Creativity - How do you manage it? | INFJ Forum

Creativity - How do you manage it?


Well-known member
Mar 4, 2012

How do you manage your creativity? Where do you predominately use your creativity and why; professionally, personally? What was your best experience with creativity? What was your worst? Do you think creativity is valued or devalued in contemporary society? In what situations do you think creativity is most beneficial? In what situations do you think creativity is detrimental? Any other thoughts about creativity?
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How do you manage your creativity?

Just turn it off. Life has a way of teaching you that.

Where do you predominately use your creativity and why; professionally, personally?

Both but in relationships its almost impossible. If you don't know them, they are not prepared. I used to feel bad for them, now I feel bad for me.

What was your best experience with creativity?

At work. I put together some projects and am surprised I was that capable. I'm really good academically. I liked the work I did in graduate school.

What was your worst?

Not sure.

Do you think creativity is valued or devalued in contemporary society?

Devalued. Nobody seems to celebrate much except their own missery.

In what situations do you think creativity is most beneficial?

Obviously where new perspectives are needed, new ideas on how to improve a process. In business process improvement.

In what situations do you think creativity is detrimental?

Any situation where you have to kill it because what is required is the lack of creative thought. A manual job. The subordinate job. One where you are asked not to think but rather just do your job.

Any other thoughts about creativity?

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How do you manage your creativity? Keep it contained until I can release it into a project. Where do you predominately use your creativity and why; professionally, personally? Music, writing, metaphors for learning/teaching, verbal presentations, art. What was your best experience with creativity? I one-shotted a piece of music at a school concert. I'd never seen it before because I had been excused from school for a while and had all of 10 minutes to put it together - used a series of metaphorical mental images to invoke the emotions I thought the composer put into it. Quite a surreal experience, and I was as shocked as anyone when it came out alright. What was your worst? Hmm. *digs through memories* I tried to give a speech to my high school class (every junior was required to) and I promptly realized after the first laugh that my analogies simply would not work. So I was stuck on stage, stumbling through it and barely audible. Do you think creativity is valued or devalued in contemporary society? Depends on what you're doing, I imagine; to say one way or another would be a massive generalization. In what situations do you think creativity is most beneficial? Novelty. In what situations do you think creativity is detrimental? When learning parts of any complex system; creativity can make you cut corners and have an abstracted, fuzzy understanding that falls on its' head when first seeing the complete picture. (I do this in science & math classes all the time >.< Never works for math and rarely for physics/chemistry.) Also in plug-n-chug jobs that don't use creativity. Any other thoughts about creativity? It's fun!

See the blue above.
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How do you manage your creativity? Where do you predominately use your creativity and why; professionally, personally? I tend to create in blocks of time. I create until I reach creative exhaustion then I recharge for sometimes the same amount of time that I spent creating. Professionally this approach works really well and I have produced some of my best work during these times. But personally I have to use an entirely different approach to creativity otherwise I am ON all the time and just burn out.

What was your best experience with creativity? What was your worst? Best experience with creativity was in healing people, both myself and others. I have found that creativity and healing go hand in hand. Worst experience with creativity was in business - people will exploit your creativity for profit.

Do you think creativity is valued or devalued in contemporary society? I would have to say devalued because I think we have yet to discover the true potential of creativity in regards to human potential and evolution.

Any other thoughts about creativity? I hope I live long enough to at least see a glimpse of our species develop it's understanding and use of creativity.
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How do you manage your creativity?

In my job, and then some in my personal projects at home.

Where do you predominately use your creativity and why; professionally, personally?

It's about equal... but I do like the structure/focus that work provides, because then when I really nail it it feels better.

What was your best experience with creativity?

Probably when I was in high school... my brain was a lot faster than it is now, and at the same time I wasn't so full of myself to think that everything I did was genius so I was actually more structured than I became in my early-mid 20s when I sort of lost the plot (and didn't realize it).

What was your worst?

I have a novel and an album that I obsessed over too much. The album is alright but the novel is horrendous... not that anyone would have cared anyway, but when you know it sucks even after you spent heaps of time on it, that's pretty lousy. But I guess I learned my lesson and now I try to keep things simple.

Do you think creativity is valued or devalued in contemporary society?

It depends... I don't think everyone gets to be creative in their jobs or at school, however. Actually, I think that school can be one of the absolute worst places for a truly creative person, because a lot of teachers just teach the test and there's no time for anything else or any room for disagreement. This isn't universal, but I definitely think it's a growing trend.

In what situations do you think creativity is most beneficial?

Survival situations. Haven't you ever seen MacGyver?

In what situations do you think creativity is detrimental?

I can't think of any. If a boss doesn't allow you to be creative, then they're a bad leader... it's good for them because they can take partial credit, and good for you because you don't feel so worthless. I think it depends on what you come up with, though... not all ideas are good.
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