Advice on ENFP women (correction) | INFJ Forum

Advice on ENFP women (correction)

INFJ and ENFP are an inspirational pair. Both share N-F-T-S preference with opposing attitudes, and so they naturally understand and validate each other, while their vastly different attitudes towards the world inspire them to learn from one another and grow.
I don't know if you'll like this answer~ but you probably just have to stay yourself. She will most likely be able to tell if you do so otherwise. Regardless

If you want to "get close" just try giving off multiple hints. If she's interested in you she will react upon them. If she's a well developed enfp she should have no problem figuring out that you're interested. If she seems to be oblivious to your advances then that probably means she's not interested or she wants to keep her options open.

Oh, and get to know her well. If you somehow create a deep bond between the two of you through mutual experiences and talking, that's a big big +.

Anyways~ being infj and all makes you totally mysterious and introverted and stuff :eek: You have any idea how interesting that is? (Oh and it's totally cool that you think you aren't the most good looking guy because enfp's probably find that totally cute)~~ I don't know why enfp people choose the way they do~ It doesn't make sense to me either you know :eek:~ why don't you browse the enfp forums? It's crazy over there~