurting are most likely to inflict pain on others.

We are not forgiving them to dismiss the evil they have done, we are forgiving in order to renew and restore.

Thoughts are still developing on this. I hope it makes sense for someone out there.

Imagining a united humanity, confronting these issues from a higher perspective... I think it's the only way forward.

Love you guys!
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Thanks for the reply, [MENTION=963]myself[/MENTION]. It really means a lot.

I've forgiven the Illuminati and oh, how I wish they could open their hearts to Love Almighty and drink from His fountains themselves...