INFJ Forum

INFJ Forum

Thank you! Im super glad to meet you too! We could all use a little more Dopamine! (Figuratively and literally, hehe)
Lady Jolanda
Lady Jolanda
I don't mean to sound like an ass, but what does figurative dopamine look like?
Oh gosh, dopamine is a bitch of a neurotransmitter. It’s the Apple offered to Eve, the reason for most bad decisions, the longing, the gut twist in unrequited love, the exhilaration of chase. The seat of destructive addiction. I chose it as a name in self deprecating moment of clarity to feelings I was having. I wish for everyone healthy dopamine surges towards beautiful goals.
@Lady Jolanda what I meant by figuratively is the person named @Dopamine lol. We could all use a little more of her in our life because she's so sweet. Lol. But literally speaking, dopamine is a neurotransmitter that is part of our reward system. Say like when we eat chocolate or have sex, or do anything we really enjoy. That pleasure happy feeling. :) Ofc we need more of that too. Hehe
Lady Jolanda
Lady Jolanda
Ooooo, I see. Thanks for explaining what you meant, I would have never guessed you meant the person Dopamine.
Hehe metaphors can be used for anything to me! It provides meaning when it's hard to describe something! Not that ppl don't have meaning though. Obviously lol
Lady Jolanda
Lady Jolanda
I know what you mean. (lol)
@April the tricky thing about dopamine is that the first time you experience something pleasurable you get a whopping dose of Dopamine...But, forever after dopamine spikes when you are somehow primed to imagine obtaining that pleasure again. It is irritating as fuck and stresses you out until the object of that stimulus is obtained. That's why love is so god damned painful and exhilarating. Also how addiction works.
Oh and thanks, I'm here. I'm flattered you like that. You guys are offering me a really valuable outlet that I sincerely need right now. The pleasure is mine.