Is the US military aid to Azerbaijan being used against Armenia? | INFJ Forum

Is the US military aid to Azerbaijan being used against Armenia?

just me

Well-known member
Feb 8, 2009
I am hearing more and more about Armenia and Azerbaijan's fighting. If someone has the time, could they list the military aid sent to both countries over the past 5 years?

We have a just reason to help Azerbaijan, but was it to use against Armenia and why?


I just do not want to see another genocide, what with all the help the larger of the two is getting. If someone could help, I thank you. There may not be time to write a Senator and wait for a response.
copied..So, will Russia just stand by and watch its ally be defeated? Yes and no. Moscow’s current calculation seems to be that it can have its geopolitical cake and eat it. By holding off, Russia seems to be offering Azerbaijan some time and space to regain territories that are legally part of Azerbaijan but that have been under Armenian control since 1994. copied European Council on Foreign Relations, "A Captive Ally: Why Russia Isn't Rushing To Armenia's Aid"

I wonder by whose standards we watch, judge, and act?