Descent into darkness and SADS | INFJ Forum

Descent into darkness and SADS


Community Member
Nov 6, 2016
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A friend asked us if we suffered from Seasonal Affective Disorder and I realized that maybe I don't. In the past I have thought that I might have SADS, but now I wonder if it may have been contextual. Perhaps the dark cold wet days have accentuated sadness that I was already feeling due to other things happening in my life?

We live in unique biogeoclimatic zone. In a Rain shadow. 10 miles away in every direction it rains heavily this time of year. (On the weekend we were staying about 150 miles North of here and it rained over 2 inches in 24 hours.) We get less rain, but it's still rainy and if it's not raining the hours of Sunshine this time of year are low. It's often cloudy for days on end and quite gloomy. Combine that with the days getting shorter as we move towards the Winter Solstice and it seems like the perfect recipe for SADS.

Do you suffer from SADS? What is your experience like?
The first winter in was in Scotland I noticed how much darker it was, earlier- as compared to the southern end of the country. I got quite depressed due to the lack of light. I guess I would describe it as being low in mood and low in energy. (Plus lack of light can also trigger general depression).

After this I invested in a SAD lamp and I use it every day, even in the summer. I definitely noticed the benefits. Especially so a few years ago when I commuted for shift work and sometimes had to get up very early in the dark, work inside all day and then go home in the dark. Using the lamp gave me energy and boosted my morale. I also sometimes take vitamin d supplement.
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The first winter in was in Scotland I noticed how much darker it was, earlier- as compare to the southern end of the country. I got quite depressed due to the lack of light. I guess I would describe it as being low in mood and low in energy. (Plus lack of light can also trigger general depression).

After this I invested in a SAD lamp and I use it every day, even in the summer. I definitely noticed the benefits. Especially so a few years ago when I commuted for shift work and sometimes had to get up very early in the dark, work inside all day and then go home in the dark. Using the lamp gave me energy and boosted my morale. I also sometimes take vitamin d supplement.
Our friend mentioned that she takes Vitamin D. My late sister in law used to use a SAD lamp. She also suffered from being bipolar. I make an effort to get outside any time it's Sunny out in the Winter to get some Sun on my face. I also like lighting a Fire in the Fireplace in the Winter, Warm cheerful lighting and candles. Comfort Food helps and watching some Movies also seems to help. Or music. If you don't mind me asking, How far north are you? (What degree of Latitude?) Maybe I should take Vitamin D too.
Our friend mentioned that she takes Vitamin D. My late sister in law used to use a SAD lamp. She also suffered from being bipolar. I make an effort to get outside any time it's Sunny out in the Winter to get some Sun on my face. I also like lighting a Fire in the Fireplace in the Winter, Warm cheerful lighting and candles. Comfort Food helps and watching some Movies also seems to help. Or music. If you don't mind me asking, How far north are you? (What degree of Latitude?) Maybe I should take Vitamin D too.

Vitamin D can really help! I know from experience.
I feel somewhat unqualified to comment because I feel quite happy this year, but I have felt SADS deeply other years. This does make me think that external factors are the catalyst for me. And if as an INFJ and HSP I absorb the mood of others around me, than this alone could possibly be a greater influence for me. I sometimes wonder why it takes me so long to figure things out. Like I think I have things figured out and then new information comes along and I think, Why didn't I know this ten years ago? It would have made things easier. It's like life only exposes itself to me a little at a time because it's concerned how much I can handle at any given time. Thanks Life!
I'm probably going through a period of SAD, I've been super moody lately and it's getting aggravating. >.<

Wake up in pitch black, come home in pitch black. Sit under florescent lights almost all day.
I'm probably going through a period of SAD, I've been super moody lately and it's getting aggravating. >.<

Wake up in pitch black, come home in pitch black. Sit under florescent lights almost all day.
Florescent lights...urrggghh, nothing I hate more. A friend recently told me a really easy thing to do for depression. (Apart from SAD lamps and St. Johns wart herbal tincture which I recommend).

Sound ridiculous but a 1/4 teaspoon on turmeric powder mixed into you food, daily for a few weeks (needs to be combined with cooking which includes the ingredients (oil and pepper)- and then 1/2 spoon daily in cooking after that.

Anyway worth a try, I'm doing it myself at the moment.

Re the benefits of SAD lights. You can also get a SAD desk lights, which I think really help in the office environment. Worth looking into? These things make so much difference to me. I've got a SAD desk lamp as well as a SAD light box. If you find a good company you might be able to get a reconditioned one cheaper.
@melissa* I've used St John's Wort before and found that it can give you a really positive boost. Will have to buy some tumeric.
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The Winter I spent in Canada was pretty unpleasant. Within a couple of weeks of getting back to Australia, I literally bought a convertible, and quickly got sunburnt. Feeling good ever since.

My version of SAD was marked by a constant mood of irritability and impatience.
Florescent lights...urrggghh, nothing I hate more. A friend recently told me a really easy thing to do for depression. (Apart from SAD lamps and St. Johns wart herbal tincture which I recommend).

Sound ridiculous but a 1/4 teaspoon on turmeric powder mixed into you food, daily for a few weeks (needs to be combined with cooking which includes the ingredients (oil and pepper)- and then 1/2 spoon daily in cooking after that.

Anyway worth a try, I'm doing it myself at the moment.

Re the benefits of SAD lights. You can also get a SAD desk lights, which I think really help in the office environment. Worth looking into? These things make so much difference to me. I've got a SAD desk lamp as well as a SAD light box. If you find a good company you might be able to get a reconditioned one cheaper.

@melissa* I've used St John's Wort before and found that it can give you a really positive boost. Will have to buy some tumeric.

Thanks! I'll have to try that, I actually have tumeric lying around that I haven't touched in a while..
I'm actually the opposite. I love dark rainy days and hate sunshine! If I'm out in the sun I get crabby, cloudy days I feel energized. I also keep my curtains pulled until the sun sets. :sunglasses:
It's so dark most of the time here now in winter, it definitely affects to my mood. I'm much more tired, sluggish and sad. Only about 6 hours of daylight every day. It's dark when going to work and it's dark when coming back home. Bright light therapy lamps are the best for this, though! I still haven't gotten one but used to have one in the childhood's home, always turn the light on when eating breakfast in the morning.
Florescent lights...urrggghh, nothing I hate more. A friend recently told me a really easy thing to do for depression. (Apart from SAD lamps and St. Johns wart herbal tincture which I recommend).

Sound ridiculous but a 1/4 teaspoon on turmeric powder mixed into you food, daily for a few weeks (needs to be combined with cooking which includes the ingredients (oil and pepper)- and then 1/2 spoon daily in cooking after that.

Anyway worth a try, I'm doing it myself at the moment.

Re the benefits of SAD lights. You can also get a SAD desk lights, which I think really help in the office environment. Worth looking into? These things make so much difference to me. I've got a SAD desk lamp as well as a SAD light box. If you find a good company you might be able to get a reconditioned one cheaper.
Sound ridiculous but a 1/4 teaspoon on turmeric powder mixed into you food, daily for a few weeks (needs to be combined with cooking which includes the ingredients (oil and pepper)- and then 1/2 spoon daily in cooking after that.
No not ridiculous...Tumeric is quite a good add in for many ailments. :)
No not ridiculous...Tumeric is quite a good add in for many ailments. :)
Tumeric is one of my special little secret ingredients, it's a very versatile and powerful little number.

Anyways, SAD.

I've had it mildly for a few years, but when I took my first nightshift job back in the day it hit me hard. I was surprised by the amount of people I was meeting who didn't it was a real thing. Vitamin D does help a bunch , in fact I believe its one of these things we don't get enough of, we, meaning people in the north.

It's gotten better over the years as I've been aware of it and managed it to an extent, but really there is no substitute for Sunshine. So I make a point of getting as much as I can during the winter. Not always possible but fresh air helps to.