Introverts and marketing/networking | INFJ Forum

Introverts and marketing/networking


Sep 5, 2009
So, for those who own businesses, what tips have you learned about making connections online or in person when marketing or networking?

I have worked in sales most of my working life. I also market pretty well. My advice, is very similar to my advice on dating. Get and get seen doing things you love. Instead of reading at home, read at a park or library. Join a book club or writing club. Open up to people and they will open up to you. I have made an ass of myself more than once but it helped. Now I feel no fear in meeting executives or doing networking events. It can be quite fun to meet random people.
The INFJs I've known do fairly well at it. Just get out and talk to lots of different people, and latch on to the extroverted people and opportunities which you know will help connect you to more people and more opportunities.
I have been running my own business for 8 years. Networking is how I found all my clients. I was quite uncomfortable with it at first, acting kind of like a wallflower, but I have grown quite comfortable with it. I just go and meet people and speak to them one on one. I go to several networking meetings every month and I have to give an 'elevator speach' at those. I'm ok now at giving my little spiel but really the only way I get new clients is by getting to know them personally. Networking is really 'relationship building' and you can't approach it as if you're trying to sell something, but more like you're out to meet new people and see if you can help them in any way. I was able to help out a few people with advice and connections. This usually leads to people trying out my services.
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I don't own my own business, but I do a lot of networking with my own career in academia and research consulting. I find the best way to network (aside from LinkedIn) is to listen. In my area, people love to hear themselves talk, tell you about themselves, and give you advice. Ask them questions and then just listen.
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