I just figured out love. | INFJ Forum

I just figured out love.

This is why I can never take the subject of love seriously. I always see this trio of goofballs in my mind's eye. You could say that memes have destroyed my love life *sigh*

Haha saaaame. From the moment I saw the title, I knew there would be a "What is Love" by Haddaway reference in here somewhere. Wasn't disappointed.

Had to amp it up with A Night at the Roxbury gif. :smirk:
"It's been a pleasure talking with you... ya dingus"

Every relationship ever.
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I've never been in love, just infatuated.

I try to guard myself from acting on very strong emotions because feelings like infatuation interfere with "the plan."

Whenever I get infatuated, I don't get too carried away. I consider my long-term goals and ask myself if I have time for this, so to speak. "Do you fit into my future?"

If I'm making a lot of time for someone then that means I deeply care for them. I make time through my presence, engagement in activities, and regular communication.

Love is deliberate, steady, and precise.

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