Going for Work, Looking to Learn | INFJ Forum

Going for Work, Looking to Learn


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Dec 27, 2009
I'm trying to figure out this personally, so apologize for the bias.
Do you seek to learn something from your workplace? What are you trying to learn? What are you trying not to learn?

Is it job-specific knowledge? (IT, firefighting,)
Or a more widespread techniques you can apply somewhere else? (management, marketing, customer service)
Or perhaps it's more of a mindset? (being effective, being compassionate, wanting to help people)
Or even people-related knowledge (how to deal with your dick of an employer/workmate/customer, how to be honest and what to say to not get fired)

Do you think an internship would be enough?

Thanks! :D
I'm trying to figure out this personally, so apologize for the bias.
No need! :)

Do you seek to learn something from your workplace? What are you trying to learn? What are you trying not to learn?
Oh, yes, trying to learn skills, valuable and fun ones, always! And trying not to lose sight of what's really important in the process.

Is it job-specific knowledge? (IT, firefighting,)
Yes, specific to the industry, as well as highly specific to how things are done at one particular place (which may not be how they're done somewhere else)

Or a more widespread techniques you can apply somewhere else? (management, marketing, customer service)
Yes, classes are frequently offered in these things, and you learn from literal experience as well.

Or perhaps it's more of a mindset? (being effective, being compassionate, wanting to help people)
Sometimes -- my particular mindset right now is something along the lines of putting in that little extra, wanting excellence. I've noticed that being around a group with a particular mindset, especially a very negative one, can negatively affect my own. I'm fortunate to be around some pretty great people currently.

Or even people-related knowledge (how to deal with your dick of an employer/workmate/customer, how to be honest and what to say to not get fired)
Oh, good Lord, yes, so much learning there is in this respect. Learning the hard way that people are mostly interested in what's in it for them; how you can provide value to them? Asking yourself this quiestion is always enlightening, but sometimes disappointing. Learning how to put myself in other people's shoes better. Learning that yes, Virginia, some people are simply assholes, and I don't have to internalize that fact of life. Learning to stick up for myself and to negotiate.

Do you think an internship would be enough?
It helps; there is nothing like experience to learn. I know people who have volunteered to lead charitable groups and efforts, and they use that experience to say they have managerial experience. (Which they do.) It then sort of snowballs -- you get more and more experience and learning and make friends, and you build momentum. I know sometimes that momentum is hard to start, however, and I am sorry if it is something you are struggling with.


P.S. Oh, and it is probably worth mentioning that some of your best teachers you are going to freaking despise, until you realize they were right. :/ sucks.
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