A cryptographic call to arms | INFJ Forum

A cryptographic call to arms


Oct 14, 2009
The following post contains an article which was written by the journalist Julian Assange who works for wikileaks. He is currently living in the Ecuadorean embassy in London where he has been granted political asylum. If he leaves the doors of the embassy he will be arrested by the UK government and sent to Sweden to face fabricated charges created by a CIA sting operation. From there he will be extradited to the US or some country that is an ally of the US where he will be detained and most likely tortured

The article is a warning about how governments are using the internet. There is however a way of encrypting what you do online called TOR:

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This book is not a manifesto. There is not time for that. This book is a warning.

The world is not sliding, but galloping into a new transnational dystopia. This development has not been properly recognized outside of national security circles. It has been hidden by secrecy, complexity and scale. The internet, our greatest tool of emancipation, has been transformed into the most dangerous facilitator of totalitarianism we have ever seen. The internet is a threat to human civilization.

These transformations have come about silently, because those who know what is going on work in the global surveillance industry and have no incentives to speak out. Left to its own trajectory, within a few years, global civilization will be a postmodern surveillance dystopia, from which escape for all but the most skilled individuals will be impossible. In fact, we may already be there.

While many writers have considered what the internet means for global civilization, they are wrong. They are wrong because they do not have the sense of perspective that direct experience brings. They are wrong because they have never met the enemy.

No description of the world survives first contact with the enemy.

We have met the enemy.

Over the last six years WikiLeaks has had conflicts with nearly every powerful state. We know the new surveillance state from an insider's perspective, because we have plumbed its secrets. We know it from a combatant's perspective, because we have had to protect our people, our finances and our sources from it. We know it from a global perspective, because we have people, assets and information in nearly every country. We know it from the perspective of time, because we have been fighting this phenomenon for years and have seen it double and spread, again and again. It is an invasive parasite, growing fat off societies that merge with the internet. It is rolling over the planet, infecting all states and peoples before it.

What is to be done?

Once upon a time in a place that was neither here nor there, we, the constructors and citizens of the young internet discussed the future of our new world.

We saw that the relationships between all people would be mediated by our new world, and that the nature of states, which are defined by how people exchange information, economic value, and force, would also change.

We saw that the merger between existing state structures and the internet created an opening to change the nature of states.

First, recall that states are systems through which coercive force flows. Factions within a state may compete for support, leading to democratic surface phenomena, but the underpinnings of states are the systematic application, and avoidance, of violence. Land ownership, property, rents, dividends, taxation, court fines, censorship, copyrights and trademarks are all enforced by the threatened application of state violence.

Most of the time we are not even aware of how close to violence we are, because we all grant concessions to avoid it. Like sailors smelling the breeze, we rarely contemplate how our surface world is propped up from below by darkness.

In the new space of the internet what would be the mediator of coercive force?

Does it even make sense to ask this question? In this otherworldly space, this seemingly platonic realm of ideas and information flow, could there be a notion of coercive force? A force that could modify historical records, tap phones, separate people, transform complexity into rubble, and erect walls, like an occupying army?

The platonic nature of the internet, ideas and information flows, is debased by its physical origins. Its foundations are fiber optic cable lines stretching across the ocean floors, satellites spinning above our heads, computer servers housed in buildings in cities from New York to Nairobi. Like the soldier who slew Archimedes with a mere sword, so too could an armed militia take control of the peak development of Western civilization, our platonic realm.

The new world of the internet, abstracted from the old world of brute atoms, longed for independence. But states and their friends moved to control our new world -- by controlling its physical underpinnings. The state, like an army around an oil well, or a customs agent extracting bribes at the border, would soon learn to leverage its control of physical space to gain control over our platonic realm.

It would prevent the independence we had dreamed of, and then, squatting on fiber optic lines and around satellite ground stations, it would go on to mass intercept the information flow of our new world -- its very essence even as every human, economic, and political relationship embraced it. The state would leech into the veins and arteries of our new societies, gobbling up every relationship expressed or communicated, every web page read, every message sent and every thought googled, and then store this knowledge, billions of interceptions a day, undreamed of power, in vast top secret warehouses, forever. It would go on to mine and mine again this treasure, the collective private intellectual output of humanity, with ever more sophisticated search and pattern finding algorithms, enriching the treasure and maximizing the power imbalance between interceptors and the world of interceptees. And then the state would reflect what it had learned back into the physical world, to start wars, to target drones, to manipulate UN committees and trade deals, and to do favors for its vast connected network of industries, insiders and cronies.

But we discovered something. Our one hope against total domination. A hope that with courage, insight and solidarity we could use to resist. A strange property of the physical universe that we live in.

The universe believes in encryption.

It is easier to encrypt information than it is to decrypt it.

We saw we could use this strange property to create the laws of a new world. To abstract away our new platonic realm from its base underpinnings of satellites, undersea cables and their controllers. To fortify our space behind a cryptographic veil. To create new lands barred to those who control physical reality, because to follow us into them would require infinite resources.
And in this manner to declare independence.

Scientists in the Manhattan Project discovered that the universe permitted the construction of a nuclear bomb. This was not an obvious conclusion. Perhaps nuclear weapons were not within the laws of physics. However, the universe believes in atomic bombs and nuclear reactors. They are a phenomenon the universe blesses, like salt, sea or stars.

Similarly, the universe, our physical universe, has that property that makes it possible for an individual or a group of individuals to reliably, automatically, even without knowing, encipher something, so that all the resources and all the political will of the strongest superpower on earth may not decipher it. And the paths of encipherment between people can mesh together to create regions free from the coercive force of the outer state. Free from mass interception. Free from state control.

In this way, people can oppose their will to that of a fully mobilized superpower and win. Encryption is an embodiment of the laws of physics, and it does not listen to the bluster of states, even transnational surveillance dystopias.

It isn't obvious that the world had to work this way. But somehow the universe smiles on encryption.
Cryptography is the ultimate form of non-violent direct action. While nuclear weapons states can exert unlimited violence over even millions of individuals, strong cryptography means that a state, even by exercising unlimited violence, cannot violate the intent of individuals to keep secrets from them.

Strong cryptography can resist an unlimited application of violence. No amount of coercive force will ever solve a math problem.
But could we take this strange fact about the world and build it up to be a basic emancipatory building block for the independence of mankind in the platonic realm of the internet? And as societies merged with the internet could that liberty then be reflected back into physical reality to redefine the state?

Recall that states are the systems which determine where and how coercive force is consistently applied.
The question of how much coercive force can seep into the platonic realm of the internet from the physical world is answered by cryptography and the cypherpunks' ideals.

As states merge with the internet and the future of our civilization becomes the future of the internet, we must redefine force relations.
If we do not, the universality of the internet will merge global humanity into one giant grid of mass surveillance and mass control.
We must raise an alarm. This book is a watchman's shout in the night.

On March 20, 2012, while under house arrest in the United Kingdom awaiting extradition, I met with three friends and fellow watchmen on the principle that perhaps in unison our voices can wake up the town. We must communicate what we have learned while there is still a chance for you, the reader, to understand and act on what is happening.

It is time to take up the arms of our new world, to fight for ourselves and for those we love.
Our task is to secure self-determination where we can, to hold back the coming dystopia where we cannot, and if all else fails, to accelerate its self-destruction.
-- Julian Assange, London, October 2012
I fear imperiling my very soul even reading this. I move that we refer to the writer hence forth as "the uniLeaker" as not to bring down the righteous wrath of the m4wNSA <---i threw "m4w" in to ward off the webbots>
I fear imperiling my very soul even reading this. I move that we refer to the writer hence forth as "the uniLeaker" as not to bring down the righteous wrath of the m4wNSA <---i threw "m4w" in to ward off the webbots>

I think Assange knows what we're up against more than most

I think he is right that the internet is freeing us from mind shakles by informing us of what is going on but as with everything the power elite (pick your own euphemism for the controlling forces) want to invert this fantastic resource into something negative.

They want to take something that can expand consciousness and use it to close consciousness down. This is why they have launched a raft of legislation trying to control the internet for example: ACTA, PIPA, SOPA etc

We can talk about this on this very 2 dimensional level or we can really get down to brass tacks and realise that something is hacking into our consciousness. Something that inverts and subverts everything we do.

The reason Assanges piece has an almost metaphysical dimension to it is because he realises what energetic level this struggle is being waged on but he is constrained from talking about it plainly because he realises that the perceptions of most people are simply not ready yet to discuss openly the influence of inter-dimensional entities

You've said before that you have had a familiarity with the gnostic texts. What is your take on the entities that they are talking about?

Yeah this is where it all gets a bit weird, but bare with me

The elites in various countries have been communicating with outside forces. These forces have been documented for thousands of years. The Nag hammadi scripts that were discovered last century discuss these entities.

Here's alex jones talking about them and i'll say some more in a bit:

<a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YyxiusOOZbc" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">[video=youtube;BGrBu1CgK4o]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BGrBu1CgK4o[/video]
Here's Terence McKenna talking about people merging with machines. He had DMT experiences and communicated with the entities:

More and more things are being computerised. We live in a surveilance society where all information is on computers, cameras and microphones are all on computers even our nuclear facilities are on computers and the internet is like the synapses of a giant brain wrapping itself around the world

The elites are currently working on artificial intelligence and what happens when they plug that into the internet?

I think Assange is right to raise some concerns
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I think [the uniLeaker] knows what we're up against more than most

I think he is right that the internet is freeing us from mind shakles by informing us of what is going on but as with everything the power elite (pick your own euphemism for the controlling forces) want to invert this fantastic resource into something negative.

They want to take something that can expand consciousness and use it to close consciousness down. This is why they have launched a raft of legislation trying to control the internet for example: ACTA, PIPA, SOPA etc

We can talk about this on this very 2 dimensional level or we can really get down to brass tacks and realise that something is hacking into our consciousness. Something that inverts and subverts everything we do.

The reason [the uniLeaker] 's piece has an almost metaphysical dimension to it is because he realises what energetic level this struggle is being waged on but he is constrained from talking about it plainly because he realises that the perceptions of most people are simply not ready yet to discuss openly the influence of inter-dimensional entities

You've said before that you have had a familiarity with the gnostic texts. What is your take on the entities that they are talking about?

Call me a Luddite but the internet is not the Platonic realm, its the mail.

states are systems through which coercive force.............. flows. the underpinnings of states are the systematic application, and avoidance, of violence. Land ownership, property, rents, dividends, taxation, court fines, censorship, copyrights and trademarks are all enforced by the threatened application of state violence.

I would add to this that the state reserves a monopoly on the use of force and whole heartedly agree with this construct as being a viable system in which 21st century humans can live and thrive in.

The state would leech into the veins and arteries of our new societies, gobbling up every relationship expressed or communicated

there are property rights at stake in the internet therefore violence is warranted in the protection of those property rights

It is easier to encrypt information than it is to decrypt it.
This certainly has a Platonic feel to it. Perhaps it is a natural right.

Perhaps nuclear weapons were not within the laws of physics
definitely Gnositic.
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Until he beats the Creep rap he is going to have very little traction in the US. Sweden is perceived as one of the most un misogynistic countries in the world.

He comes across as wanting to give NAMBLA a place to call home.

Until he beats the Creep rap he is going to have very little traction in the US.
That won't come from the mainstream media because they are helping to tarnish his reputation because they are a part of the control mechanism

Sweden is perceived as one of the most un misogynistic countries in the world.

It has nothing to do with gender politics. It has to do with the fact that Sweden has lucrative military contracts with the US eg fighter planes with SAAB

Sweden is going to tow the line with the US and for this reason they will get Assange on something...he will not get a fair trial there...they are stitching him up for the US

He comes across as wanting to give NAMBLA a place to call home.

he's had nothing to do with under age sex and you're only helping to create a false image with that kind of association

Put yourself in his shoes...imagine you'd carried out some effective journalism that showed the public information that is in the public interest so the government you have exposed tries to smear your name globally
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In politics, it is all about perception.

The Platonic realm exists with in each of us. The elites do not control access to it.
Call me a Luddite but the internet is not the Platonic realm, its the mail..

It is much more than that!

It is a store house of information. For example the CIA have an interface with facebook which assange has pointed out is the most extensive spy database in the world....its a stasi wet dream!

I would add to this that the state reserves a monopoly on the use of force and whole heartedly agree with this construct as being a viable system in which 21st century humans can live and thrive in.

Even when the 'state' is taken over by private interests?

there are property rights at stake in the internet therefore violence is warranted in the protection of those property rights

Even when those rights are determined by private interests?

This certainly has a Platonic feel to it. Perhaps it is a natural right.

definitely Gnositic.

I think its something worth protecting
the state is a conglomeration of private interests.
the state is a conglomeration of private interests.

Run by a handful in their interests at the expense of the rest

The internet is a powerful new tool and should be treated with respect the same way that nuclear power should be
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CIA using facebook to build a global facial biometric record:
